Page 1.                                    Crofton Parish Council


     Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 17 July 2012.                             


Present;          Councillors; Chalkley, Bennett, Dart, Hewitt, Kimbley, Makin,

         Schofield, Towns and Wilby.


In attendance;           2 members of the public

                                    District Councillors; Cummings, Manifield and Heptinstall


07/055             Report from W.Y.Police Officers working on Crofton Safe Scheme PS Jonathan Day, presented his report covering June/July.

Further to comments made at the last meeting, a separate crime type heading for drugs had now been implemented.

He informed members that PS Matt Jackson had contacted the Agent with regard to the rental property (see minute 06/037) in order to seek a solution.

PS Day was asked to take action on the following;

Despite a white line restriction outside Lloyds Pharmacy, cars had been observed parking there.

Cars were driving past the ‘No Entry’ sign, therefore driving the wrong way to the car park on the former library site at Hare Park View.

To conduct speed checks on Doncaster Road.

Cllr Hewitt informed PS Day that a large number of youths were gathering outside the sandwich shop on High Street (next door to Premier Stores), this was creating a feeling of intimidation for those working in the shop and deterring people from using the shop, PS Day duly noted the information and would patrol the area.


07/056                         Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

Cllrs Cummings, Heptinstall and Manifield provided information to enquiries made individually by Parish Councillors, and gave an update on previous matters raised;

With regard to the shops on Ashdene Drive, a site meeting with Cllr Dart had taken place. Following this, WMDC Planning Enforcement had been contacted, they confirmed that they were able to serve an improvement notice with a schedule of works (s215) on the landlord.

Cllr Cummings was asked to arrange a similar visit to the former Bookmakers site on Slack Lane, so that an improvement notice could be served on the landlord.

With regard to the demolition of Hawthorn Court (see minute 07/066), WDH had confirmed that there would be no delay to the building work commencing and that security cameras would be installed on the new development.

Members were informed that the consultation findings, new proposals and recommendations on the future of the library service (see minute 06/051), was due to be approved by the WMDC Cabinet. The result would be published on the WMDC web site.

Members were informed of the Wakefield District Cycle Forum’s strategy to link the Hare Park cycle track throughout Crofton.

Cllr Hewitt stated that the cycle track (near the play area),h was overgrown with nettles, this had been reported to Neighbourhood Action, Cllr Cummings would enquire further to ensure action was taken.

Cllr Makin commented on the recent football tournament that had taken place on the Sidings playing fields, he asked Cllr Cummings to thank WMDC Groundworks for

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the work done in cutting the grass and preparing the pitches.

Cllr Dart sought confirmation that the dropped kerb requested at the Shay Lane entrance had been installed, this was confirmed.

Cllr Bennett asked for action to be taken on the pot holes near to the entrance and that weeds on the track be removed.

Cllr Towns was disappointed with the information received about the improving safety record on Doncaster Road (item 7 of the Agenda), especially when there had been yet another accident. Cllr Towns asked if there were any other measures that could be taken to slow traffic down. Cllr Cummings agreed with the concerns and had campaigned to have road safety initiatives introduced. She offered to approach WMDC Traffic officer Bob Whyatt and enquire what further action could be taken.

Cllr Manifield commented that a road survey across the district had identified Doncaster Road as one of the worst.

Cllr Dart asked if there was any other traffic information available on this matter which could be used for further study, PS Day offered to check and if so provide to members.

Cllr Chalkley commented on the poor condition of the planters at the Post Office, Cllr Cummings duly noted the request and would report this.

Cllr Bennett asked if the tree inspection had taken place (see minute 04/002 and 05/020), Cllr Cummings would check and inform Cllr Bennett.

Cllr Kimbley asked that the reflective signs on Harrison Road which had gone missing, be replaced.


07/057                         Public Participation session

Nothing to report


07/058                         Apologies for absence          

Councillors; Ripley and Wrigg.


07/059                         Declarations of Interest

Cllr Dart declared an interest with regard to the Crofton Village magazine (see minute 07/067).

Having reviewed the existing 2007 Code of Conduct and observing the changes introduced in relation to disclosable pecuniary interests (see minute 06/041), members were in agreement to adopt a new code of conduct with immediate effect.


07/060                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 19 June 2012, were subject to change prior to signature.


07/061                         Matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk reported that;

He had yet to receive a map from WMDC Rights of Way showing the Rights of Way within Crofton.

