Page 1.                                    Crofton Parish Council


     Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 21 June 2011.                             


Present;          Councillors,    Chalkley, Affleck, Bennett, Hewitt, Jacques, Kimbley, Makin, Ripley, Schofield and Towns.


In attendance;                       2 members of the public

                                                District Councillor Cummings and Manifield


Cllr Affleck offered his apologies to each individual for any offence or upset he had caused as a result of his actions at the previous meeting.

Cllr Makin offered his unreserved apologies to the Parish Council for his actions at the previous meeting.


06/038             Report from W.Y.Police Officers working on Crofton Safe Scheme PS Day presented his report covering 17 May to 21 June.         

Cllr Makin notified him of the Football Gala  being held at the Sidings Fields the coming week-end and asked that he notify the local NPT.

Cllr Ripley asked if was aware of an affray that had occurred on Doncaster Road between neighbours over an area of land that had been enclosed. PS Day had noted a report that stated Police Officers had attended and persons were detained.

Cllr Jacques informed PS Day and members that an Alsatian dog at the White House on Church Road was proving intimidating to the public when passing the property, he asked the District Councillors to inform the Dog Warden to address the matter.

PS Day was asked to patrol Shay Lane to deter inappropriate parking at the School.

He was also asked to patrol the approach road to Coppers Lake, as concerns had been raised at the fishing meeting about the behaviour of youths.

Members were introduced to PC Jackson, who was using an off-road vehicle in an operation known as Matrix, to target crime in areas known as ‘hot spots’. They were liaising with the NPT and other agencies to share intelligence and would also be seeking the support and help from the local councils to reduce crime.


06/039             Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report.

Having received information from the Clerk about the action suggested by WMDC that the Parish Council should take concerning travellers using the field opposite the Cock & Crown for their horses, District Councillors had contacted the department concerned, this had now resulted in WMDC contacting the landowner about what action should be taken to deter any future occurrence.

Cllr Cummings informed members that a report about the Nine Lakes project was not expected till September.

Cllr Cummings thanked Parish Councillors for attending the recent fishing meeting. It

had been well attended and another meeting had been arranged for the 18 July at the Parish Centre. Following discussion, one idea suggested for the future was to provide alternative fishing platforms. In response to Cllr Makin asking about the pipe that had been damaged due to it being blocked, it was confirmed that it had been repaired.

Following the request to re-investigate the problematic dogs on the public footpath at Larkdale Farm, Cllr Manifield had contacted Virginia Moulton the Rights of Way

Officer for WMDC, whilst awaiting feedback he asked members if they were aware

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of any further incidents which had occurred. As there were none reported Cllr Chalkley offered to visit the area to see if the problem was still evident.

He had given WMDC Highways the information received from members about ownership of the land at Santingley Lane, investigations were being conducted to establish responsibility for the cutting of the overgrown hedge (see minute 02/165).

District Councillors were requested to assist with the following matters;

With regard to the request made to PS Day concerning inappropriate parking at Shay Lane School (minute 06/038), the placing of ‘School’ road markings would help deter parking.

Cllr Towns stated that the hedge overhanging the footpath on Doncaster Road opposite the Cock & Crown needed attention.

Cllr Kimbley stated that the hedge at 16 Shay Lane was now overgrown again.

Other areas that needed attention to the hedges were 18/29 Slack Lane, and 11 Wentworth Drive.

The traffic sign outside Sainsbury’s had been twisted out of position.

With regard to the safety of children crossing the High Street and comment that there was no area in which to safely place a pedestrian crossing (see minute 03/183), an alternative would be to contact WMDC Traffic Safety Officer, Bob Whyatt and ask for a raised traffic hump.


06/040                         Public Participation session

A resident informed members of an incident involving youths acting suspiciously at houses on Meadowfield Drive, she had reported the matter to the police.

Cllr Cummings suggested that the fitting of a light sensor may be of assistance.

The resident was thanked for reporting the matter to the police so that they were aware of the incident and could monitor the area.


06/041                         Apologies for absence          

District Councillor Lodge; not received.

Councillors; Dart, Voros and Wrigg.


06/042                         Declarations of Interest

Cllr Affleck declared an interest concerning funding for Crofton Choir.


06/043                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 17 May 2011, were signed as a true record by the Chairman.


06/044                         Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

Cllr Bennett provided information to members about the meeting with the All Saints Church Standing Committee to discuss parking (see minute 05/026). To help alleviate the congestion the following were suggested. ‘No Parking’ being placed on the approach to the Church (at the brow of the hill), the removal of the grit bin on Church Road and whether the traffic island outside the school could be utilised.

The use of the land opposite the entrance to Church Road would be unlikely to be pursued as access would need to be via the School grounds. A further suggestion was to utilise part of the cemetery grounds via the access road off Sandown Avenue,  however this was confirmed as being a private road.


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The Clerk reported that;

Since receiving a response from the Head of the High School asking for suggestions to remedy the damage to the verge on the old library site, the offer had been withdrawn, this was due to the uncertainty of responsibilities should the status of the school be changed to that of an Academy.

A request had been sent to WMDC Highways to clean gully’s in the Crofton area, the Clerk was asked to confirm this had been actioned.

David Oxley from the High School had now contacted the Clerk about the work being carried out at the Pontefract Road allotment site (see minute 06/045).

The owners of the field adjacent to Cock &Crown had now been contacted by WMDC and asked to erect a fence to deter travellers from accessing the land via the War Memorial (see minute 06/039).

Despite contacting WMDC Neighbourhood Action about rubbish/debris on land at Slack Lane, it was thought this had not been actioned (see minute 06/048). The Clerk was asked to confirm if this had been done.

