Page 1.                                          Crofton Parish Council

     Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 19 July 2011.                             


Present;          Councillors,    Chalkley, Affleck, Bennett, Hewitt, Kimbley, Makin, Ripley, Schofield, Towns, Voros and Wrigg.


In attendance;                       17 members of the public

                                                District Councillors; Cummings and Manifield.


07/056             Report from W.Y.Police Officers working on Crofton Safe Scheme Acting Sergeant Matt Jackson introduced himself and colleague Police Officer Turtle, who would be working in Ward 5, he intended to cover the area on foot and bike.

Sergeant Jackson presented his report covering 21 June to 18 July 2011.                

He informed members that he was aware of the anti-social behaviour that occurred on Friday and Saturday nights within the village.

Cllr Hewitt asked that he prevent a growing number of incidents on Hare Park Lane. There had been an incident at 2.30am which involved a resident asking occupants of a car to move on as they had been seen acting suspiciously around a number of cars, the Police were contacted and on the way to the incident they had apprehended the driver.

AS Jackson was also asked to deal with a persistent problem of suspected drug dealing on Rectory Crescent which occurred on Monday nights at about 10.00pm

Cllr Kimbley made him aware that alcohol was being sold at the Premier Store to underage youths, the comment was duly noted.

Cllr Ripley commented on a previous initiative concerning the distribution of leaflets by members, he suggested a new initiative highlighting the problems of burglary within the village would help reduce crime.

Cllr Chalkley commented about complaints received from residents living near Coppers Lake about cars being driven in a careless manner and causing damage (see minute 07/058), AS Jackson was asked to give particular attention to this matter and especially when the High School holidays commenced on Friday 22 July, as previous years showed an increase in anti social behaviour at this time.

Cllr Bennett commented on the e-mail received from Cllr Towns about the boy being knocked of his bike outside Sainsbury and asked if AS Jackson was aware of the incident, he said he was not aware but would make further enquiries.

Further to a previous request to PS Day to patrol Shay Lane to deter inappropriate parking at the School and adjacent footpaths, AS Jackson was also asked to persist with this, he stated he would not tolerate such behaviour and tickets would be issued.


07/057                         Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

Cllr Manifield distributed a report about the Coppers Lake meeting held on 13 June.

With regard to the cutting of the overgrown hedge on Santingley Lane  (see minute 06/039), much of it had now been dealt with, he asked if members were able to help with the ownership of a hedge on Oak Street to complete the task, this was confirmed as belonging to WMDC.

With regard to funding to improve the Sidings Play area, this would be received and implemented when the final designs were agreed.

Cllr Cummings confirmed that the slow sign markings had now been placed on

Doncaster Road , another for Slack Lane would be added during August.

Markings had now been painted outside Shay Lane School, comment was made

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that the markings were only on one side of the road and should have been on both sides, Cllr Cummings duly noted this.

With regard to progress on the former shop at Hawthorn Avenue, a s125 planning order had now been issued which would result in boarding being installed.

Cllr Kimbley asked District Councillors to take action on the lack of action taken on the 20 mph signs due to be installed on Shay Lane and that the chevron sign ordered for Harrison Road, Cllr Bennett commented that the placement of the sign may have a reverse effect.

Cllr Schofield reported that the hedges on Church Road had yet to be cut back.

Cllr Hewitt asked for the footpath sign at Larkdale Farm to be replaced.

Cllr Towns asked Cllr Cummings to comment on the recently received information about the closure of some libraries and which ones were to be closed, however there was still a consultation period to be undertaken concerning the future structure.

Cllr Voros stated that the condition of the former bookies site was a disgrace, Cllr Cummings agreed but there was little that could be done as it was privately owned.

Cllr Makin asked District Councillors to pass on a thank you message to WMDC Officer Mark Cropley for resolving a previously encountered problem.

Further to comment about the problematic dogs on the public footpath at Larkdale Farm (see minute 06/039), Cllr Manifield was informed of an incident involving a woman who had been attacked whilst jogging.


