Page 1.                                    Crofton Parish Council

       Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 16th June 2009.                             


Present;                      Councillors, Chalkley (Chair), Bennett, Duffy, Hewitt,

Makin, Ripley, Schofield, Voros and Wrigg.

In attendance;           5 members of the public

                                    District Councillor Lodge


06/037                         Receive report from West Yorkshire Police         

PC Laybourne presented the Police Safe Scheme report for the month of May 2009 due to PC Daley being absent.

Further to the report about the person arrested on suspicion of a bogus official, Cllr Chalkley asked PC Laybourne in which area this had occurred, as he did not have that information he was asked to inform Cllr Chalkley at a later date.

Cllr Wrigg had been asked by a resident who owned an unlicensed quad bike, where he could legally use it, PC Laybourne stated only on private land, however he would check with a colleague the accuracy of that information.

Cllr Hewitt stated that he was aware of the theft of a Landrover, where it was alleged that the suspect was from South Kirkby, PC Laybourne was not aware of this.

Cllr Chalkley read a report received from Inspector Brear concerning activities carried out in New Crofton, PC Laybourne suggested that it would be useful to get Inspector Brear to attend Parish Council meetings as often as possible.

PC Laybourne also commented that off-road motorcyclists were a particular problem in the area.


06/038                         Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

Cllr Cummings although absent, had forwarded a report to update members on previous matters raised, in particular;

The WMDC Environment Officer Ian Jones, had been contacted following the information from Cllr Schofield about overgrown vegetation in the WMDC Cemetery.

Regarding the poor condition of a house on Thorntree Avenue reported by Cllr Wrigg, the property had been inspected by WDH, they felt that refurbishment works carried out had resulted in the debris, they were unable to gain access to the garden to inspect

the area.(it was noted that the property was privately owned).

The problem reported by the Manager of the Slipper Public House about recycle bins had now been rectified.

Cllr Lodge reported her dissatisfaction with the response received from WMDC Officers, following her efforts to have the bin replaced at the Parish Centre. She stated that WMDC were operating outside the constitution which stated they had to respond to District Councillor requests within specific time scales. Cllr Makin stated his dismay of such events and commented that the same frustration was experienced by Parish Councillors.

Cllr Lodge was asked by Cllr Hewitt why she had not regularly attended Parish Council meetings, Cllr Lodge stated this was due to attendance at other meetings.

Cllr Ripley asked if Cllr Lodge would contact WMDC Highway Maintenance about

having the ditch (adjacent to the field on Doncaster Road) cleaned. He asked if she

would also request that the feed pipe that led from the ditch to Coppers Lake

be investigated for any blockages, as water tended to pool there.

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06/039                         Public Participation session

Whilst still in attendance, PC Laybourne was asked by a resident if he could take action against both adults and youths, who were causing a disturbance in the bus shelter at Rectory Crescent. Although she had reported the matter no action had been taken, PC Laybourne stated that the grade applied to the request would dictate the response time.

Another resident stated that similar problems were being experienced in the bus shelter further along High Street heading towards New Crofton.

In response PC Laybourne stated he would send an e-mail informing all appropriate officers, to not merely talk to the perpetrators, but to take action. It was also suggested that Safe Scheme officers could be deployed regularly to resolve the problem.

A resident asked if there had been any response to the petition sent to WMDC concerning the abandoned shop at Hawthorn Avenue; Cllr Chalkley informed them that he had received a letter from the Deputy Leader of WMDC, Cllr Denise Jeffrey, stating she would try and resolve the matter.

It was reported that there were still large amounts of soil to be removed following work on the new cycle track at the Sidings. Cllr Chalkley informed those present that he, Cllr Makin and Cllr Cummings, had met with the WMDC Rights of Way officer at the site to raise questions such as, why the track was so wide and also to ask for better access at either entrance and for safety features to stop potential mis-use.

Whilst the Parish Council still reserves the right to challenge the legality of the project, assurances were given that safety barriers would be installed to prevent cars using the track and that the remainder of the works i.e repairs to the Access Track, would be completed.

A resident asked if the Parish Council would assist in seeking a response from Wakefield District Housing concerning their criteria on the allocation of housing within the village, following problems that had recently experienced.


06/040                         Apologies for absence          

District Councillor Cummings and Isherwood

Councillor Jacques and Towns.


06/041                         Declarations of Interest

Cllr Bennett declared his interest with regard Planning and Highway matters


06/042                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 19th May 2009, were signed as a true record by the Chairman.