A further request for a Tree Preservation Order listing had been submitted.


06/045                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Members were asked for their agreement to the appointment of Cllr Dart to the working party, this was agreed.

A suggestion received about the installation of a camera and alarm box to assist with the security of the building was rejected.

Report Village Association

Cllr Makin reported that;

Due to the flooding, it had become evident that additional work was needed to the ceiling in the Gentleman’s toilet area.

Members were in agreement to provide PC Jackson with a key to gain access to the Sidings fields (see also minute 06/038).

The Clerk informed members that 4 applications had been received for the position of cleaner, applications and a job description had been sent to each.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that;

The entrance gate to the Hare Park allotments was sometimes not being locked, he was concerned that this would encourage unwanted visitors.

The car park area was being used for the tipping of rubbish, he had noted that even glass was being left.

Members agreed to a meeting with David Oxley from the High School to discuss and agree future plans for the Pontefract Road allotments, the meeting was confirmed for the 28 June in the Parish Centre.

Report Parish Cemetery

The resident status of Stephen Gaunt was discussed under agenda item 18.

The request for a memorial from Abby Sharratt was discussed under agenda item 18.


06/046                         Discuss Traffic issues

Further to the receipt of the plan showing the slow markings to be introduced on

Doncaster Road , members felt that another should be added at the junction of Slack Lane, the Clerk would contact Cllr Cummings to request this.

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The Clerk was asked to enquire if Normanton Town Council were still holding Road Safety meetings and if so when and where they were being held, however a resident in attendance commented that the meetings had ceased.


06/047                         Parish Plan

Cllr Chalkley informed members that a meeting was to be arranged for the 1st week of September to finalise the plan.


06/048                         Cleansing/Environment

Cllr Towns commented on the following;

The Electrical sub station was once again in need of cleansing, the Clerk would contact CE Electric and report the matter.

The Scout Hut was overgrown with foliage, the Clerk was asked to contact the Scout Group and inform them that this would be discussed in depth at the next Parish Council meeting.

The land at Slack Lane which was the former betting shop was overgrown with foliage and was in need of cleansing. The Clerk had informed Neighbourhood Action

(see minute 05/030), he was asked to seek confirmation that action would be taken.

The parade of shops on Ashdene Drive were in need of attention, the Clerk was asked to contact Cllr Cummings to seek a solution.

It was noted that the car park on the former Library site, was in need of sweeping, the Clerk was asked to make arrangements for this to be done.


06/049                         Planning Notifications

With regard to planning application 11/00950/FUL 11 Spring Lane, Cllr Affleck wanted to ensure that if the dilapidated building contained any asbestos it would be dealt with in an appropriate manner, the Clerk was asked to contact WMDC Planning to ensure the concern was noted.

With regard to planning application 11/00819/FUL St Josephs Church, Cllr Bennett raised concern about the siting of the portable classroom and for which disability group the facility was to be used by. The Clerk was asked to contact WMDC Planning to seek clarification.

Cllr Ripley informed members that he had been approached by residents concerned about the work being carried on at 19 Weeland Road and whether it was part of the original permission, he had approached WMDC Planning who were to investigate further.


06/050                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections,

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly accounts.

Members agreed to discuss the request for funding from Crofton Choir under agenda item 18.

Cllr Bennett presented the accounts for the Crofton Village Association, which were discussed and accepted by members.                                                                    


06/051                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular,

Note 3; Members agreed to purchase books for the benefit of the new Councillors on

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the Parish Council

Having been given the information for the Wakefield Together Partnership (see minute 05/033) which concerned community safety, Cllr Bennett informed members that Crofton was classed as Wakefield Rural. He informed members that the next meeting for Wakefield Rural would be held at Sandal Rugby Club on the 07 July from 6.30pm


06/052                         Parish matters

A resident of Sandown Avenue had written to the Parish Council asking for trees in the cemetery (which were overhanging her property) to be pruned, having discussed the request, members asked the Clerk to seek a quote for the work.

Members discussed the e-mail received from Mr Peacock the landowner of the area known as ‘The Crofton Triangle’. He had approached WMDC Planning with a view to build affordable housing but was also seeking the views of members on how the land could be developed for the benefit of residents. Cllr Ripley informed members that the area was already a valuable asset to wildlife such as the water vowl, any development would have to take this into account. Comment was made that it could become a country park and perhaps incorporated into the Walton Nature reserve. The Clerk was asked to convey these ideas to Mr Peacock and to ask if he had any further suggestions.

Further to the incident on Doncaster Road (see minute 06/038), Cllr Ripley had contacted WMDC Highways to report that the erection of fencing had enclosed a light column and was obstructing the sight line.

It was noted that the condition of the Copse had become unsightly, the Clerk was asked to contact T&D Contractors and request that the area be given further attention.

The Clerk was asked to contact WMDC Neighbourhood Action about the condition of both ginnels between Slack Lane and Churchway.

Cllr Bennett asked members if the bus service had been resumed on Pontefract Road, as members were unsure the Clerk was asked to enquire further.


06/053                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday, 19 July 2011 at 7pm in Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


06/054             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


06/055                         Matters to be discussed in private

It was agreed that Crofton Choir had already received sufficient funding from the Parish Council, but could seek funding at a future date.

Members would consider minor variations to the standard rectangular shape for a memorial, but the measurements would have to comply with the rules.

Members voted as follows; 6 For 0 Against, the resident status of Stephen Gaunt was therefore accepted.


Signed ………………………………                        Date…………………..                      Chairman Crofton Parish Council