07/058                         Public Participation session

Present at the meeting was Mr Grundy who informed members that he had purchased St Josephs’s Church. He was in attendance to explain his future intentions and to liaise with members about their concerns over planning matters, as the Parish Council had lodged an objection. He thought an earlier meeting with members would have been useful given the size of the project, but added that he had received much local support. Other residents in attendance offered their support, Cllr Cummings would also be supporting the application. Mr Grundy was thanked for attending the meeting.

A resident commented on whether Coppers Lake was a flood defence, as it was being used for fishing again and reports of blocking the lake outlet pipe to build up water levels had been reported. The level of litter as a result had increased and the behaviour of youths in cars being used for alleged drug dealing was a problem (see minute 06/038).

Cllr Chalkley confirmed that Coppers Lake was primarily used for flood defence, he also asked that residents note the registration number of any vehicle and report it to the police for action to be taken.

Cllr Bennett explained that a fishing committee was formed to progress the provision of fishing at the Lake, and that fishing platforms would be built into the embankments

to encourage the activity.

The subject of litter had been discussed and how it should be dealt with, the club would be able to offer a measure of control via their members.

Should there be evidence of blocking the outlet pipe to increase water levels, then this should be reported to WMDC Parks & Public Realm for action to be taken by the drainage section.

Cllr Bennett informed all present that there was to be another meeting on the 5 September and all were welcome to attend.

A resident commented that litter in the village was a problem, not just at Coppers

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Lake, it was stated that community groups were being utilised to help deal with the problem as well as the WMDC Neighbourhood Action team, Cllr Cummings commented that educating youths was a key tool in controlling this problem.


07/059                         Apologies for absence          

None received for District Councillor Lodge.

Councillors; Dart and Jacques.


07/060                         Declarations of Interest

None declared.


07/061                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 17 June 2011, were signed as a true record by the Chairman.


07/062                         Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk reported that;

Further information had now been received which confirmed that the bus service on Pontefract Road had not been reinstated.

Cllr Ripley commented further on minute 06/052, Land Registry had now inspected the site which had been fenced and confirmed that it was not owned by Mr Salt.

Further to minute 05/030, correspondence had been received from WMDC Neighbourhood Action. They stated that the shops on High Street were private property so they would be unable to take action and the overgrown vegetation was not interfering with the road or path use, therefore no action would be taken.

WMDC Neighbourhood Action had been contacted about both ginnels between Slack Lane and Churchway, they had acknowledged receipt of the request and had given a date of 22 July for completion of the work. 

He had received a quote for the cutting of trees in the cemetery. Members having discussed the content, asked the Clerk to seek clarification about how some of the trees would be pruned, it was agreed to discuss the matter further at the September meeting before any action was to be taken.

Mr Peacock had noted the comments received from members concerning Crofton Triangle, he would seek support from the Parish Council before any further submissions to WMDC Planning were made.

A request for slow markings at Slack Lane had been acknowledged (minute 07/057).

T&D Contractors had now been contacted and instructed to carry out further work on the Copse.


07/063             Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Towns commented on the provision of a ramp to the entrance which would assist wheelchair users, Cllr Chalkley offered to make enquiries and subject to design and allowable costs he would purchase a ramp, members were in agreement.

Report Village Association

Cllr Makin reported that;

Work was still being done following the damage to the building, the electrical work would need to be removed to enable the plasterers to finish.

Arrangements were to be made to interview candidates for the position of Cleaner.

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Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that;

He had been approached about changing the name on an existing allotment tenancy, after discussion members agreed that the prevailing rules concerning the assignment of a tenancy be adhered to, any person wanting an allotment should be placed on the waiting list.

He was concerned about the number and size of Elderberry Trees on the Hare Park allotments and suggested that action needed to be taken. Members agreed to meet to carry out an inspection and recommend a plan of action.

The meeting with David Oxley from the High School to discuss and agree future plans for the Pontefract Road allotments had taken place as agreed, there had also been correspondence exchanged since the meeting, to establish responsibility for each stage of the process which would lead to a supply of water and a new entrance road.

Following discussion members agreed to the application for a polytunnel on an allotment garden at Pontefract Road, subject to the tenant contacting WMDC Planning to ensure no permission was needed.

Cllr Chalkley commented on an e-mail he had received from Cllr Manifield concerning the lack of a water supply and access road at Pontefract Road allotments.

