Crofton Parish Council


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on

Tuesday 15th June 2004 in The High School at 7.00 pm.



     Present: Councillors: Mrs K Duffy, Mrs G Towns, Mrs W Wrigg, S Bennett, T Chalkley, S Duffy, P Jacques

                        A Ripley & J Voros


                        Residents: Mrs P Baines, Mrs C Dickinson, Mrs R Salt, Rev A Jordan, Mr. B Murphy &

                        Mr G Schofield


                                                     West Yorkshire Police:     Pc P McMahon


                        District Councillors Ms M Cummings,

                        G Isherwood & A Manifield


                                                     The Clerk:     J F Shillitoe


     Apologies: Councillors: GP Jackson & JR Hewitt


                 The chairman Cllr P Jacques presided over the meeting. Cllr Jacques opened the meeting by welcoming and congratulating the three district councillors on their recent election to Wakefield MDC. He also explained that Dr Beal had had to postpone his visit until July.


04/109       West Yorkshire Police


                 1. Safe Scheme


Pc McMahon (Paul) presented his report for May, stating that the Parish was reasonable quiet at this time; he had therefore stopped ‘chasing’ youths on Friday evenings, switching resources to early mornings. Paul introduced Pc Laybourne one of the officers working on the safe scheme.


The usual list of priorities had been addressed, officers were making regular visits to the cemetery, trouble at the Health Centre seems to have subsided and a motorcyclist had been stopped and warned, should he be stopped again the motorcycle will be confiscated.


The placing of the slow down stickers on wheelie bins had gone smoothly, however, Paul reported that some of them have subsequently been removed.


Paul reported that he had made enquiries into the use of Crofton Triangle by off road motorcycles. It transpires that the owner is planning to lease the area to two guys who want to establish an off road club on the site. The site would be managed professionally; earth bankings (bunds) would be established to prevent noise pollution and security improved to deter use outside of club hours. The club could meet up to 28 times a year.


Cllr Chalkley reported that he had visited the site to monitor noise levels. On site, a level of 80 DBs was recorded, 67 DBs in Brandhill and 75 DBs from a passing car, whilst stood at the side of Shay Lane. To compare, levels of 75 DBs had been recorded during the council meeting. In summary, the noise levels were not excessive, the major problem being the continuous drone of the machines.




Cllr Chalkley added that anyone considering taking a lease on the site to operate such a club would have to be well insured and very secure to ensure non-club members are kept out.


Cllr Bennett reminded members that the site should be undergoing restoration as part of the planning conditions imposed following the extraction of shale at the site.


It was agreed that the clerk contact planning to ascertain the position regarding restoration of the site.


                 The priorities for July to be:


                 Foot Patrol – As required, concentrating on the village centre, Crofton High School, Crofton Infants, Royal Oak, Medical Centre along with any other areas brought to the attention of the safe scheme officers.


                 To look into youths playing ball games in Sandown Avenue.


            Monitor the Parish Cemetery.


            Discourage illegal use of motorcycles at Priory Ridge, Towers Close and adjacent land, High Street and Hare Park Sidings.


            Address problem with youths in the vicinity of Rectory Crescent


            Monitor the area adjacent to the Pavilion on Hare Park Sidings.


04/110       Public Participation Session


1.     Skate Park – Hare Park Lane.


                 Mrs Salt asked who would be responsible for the insurance of the Skate Park when constructed.


       Cllr Ripley advised that Wakefield MDC would control the site once operational; therefore, the site would be covered by their insurance.


2.     Wayside Markers – Lodge Lane


       Mrs Baines reported that several wayside markers along Lodge Lane are damaged and in need of replacing.


The Chairman informed Mrs Baines that the matter had already been reported.


3.     Sandown Avenue


          Residents of Sandown Avenue expressed concerns over the following matters.


·       Youths playing ball games in the street and on the parking areas adjacent to garages.

·       Motorists seemingly unaware that Sandown Avenue is a dead end travelling at excessive speed.


          They asked if it would be possible to erect signs forbidden Ball Games.


The chairman advised that, as the area was privately owned it was down to the landowners to arrange.





Cllr Ripley advised that when the traffic order reduced the speed limit to 20 mph Highways wouldn’t consider traffic calming due to the short length of the avenue.


