Crofton Parish Council


                                                       Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on

                                                Tuesday 20th July 2004 in The High School at 7.00 pm.



                 Present:                                                Councillors:      Mrs K Duffy, Mrs G Towns, Mrs W Wrigg,  T Chalkley, JR Hewitt, G Makin,

                                                                                                     GP Jackson, P Jacques, A Ripley & J Voros


                                                                             Residents:         Mrs P Baines, Mrs C Dickinson,

                                                                                                     Mr. B Murphy & Mr H Shaw


                                                                             West Yorkshire Police: Pc P McMahon


                                                                             District Councillors                   Ms M Cummings

                                                                                                                             & A Manifield 


                                                                             Strategic Health Authority         Dr John Beal


                                                                             The Clerk:        J F Shillitoe


                 Apologies:                                            Councillors:      S Bennett & S Duffy


                 The chairman Cllr P Jacques presided over the meeting.


04/128      West Yorkshire Police


                 PC Paul McMahon presented the safe scheme report for June.


There had been some disturbance on the last day of term, but this had been successfully contained as officers had received intelligence prior to the event enabling them to prepare


All the priorities had been dealt with as per the clerks’ instructions, youths in Sandown Avenue spoken with and advised of the errors of their ways.


Paul advised that the seat adjacent to Sycamore Court was still attracting the “wrong sort” and asked that council reconsider their position on the future of the seat.


Councillors were still of the opinion that the seat should be maintained and the clerk was asked to write to housing accordingly.


Paul reminded councillors that further funding of the safe scheme was due.


It was agreed that the usual £2,000 contribution be made.


The chairman thanked Paul for his attendance and wished him a trouble free summer.


                 The priorities for the summer to be:


                 Foot Patrol – As required, concentrating on the village centre, Crofton High School, Crofton Infants,

                 Royal Oak, Medical Centre along with any other areas brought to the attention of the safe scheme officers.


                 Discourage the playing of Ball Games on Bedford/Towers Close.


                 Monitor the Parish Cemetery.


                 Discourage illegal use of motorcycles at Priory Ridge, Towers Close and adjacent land, High Street and Hare Park Sidings.


                 Address problem with youths in the vicinity of Rectory Crescent


                 Monitor the area adjacent to the Pavilion on Hare Park Sidings.


04/129      Public Participation Session


1.      School House – High Street.


Mrs Baines reported that vegetation was again growing form the chimneystack of the schoolhouse and two adjacent properties.


            The clerk to report the school house to the education department and write to the residents of the adjacent properties


2.      Grass Cutting – Hare Park Sidings


            Mrs Baines reported that residents of Thorntree Avenue ask if grass cuttings from the cricket pitch can be dumped elsewhere rather than under the hedges adjacent to their property.


Cllr Chalkley and Makin agreed to make the necessary arrangements.


3.      Railway BridgeDoncaster Road.


     Residents reported that another lorry had been stuck under the Railway Bridge, in Doncaster Road by the Redbeck Café. Bridge warning signs need to be improved before there is a serious accident and someone is killed.


The clerk to contact highways asking that bridge warning signs similar to those at Ackworth be installed on Doncaster Road.


4.      Walton Reclamation Site.


            Mr Shaw asked councillors if they were aware that several trees had been cut down and the footpaths widened within the site, rendering access by motorcycles much easier.


Cllr Ripley replied stating that the work was part of the sites planned maintenance and subjects to planning permission, nothing untoward were taking place.


5.      Bedford Farm


                 Mr Shaw asked whether the council would be objecting to the planning permissions being sought by Hanover Developments to bury waste at the Bedford Farm site.


                 The chairman explained that this matter would be discussed under planning on the agenda.


6.      4 Springhill Drive


Councils’ attention was brought condition of the gardens surrounding 4 Springhill Drive. They have not been attended to for many months, the grass was like a jungle at least to windows height and it was now encroaching on neighbouring gardens.


It was agree that the clerk writes to environmental services asking if they could look into the matter.


04/130      Dr John Beal – Presentation on the Fluoridation of Water Supplies


                 Dr Beal opened by thanking councillors for inviting him and giving him the opportunity to address them on the benefits of fluoridation.


                 Dr Beal explained that fluoride appears naturally in water, in Wakefield the concentration is 0.1 parts per million parts of water, representing one end of the spectrum, at the other end, water supplies in Newcastle and Hartlepool naturally contain 1.0 part per million. The water in Birmingham is artificially topped up to 1.0 part per million.


                 Artificial fluoridation of water first took place post war in 1945 and the benefits with regards tooth decay have shown to be over whelming. 


                 In areas with low levels of fluoride 50% of children under 5 shows signs of tooth decay compared to 35% in areas where the concentration is 1.0 part per million. The average decay in fluoridated areas is 1 tooth per child compared to 2.1 teeth in non-fluoridated areas.


                 Current legislation under the 1985 Health Authority Act has proved to be inadequate, Health Authorities and water suppliers being able to ignore the issue, new legislation to be agreed in the near future compels Strategic Health Authorities to consult widely before making a decision whether to fluoridate or not.  If it goes down the fluoridation route, the water suppliers must comply, the only exception being where a water supplier supplies two authorities from the same source and one authority rejects fluoridation.


                 The water suppliers will adopt stringent controls to ensure that the concentration levels never rise above approved levels.