He had received an acknowledgement from WMDC Planning about the Bedford Farm development (see also minute 07/066). Having circulated the outline plan for the development, members had noticed some inaccurate information, the Clerk was asked to report this and to also contact Graham West, WMDC Service Manager for the

Highway Network, to enquire if he had received further information (see minute

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06/038) about water discharge. Given the recent heavy rainfall, Members wanted this concern to be a consideration.

No response had been received from David Oxley of Crofton High School (see also minute 07/062), about the water connection for the Pontefract Road allotments. The Clerk was asked to contact Yorkshire Water and submit the appropriate forms to enable this, Cllr Hewitt offered his assistance as being the contact on the day of connection.


07/062                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Dart reported that;

An enquiry had been received from the Rosemary Conley organisation concerning hiring the Centre for classes. She had met the representative and was awaiting a decision in the coming weeks.

Quotes had now been received for the new electrical work, two of the quotes had recommended making changes to the distribution board. Following discussion, it was agreed that independent advice would be sought prior to a decision on which offer and which contractor to be used.

Report Village Association

Nothing to report

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that;

He was concerned about the poor condition of the Pontefract Road allotments being used by Crofton High School, photographs had been taken and shown to members so that they were aware. David Oxley the teacher responsible, had been asked to improve the area, it was agreed that the school be approached in due course to ascertain their future intentions.

He had allocated some allotments to new users, he would send information to the Clerk in due course.

He had received reports of flooding to allotments on Hare Park Lane.

The lock on the entrance gate to the Hare Park Lane allotments had been damaged, it was agreed that this should be replaced.

Report Parish Cemetery

Nothing to report


07/063                         Traffic issues

Cllr Dart had noted that an article in the Wakefield Express stating that a £4.25m road repair plan across the district, would be implemented within the next year if approved by the WMDC Cabinet Committee. A full programme of works would be published,

the Clerk was asked to obtain this and distribute to members so that work within Crofton could be identified.


07/064                         Parish Plan

Cllr Bennett had attended a meeting about the Localism Bill, he informed members that the Parish Plan should be called a neighbourhood plan.  A forum to represent the village would have to be arranged consisting of 21 members (who could be living or working within the Crofton area), if the plan received approval from the LPA and voted for by residents, the plan would have statutory status.


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07/065                         Cleansing/Environment

The WMDC Road Sweeper was reported as being active in the village.

Concern was raised about overgrown vegetation on the footpath area of The Avenue and the ginnel between Slack Lane and Pinfold Drive, the problem had been compounded by the recent heavy rainfall. The Clerk was asked to contact WMDC Highways and ask that action be taken to remedy the situation.


07/066                         Planning Notifications

Comment was made concerning planning application 12/01367/DEM (see minute 07/056).

With regard to the objection lodged about the Bedford Farm development (see minute 07/061), some members had also lodged objections but had received no acknowledgment, the Clerk was asked to contact WMDC Planning to ascertain if such objections had been recorded and how many overall.

Following the receipt of information supplied by the Clerk regarding the land at 541/547 Doncaster Road, the Clerk was asked to respond to the Solicitors letter (see minute 06/048), using the final four points stated in the information.


07/067                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections,

Cllr Schofield noted that the receipt of £171.00 for Yoga in the monthly acccounts should have been entered against the Parish Centre and not the Cemetery, the Clerk duly noted the information and would amend the monthly and quarterly accounts.

Cllr Bennett provided information to members supporting the Crofton Village

Association Accounts for 2011-2012.

Having given due consideration to the information provided by Cllr Dart, members were in agreement to support the new village magazine and to make a payment in October of £40 for an advert.


07/068                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular,

Note 4; Cllr Bennett had attended the changing health event organised by the WMDC Together Partnership, he provided information to members about the discussion that had taken place.


07/069                         Parish matters

Cllr Hewitt informed members that WMDC Parks staff who were working on the Sidings, had stated that they would be spending less time on cutting the grass, the Village Association working party duly noted the comment.

Cllr Hewitt also mentioned that Parish Councils were to be able to have a greater input on planning matters, he suggested that a meeting be arranged with other Local Councils such as Crigglestone, Ackworth and Pontefract, so that ideas and thoughts could be shared.

Cllr Towns commented on overgrown vegetation to be seen at the Scout Hut, members agreed that this would be an agenda item for the next meeting.

The Electric sub station next to the Royal Oak public house was in need of attention, the Clerk was asked to report this.

Cllr Bennett suggested that all green spaces in the village should be registered as

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community assets to restrict any building, members were asked to submit their suggestions.


07/070                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday 18 Sept 2012 at 7pm in Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


07/071             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


07/072                         Matters to be discussed in private

Nothing discussed.


Signed ………………………………                        Date…………………..                      Chairman Crofton Parish Council