Page 1.                         Crofton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 15th July 2008.                             


Present;          Councillors,    Chalkley (Chair), Bennett, Duffy K, Hewitt, Jacques, Makin, Ripley, Schofield, Towns and Wrigg.


In attendance;                       10 members of the public

                                                District Councillor Cummings.


07/055             Receive report from West Yorkshire Police         

PC Daley presented his report for the Safe Scheme covering the month of June 2008.

Cllr Towns informed members that beer cans and bottles were being discarded in the cemetery/church area.

Cllr Hewitt reported that there had been damage caused to a number of vehicles parked on Hare Park Lane and the misuse of motorbikes most evenings.

Pc Daley was asked to direct his efforts into dealing with these matters.

Members had been provided with a response from the WMDC Enforcement Officer regarding Crofton having an alcohol exclusion zone, a condition of any order instigated would need the support of the local neighbourhood policing team. Cllr Bennett asked PC Daley if he would support the order, he indicated that subject to approval from his management team he would express his concerns about alcohol causing problems in the village.

Cllr Jacques stated that traffic congestion was still evident on Slack Lane and asked PC Daley to patrol the area, he duly noted this request.

Members of the public in attendance, had observed that a quad bike was being misused, they took the opportunity to ask PC Daley to patrol the area by Greenside Park and the land to the rear of the houses.


07/056             Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

Cllr Cummings reported that;

Despite being told that the road sign at the junction of Shay Lane/Harrison Road would not be replaced, it had been.

Other issues previously reported such as; fencing on Hare Park Sidings, drain cleaning, hedge cutting and reinstating the path on Hare Park Lane had been resolved, the ginnel between Churchway and Slack Lane had been cleaned and the hedging cut back, but she was waiting for a specific date for the surfacing of Ashdene Drive.

The WMDC Pest Control Officer had attended at Coppers Lake following the request from Cllr Cummings informing him of a rat problem (see minute 06/038), his report made reference to the problem being due to the availability of food because members of the public were feeding the wildfowl on the lake. He would not be taking further action, to do so could result in harm to other species of wildlife. Cllr Bennett suggested the use of sealed traps (as used on the Highway) as an alternative solution.   

Two horse riders using the Sidings stated they had the permission of the Parish Council to use the facility, it was confirmed that no such permission had been given.

Comment was made concerning the use of the Youth Centre, the allocated days for the Youth Club were Monday and Wednesday, the restriction on the number of days

was due to financial constraints, members felt this was not conducive to keeping youths off the streets. Cllr Jacques reminded Cllr Cummings that graffiti had yet to be

removed from the rear of the Centre.

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Cllr Bennett stated that problems experienced with waste collection still persisted, the green boxes used for plastic and glass bottles were just discarded after being emptied,

he also felt that the communication concerning the effect of the strike by Council workers and when the collection of waste would occur, was not sufficient. 

Cllr Duffy K stated the shops and the immediate area covering High Street

/Meadowfields Road/Manorfields Court needed an additional clean.

Cllr Cummings was asked to contact the relevant WMDC Department with the requests and concerns of the Parish Councillors.


07/057             Public Participation session

Residents in attendance asked if the Community Centre could be contacted to arrange a litter pick, Cllr Cummings offered her support in arranging this.

Further to the June meeting, when residents were informed that the Parish Council had held talks with a representative of WMDC to establish a plan of action to improve the Coppers Lake area, a response had been received, some of the comments contained in the plan of action, confirmed that outstanding works such as, camera survey of outfall, timbers to be replaced on outfall, new outfall grill, voids in headwall to be filled would be addressed. Other comments were that fish would not be returned and that the water level would not be increased.

One resident asked if there would be an inspection to the rear of the Woodlands, this had been identified in the plan of action and was programmed for August.

Residents commented that they were appreciative of the efforts of the Parish Council

Cllr Chalkley informed all present that he had written to MP Jon Trickett seeking support for action to improve the area, but the response was not encouraging.

Cllr Ripley suggested that there should be an agenda item to discuss what finance will be allocated to the maintenance of Coppers Lake in the new financial year.

Another resident in attendance from the West Yorkshire Reptile Trust, made members and residents in attendance aware of incidents involving dogs being bitten by snakes (adders), he suggested that anyone requiring information on how to deal with a snake bite, should contact;


07/058             Apologies for absence          

District Councillor Lodge and Isherwood

Councillors; Brown, Duffy S and Voros.


07/059             Declarations of Interest

Cllr Bennett declared his interest with regard Planning and Highway matters


07/060             Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 17th June 2008, were signed as a true record by the Chairman.


07/061             Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk informed members he had received a letter from Carter Jonas (agents for the Nostell Priory Estate), it stated that they could not see any evidence of the tipping

of soil or bricks from neighbouring houses, members would visit the site to confirm this before any further response was taken.

The Clerk was informed by the WMDC Arboriculturist, that work was programmed

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for the overhanging trees on Doncaster Road, although they were covered with ivy,

this was not a sign of a rotting tree.

The trees on Bedford Close were not subject to a TPO, the clerk would make

representation on behalf of the residents concerned to the WMDC Arboriculturist Officer to have them cut back.

Further to the Clerk contacting Metro about the loose column on the brick bus shelter on Rectory Crescent/High Street, he had received an e-mail stating it would be demolished and replaced with a perspect/metal alternative, members asked the Clerk

to contact Metro and make them aware they expected it to be replaced in accordance with the existing structure.