Since all tenants were aware of the facilities available on the commencement of their tenancies, members were in agreement that if any tenant was not satisfied with the facilities offered there tenancy could be terminated along with a refund of the fee.

Report Parish Cemetery

Members discussed an application for a memorial received from Rayners. It was noted that the dimensions were more than those permitted and following a vote of; For 3 Against 5, the type and style of the memorial was rejected by members. The Clerk was asked to notify the company.

Members discussed an application for a memorial received from Warner Brothers,

subject to the dimensions being correct members did not object to the type and style of the memorial.

Members were asked to agree the status to be applied for an application for a memorial for Mrs Gayford. Having considered the information provided by the Clerk, it was agreed that resident status should be applied.

Cllr Bennett commented on the new pathway that had been installed, despite a membrane being laid weeds had appeared, the Clerk would liaise with Cllr Schofield and ask the contractor to rectify the matter.

Comment was also made about the condition of the memorial garden, members agreed to meet to carry out an inspection and recommend a plan of action.

Comment was also made about the number of planters appearing in front of headstones, Cllr Chalkley would contact the Smoke Signal and place an article to discourage this practice.


07/064                         Discuss Traffic issues

The Clerk had contacted the WMDC Road Safety Team about where the road safety meetings are held for Crofton, he was informed that they were held at Kirkthorpe

Community Centre and the secretary was Colin Aylward. Mr Aylward, who was in attendance at the meeting, stated that the committee needed support or it may close, he was assured that the Parish Council would offer their support.The Clerk was asked to supply his contact details to enable future meeting dates of the Committee to be forwarded to members.

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Cllr Schofield commented on the ‘zigzag’ lines recently painted outside Shay Lane School (see minute 07/057).


07/065                         Parish Plan

Cllr Bennett informed members that progress was ongoing, alterations were to be made but it was hoped that the final document would be available for September.


07/066                         Cleansing/Environment

With regard to the condition of the Copse, see minute 07/062.


07/067                         Planning Notifications

Members offered no comment to the applications received.

Cllr Ripley sought clarification on the procedure when commenting on a planning application. The procedure used was based on the agreed format within the Standing Orders, Cllr Ripley asked that this should be changed as it did not take into account all members views when a comment or planning objection was submitted.

He and some other members had not received the further information concerning planning application 11/00819/FUL being the change of use of St Josephs Church. The Clerk was asked to ensure all members received any further information which needed comment, not just members with e-mail access.


07/068                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections.

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly accounts.

Members were in agreement with the content of the quarterly accounts.


07/069                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular

Note 2; Members agreed to discuss the provision of training for new Councillors at the September meeting.

Note 5; see minute 07/056.


07/070                         Parish matters

Members agree to discuss the future of the Scout Hut under agenda item 18.

With regard to the funding for any training of new Councillors, members agreed to discuss this at the September meeting (see also minute 07/069).

Further to the Coppers Lake meeting held at the Parish Centre on 13 June a number of questions had been raised, Cllr Bennett made comment about the information received from WMDC (see minute 07/057).

Cllr Hewitt had witnessed the boundary wall between All Saints Church and 3 Rose Garth and stated that it was in a dangerous state, Cllr Manifield was asked to report the matter to WMDC as it was thought to be their responsibility.

Cllr Hewitt also commented on the hanging baskets on Harrison Road, he thought the spacing was not correct.

Cllr Kimbley asked members to consider the purchase of a seat by the Parish Council to replace the one taken away by WMDC. Despite attempts to have a replacement arranged, the matter was still outstanding with no expectation that WMDC would replace soon. With Cllr Cummings assistance he had received confirmation that there

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would be no objection to have a seat installed on the area which was owned by WMDC. Members wanted Cllr Kimbley to check where a previous seat removed by WMDC from Priory Ridge was before the purchase of a new one.


07/071                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday 20 September 2011 at 7pm in Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


07/072             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


07/073                         Matters to be discussed in private

Further to documentation received of future proposals and action already taken to the Scout Hut area, a decision on its future would be discussed at a later date.

Concerns were still prevalent about planning application 11/00819/FUL, any future correspondence received concerning the objection would be addressed when received.



Signed ………………………………                        Date…………………..                      Chairman Crofton Parish Council