06/043                         Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk reported that;

He was still awaiting a response from WMDC Traffic & Transportation over the traffic calming measures.

He was still awaiting a response from Metro/ WMDC Traffic & Transportation about the withdrawal of the bus service

Cllr Chalkley updated members about comments concerning the cycle track (see minute 06/039).

The Clerk confirmed that the condition of 29a Slack Lane would need to get worse


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before action could be taken, no response had been received from the landowners’ agent either.

Further to the information provided on how to remove small amounts of asbestos and

in answer to the question of how much asbestos was contained on the allotments, it

was decided that Cllrs Hewitt and Chalkley, would arrange via the Allotments Working Party, to Risk Assess the Hare Park allotments to ascertain the scale of the problem.


06/044                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Duffy asked members to give consideration to a possible request from the Carnival Committee for the use of tables from the Parish Centre. Members agreed to the request.

Report Village Association

Cllr Makin asked the Clerk to contact Crofton High School, to seek permission to use the football pitch for use by Crofton Juniors AFC on Sunday mornings.

This was to be an alternative to using the Priory School field.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that;

Improvement works to the access road at the Hare Park site had begun, the initial levelling had been completed, the Clerk was asked to send payment.

He informed the Clerk that an allotment was not being cultivated, he would provide details to enable the Clerk to send correspondence to deal with the matter.

Report Parish Cemetery

Nothing to report


06/045                         Discuss Traffic issues

Cllr Ripley stated he had contacted Colin Aylward (the contact for the Normanton and Wakefield Road Safety Committee), he was to be sent the minutes from the meetings.

Cllr Chalkley gave thanks to Cllrs Duffy and Towns for their efforts in conducting the survey at Doncaster Road/Pinfold Drive (see minute 05/027).


06/046                         Parish Leases

Nothing to report.


06/047                         Cleansing/Environment

Cllr Hewitt informed members that the road sweeper had been effectively deployed on Hare Park Lane.

Cllr Duffy commented on the poor condition of gardens on High Street adjacent to the shops, the Clerk was asked to send letters to the residents seeking their support in clearing the rubbish and debris that was evident.


06/048                         Planning Notifications

Members raised no objections to the applications received.

The Clerk confirmed he had re-submitted the original objections to the amended application received from the Community Centre.

Comment was made about the possible allocation of car parking on the former Calderford Garage site (at the junction of Barnsley Road/Doncaster Road), it was hoped this would not impact to traffic delays on Doncaster Road.

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06/049                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections,

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly accounts and having been given copies of the Village Association accounts offered no further comment.

Cllr Chalkley demonstrated with the use of a display board, why yearly contributions had not been awarded to the Scout Group.

It was proposed that a contribution of £912 be given. It was discussed whether a full contribution should be made or whether a partial amount be initially given with the balance paid following agreed improvement works by the Scout Group,. Members voted as follows; 1 For 7 Against, paying the full contribution. It was therefore agreed that £570 be paid initially with the balance of £342 being paid following the improvement work.


06/050                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular

Note 5; Members agreed to defer a decision on filling the vacancies for Parish Councillors by co-option, but agreed to have the matter decided at the next Parish Council meeting. It was agreed that it would be the first item on the Agenda.

Note 7; Members agreed to give further consideration to the request from All Saints Church, before making a decision


06/051                         Parish matters

Cllr Chalkley commented on recent requests from residents about the cutting back of trees in the village.

Cllr Bennett commented that the trees on Springhill Drive needed cutting.

Further to the e-mail received from residents at 9 & 11 Pinfold Drive, it was agreed that before any decision would be taken for the removal of any trees, the Clerk would seek clarification from the WMDC Arboriculturist, whether the trees constituted a problem.

The Clerk informed members that his request for a copy of the letter from the residents which stated that the Parish Council had given a commitment to cut the trees every 3 years, had not been received.

Cllr Schofield made members aware that a resident had complained about the funeral hearse (when conducting a funeral), obstructing his right of entry to there property.

Cllr Chalkley would visit the owner about the matter.

Cllr Bennett enquired about when the hanging baskets were to be installed, he was informed it would be during the present week.


06/052                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 21st July 2009 at 7pm in                               Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


06/053             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


06/054                         Matters to be discussed in private

There were none.

Signed                                                                         Date                                        Chairman Crofton Parish Council