A response had been received from the WMDC ASB unit about Crofton being an alcohol free zone, the support of the local police would be needed to implement any order.(see also minute 07/055).

Further to the Clerk visiting the Scout Hut, members agreed that a Health & Safety inspection of the site should be carried out.


07/062             Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Jacques reported that a new meter had been installed, Cllr Chalkley suggested that due to a charge being levied on the payment (as it was paid by cheque), future payment should be paid by direct debit, the Clerk confirmed that the Parish Council’s banking arrangements would be able to facilitate this, he would make enquiries and duly notify members.

Cllr Duffy K informed members that the Centre was now hired regularly for District Council Surgeries and Police meetings. Slimming World Group had enquired about hiring but their required day was Tuesday, this would coincide with the Parish Council meeting, members were in agreement that it would be beneficial for the Parish Council to arrange a different day for its meeting than not have the facility utilised, Cllr Duffy was asked to contact the Group and inform them that the facility would be made available for them.

Report Village Association

Cllr Makin reported that the decorating was now finished. It was felt that the ‘white goods’ would need to be replaced in the near future.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that allotments had been let to new tenants at Oak Street and that a skip had been hired to help clear debris.

Cllr Duffy K, made members aware that the driveway throughout the Hare Park Allotments was in need of repair, members having discussed the matter agreed to seek quotes to remedy the situation.

Report Parish Cemetery

Further to comments about the trees in the cemetery (see Minute 06/044), Cllr Schofield felt that there was not a problem, members agreed to re-inspect the area at a future date. It was agreed that the garage door was in need of painting to cover the graffiti, Cllr Schofield would make arrangements for this to be done.


07/063             Discuss Traffic issues

Cllr Schofield asked if there was any information about speed limits to be introduced on Shay Lane, the Clerk stated he had received documentation which proposed the

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removal of the national speed limit of 60mph from a section of Shay Lane between Walton and Crofton. This would be reduced to 30mph on the approach to Walton and

40mph on the approach to Crofton, warning signs would be erected to inform motorists of the restrictions.

Cllr Towns had observed vehicles parked in the Telephone Exchange on Doncaster Road, they appeared to be conducting a survey, it was suggested that it may be connected to a previous enquiry about having a school crossing patrol placed there, the Clerk was asked to make enquiries but to also point out that if indeed this was the reason for the survey, it was being conducted at a time when children were not in regular attendance.

Further to the flow of traffic on Doncaster Road improving due to a change in the timing of the traffic lights, the Clerk was asked to contact WMDC Transportation and Highways, and ask them to continually monitor the situation as there had recently been less traffic, which would have given a false indication of any improvement.


07/064             Parish Leases

Nothing to report.


07/065             Cleansing/Environment

Nothing to report


07/066             Planning Notifications

Members raised no objections to the planning applications received, the Clerk informed members of a letter he had received from WMDC Planning about a previous application discussed by members, that being 14 Farnham Way. Cllr Chalkley agreed to look at the documentation associated with the application and inform the Clerk of his findings.

Cllr Hewitt commented on an application he had seen concerning a property on Doncaster Road and asked the Clerk if it was applicable to Crofton, the Clerk would investigate and inform Cllr Hewitt of his findings.


07/067             Financial matters

The Clerk informed members of invoices due for payment, members agreed to them being paid but with regard to the cheque for £2000 to West Yorkshire Police, the Clerk was asked to acquire information on the hours spent so far in this financial year on the Safe Scheme.

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly and quarterly accounts.

Members were informed of the letter that the Chairman and Vice Chairman had been given from the internal auditor, stating the Accounts for the year 2007/08 were satisfactory.

The Parish Council approved the Accounts, the Chairman duly signed on behalf of the Council and also signed the annual governance statement.


07/068             Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular;

Note 2; Cllr Ripley informed members that he was aware of the draft bye-laws due to his involvement with the Bio-Diversity steering group, the Clerk agreed to liaise with Cllr Ripley on any response the Parish Council wished to make.


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Note 6; members asked the Clerk to seek clarification on the content of the application and duly inform members of the information received, for their consideration.


07/069             Parish matters

Cllr Towns had noted that Beecroft Car Sales on Pontefract Road, were selling cars but using the public highway to do so, the Clerk was asked to contact WMDC Highway Enforcement to take action to stop this practice.

It had been noted that the hedgerows on Pontefract Road, more notably at the Priory Centre, were in need of maintenance, the Clerk would contact WMDC Environment and ask them to give the matter some attention.

Cllr Towns asked the Clerk if any further action had been taken by Sharlston Parish Council following their request several months ago, in seeking support from Crofton Parish Council to have the footpath improved which led from the junction of Weeland Road/Pontefract Road, the Clerk had not but would contact the Clerk for Sharlston and seekinformation.

Cllr Duffy K had been asked if the Parish Council would consider adopting the planters outside the Post Office on High Street, members agreed to give further thought to the matter.  

Following a request for information, it was confirmed that the copse adjacent to the Scout Hut, was maintained by T&D Contractors as part of their contractual arrangement with the Parish Council.

Further to previous comment regarding horse riding in the village, Cllr Bennett suggested that a notice in the smoke signal asking for the riders to be courteous to the public and vice versa, would serve as a timely reminder to all.


07/070             Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday 16th September 2008 at 7pm in Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


07/071             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


07/072             Matters to be discussed in private

There were none.


Signed                                                                         Date                                        Chairman Crofton Parish Council