                 It was agreed that the clerk would advise safe scheme officers asking that they include

       Sandown Ave on their evening patrols, contacts Highways asking for a No Through Road sign to be erected at the junction with Harrison Road.


4.     Crofton Carnival – 26 June 2004.


       Mrs Dickinson reminded members that the carnival would be held on 26 June 2004 and that councillors were asked to join the opening parade.


Cllr Jacques and Chalkley advised that they would join the parade; Cllr Ripley also agreed but may be a little late.


5.     Stocks Lane.


          Reverend Jordan asked if the council could assist with the removal of the skip sited in Stocks Lane.


                 The clerk to contact Highways.


6.     Walton Reclamation Site.


       Mr Murphy asked if members could they could request that the Countryside Unit look into Rail Tracks recent closure of the access to the reclamation site from the Oakenshaw area.


It was agreed that the clerk contacts Virginia Moulton accordingly.


7.     Hanging Baskets


                 Mrs Dickinson reported that whilst erecting the hanging Paul Hamby had parked his vehicle in a dangerous position on more than one occasion.


                 Cllr Chalkley agreed to have a word with Paul.


04/111       Declaration of Interests in Items on the Agenda


                 No declarations were made.


04/112       Matters to be Discussed in Private


                 It was proposed, seconded and agreed that the public and the press be excluded during discussions involving staffing and the financial status of outside organisations.


04/113       Minutes


                 It was agreed that the minutes of the meetings held on 15th May were a correct record and signed by the Chairman.




04/114       Matters Arising 


1.     Youth Services


The clerk reported that he had written to the Chief Executive, copied to Wayne Jenkins and Lister Baynes but has yet had received no reply.


Cllr Manifield informed members that now that Cllrs Cummings, Isherwood & himself were elected representatives for the ward, they are in a position to pursue matters relating to the new centre. One of their first actions would be to meet with Jim Winters, Deputy Education Officer, Lister Baynes and Cllr Wayne Jenkins.


Cllr Isherwood informed members that WMDC might take the unusual step convening a planning meeting during August. If so, he was hopeful that plans for the centre would be discussed.


Cllr Bennett informed members that the architects have held a pre-planning meeting with planners, a step in the right direction.


2.     Henry Daley Memorial


                 The clerk to remind Leisure Services, that the Henry Daley Memorial Clock needs attention.


3.     Lighting Columns


The clerk reported that the lighting columns rejected by AMEY had in the main been rejected due to the fact that they already contain ‘furniture’, street signs, litterbins and the like.


The clerk also reported that due to the general poor state of the columns throughout the parish, replacement would commence in 2005, all plans for hanging baskets and lighting decorations therefore need to be finalised in order that AMEY can make the necessary arrangements.


It was agreed that Cllr Ripley lead a small sub committee which will assess the requirement then meet with AMEY.


04/115       Community Facilities - Convenors Report


                 1. Parish Centre


                 Cllr K Duffy reported that the grass had been cut; Cllr S Duffy reported that he had not been able to locate a switch to isolate the heaters.


                 It was agreed that Cllr S Duffy turn off the individual heaters, the clerk contact Joe Jennings to carry out an electrical survey of both the Centre and the Pavilion.


                 The chairman reported that Cllr K Duffy and he had visited the playgroup in an attempt to familiarise themselves with the workings of the group.


            Ailsa Scattergood had explained that the Playgroup operates as a registered charity; it is open three mornings a week with 18 infants at a cost of £3.50 per session. The income is used to settle expenses, pay wages and provide extra facilities, a non-profitable group. The group are also planning to expand to four sessions a week, beginning in September.




            Discussion took place on the future of the centre and the fees to be charged.


                 It was agreed that the clerk contacts WMDC over the survey for the centre but irrespective of its contents the fees to be increased to £10 per session. The clerk to notify the playgroup accordingly explaining that the charges for the centre had not been increased in the last fourteen years.


                 2. Village Centre


                 Cllr Bennett reported that he was still battling with Yorkshire Water over an unpaid account relating to the Cricket Square. A meeting is to be held with Yorkshire Water Engineers to address the problem.


04/116       Allotments - Convenors Report


1.     Hare Park


Cllr Voros reported that Dave Hill was erecting an additional shed on Mr Whiteman’s allotments for which no permission has been sought.


The clerk to write to Dave Hill asking for an explanation as to what the shed is to be used for and as he was now occupying Mr Whiteman’s allotments are his allotments surplus to requirements.


2.     Pontefract Road


The clerk reported that he had received a reply from The Yorkshire Local Councils Association regarding the use of the site. The only area of concern mentioned was that the lease with Mr Smith ought to have been for 1 year rather than three years. Thus making it easier to let allotments if requested to do so by six or more residents.


A request from six or more residents would have to be considered by the council but legislation does not compel the council to make more plots available, if it considers that the existing provision is sufficient.


The clerk to inform Mr Salt accordingly.


04/117       Parish Cemetery - Convenors Report


                 Mr Schofield reported that the fence had now been re-erected but no supports had been attached.


It was agreed the Mr Schofield and Cllr Ripley meet with Mr Joyce to discuss how best to strengthen the fence.


T & D have visited and everything was reasonably tidy however the soil and flower bins were unsightly and would be more aesthetically pleasing if screened in some way. Mr Schofield and

Cllr Ripley agreed to look into this.


Mr Schofield asked how long it took to manufacture the memorial plaques as several had been on order for some weeks.


The clerk explained that as the plaques are cast in brass, Vale wait until they have enough orders to produce a worthwhile batch. Timescales therefore vary depending on the number of orders received.



The chairman reported that he       had agreed that Robb Jennings lay 25 flags at a cost of £40 plus materials. Council agreed this action.


04/118        Special Services - Convenors Report


1.     Home Start


It was agreed that the clerk contact Home Start to ascertain if any Crofton Parishioners benefit from the work of the group.


2.     Crofton Scouts


     The clerk reported that the scouts have requested that the Parish Council continue to fund their use

     of schools premises. It was agreed that the council would continue


04/119       Moorhouse Opencast Liaison Committee


                 Cllr Ripley reported that no meeting had been held, matters were however progressing to schedule.


04/120      Old Library Site


                 The clerk to contact the Highways Department asking if they could arrange for the offending kerbs to be dropped.


04/121       Cleansing


            Cllrs reported that the pavement sweeper had been around the village but needed to visit on a more regular basis, also, a WMDC employee had been spotted on Harrison Road trying to clean the road without any equipment.


                 The clerk reported that he had received indications from Slack Lane Juniors and The High School that pupils would participate in the poster competition.


                 It was agreed that the clerk contact the remaining schools again, the closing date for entries to be October half term. 


04/122        Planning


                 The clerk reported that the application by Freightliner to use Santingley sidings has been refused.

                 All other applications received during the period were found to be acceptable.


04/123       Financial Matters  


                 The following accounts were submitted and approved for payment.


                 Ms Reid                                          53.20

                 Mrs Hardwick                                276.64

                 Mr Joyce                                       258.32

                 Mr Schofield                                 116.68 (Builders supply)    

          Yorkshire Water                            99.97 (Allotments)

                                                              22.24 (P Centre)

          Vale                                             60.81 (Plaque)

          Firescreen                                   62.28 (P Centre)


04/124       Correspondence


     Wakefield MDC - Minutes

- Libraries Newsletter

- Community Assembly, Agenda and Minutes

     West Yorkshire Police - Consultation Strategy

     YLCA - Notice of Annual Conference

                  All Saints Parish Church - Letter of thanks.


04/125       Parish Matters


1.     Health Centre - Seat


The clerk to contact the manager of the Health Centre in an attempt to determine, who is responsible for the upkeep of the adjacent seat.


2.     Bedford Close - Seat


The clerk to contact the Paul Harvey, WMDC Housing Manage, requesting that necessary repairs be carried out to the seat in Bedford Close.


3.     LEA Property – Theft of Stone


The clerk to contact the LEA, advising them, that stone were been removed from the walls adjacent to the High School. Suggesting that the copingstones be reset.


4.     Footpath – Middle Lane to Wragby


The clerk to request the countryside unit examine footpath no 12, which is badly overgrown.


5.     Slack Lane – Doncaster Road to Weaver green.


The clerk to contact highways, reporting that the footpath adjacent to the Weavers Green needs clearing of weeds and requesting that a footpath be established opposite, to link into the Doncaster Road crossing point.


04/126       Date of next Meeting


            Tuesday 20th July 2004.


04/127       Matters Discussed in Private


          Minuted under item 04/118.







     Chairman                                                                          20th July 2004.