                 Cllr Ripley stated that fluoride is a toxic poison, which is not only dangerous the humans but will damage the infrastructure by reacting with the pipes, surly a better way to fight tooth decay was to educate the population against the use of sugars.


                 Dr Beal agreed but at 1.0 part per million fluoride is not toxic and to re-educate the populous would take many years.


                 Mr Murphy put many cases to Dr Beal of studies which showed that fluoride is dangerous in particular the one of Basle in Switzerland, who have banned fluoridation of water after 41 years.


                 Dr Beal explained that Basle had gone down this route because many areas within Switzerland add fluoride to salt, meaning that residents of Basle were been given a double dosage.


                 Dr Beal stated that, whereas many studies came out against fluoridation, as a whole these formed a small fraction of the total studies carried out, the majority of which favoured fluoridation.


                 The chairman thanked Dr Beal for giving up his valuable time to talk to members; Cllr Jackson also asked that Mr Murphy be thanked for bringing the matter to councillors in the first instance.


04/131      Declaration of Interests in Items on the Agenda


                 No declarations were made.


04/132      Matters to be Discussed in Private


                 It was proposed, seconded and agreed that the public and the press be excluded during discussions involving staffing and the financial status of outside organisations.


04/133      Minutes


                 It was agreed that the minutes of the meetings held on 15th June were a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


04/134      Matters Arising 


1.      Crofton Carnival – 26 June 2004.


Cllrs reported that the pour weather had kept many people away from the Carnival but for those who had attended the day was a reasonable success.


It was agreed that the clerk writes to the Carnival Committee, congratulating them on a successful day and thanking them for all their hard work.


2.      Youth Services


Cllr Manifield informed members that there had been a problem surrounding access to the proposed youth centre, which had delayed the submission of the planning application. This problem has now been resolved; the access will be via the High School.


Submission of the planning application is therefore imminent with a start date planned for October.


Cllr Cummings informed the meeting that the Sure Start Scheme was in receipt of additional funding and were looking into extending the Children’s Centres into Crofton.


Cllr Cummings undertook to keep members up to speed on developments.


3.      Henry Daley Memorial


The clerk reported that Leisure Services have now placed orders for repairs to be carried out on the Henry Daley Memorial Clock.


4.      Lighting Columns


Cllr Ripley reported that he had made initial contact with representatives of Wakefield MDC and AMEY.


The replacement of lighting columns is due to commence in February 2005 therefore very little in the way of Christmas lighting will be achievable this year








AMEY are in the process of appointing a new member of staff to coordinate the requirements of minor authorities, once this person is in post the sub committee would meet with them to discuss the councils’ requirements.


5.      Health Centre - Seat


The clerk reported that the seat belongs to the Harrow family. He has contacted Judge Harrow and awaits his reply.


6.      Crofton Triangle


                 The clerk reported that he had received responses from both planning and environmental services.


Planning state that up to fourteen off road motorcycle events per year can be held without planning permission, the planners ask that councillors keep a record of all events in order that enforcement action can be taken should the numbers exceed fourteen.


Environmental services state that in order for them to carry out any monitoring they first need to receive a formal complaint from any residents affected by noise from the site.


Cllrs also reported that excavation work was once again in full flow at the site, leaving the road muddy and creating lots of dust for residents.


Cllrs expressed the view that once again Wakefield MDC had let down the parishioners of Crofton by falling to enforce planning conditions. It was agreed that the clerk writes to the Chief Planning Officer expressing councillors’ disappointment.


7.      Footpaths


The clerk reported that he had spoken with Virginia Moulton, Countryside Unit. She advised that;


·        the vegetation overgrowing footpath No 12 would be attended to and ;

·        forms to claim twenty years continual usage of the railway tunnel as a right of way were in the post.


04/135      Community Facilities - Convenors Report


                 1. Parish Centre


                 Cllr K Duffy reported that the heaters had now been turned off for the summer.


                 The clerk reported that he had still not heard from Design Services regarding the survey, he would follow up on the matter.


                 2. Village Centre


                 Nothing new to report members were still struggling to sort re-surfacing of the road out. Remedial action was now urgently needed to fill potholes in the road.





04/136      Allotments - Convenors Report


1.      Hare Park


The clerk was asked to write to Mr Hill giving him notice to quit Mr Whitemens’ allotments, as

Mr Whiteman wished to give up his lease.


It was agreed that Cllrs Hewitt and Voros carry out an inspection of all allotments instructing the clerk of any action required.


The clerk to provide Cllrs Hewitt and Voros with an up to date site plan.


2.      Pontefract Road


The clerk reported, that he had received further correspondence from Mr Salt copies were supplied to councillors.


It was agreed that the clerk acknowledges the letter and supplies Mr Salt with a copy of the signatures on the Pontefract Road lease with Mr Smith.


3.      Middle Lane


Cllrs asked who is responsible for the allotments along Middle Lane, as the site has fallen into disrepair and in need of attention.


The clerk informed members that the site was part of the Nostell Priory site. It was agreed that the clerk contacts the estate asking that they tidy the area.


04/137      Parish Cemetery - Convenors Report


Cllr Ripley reported that along with Mr Schofield he had met Mr Joyce on site and agreed a method to strengthen the fence posts, which Mr Joyce would implement.


04/138      Special Services - Convenors Report


1.      Home Start


The clerk reported that he had not heard further form Home Start.


It was agreed that the matter be left in abeyance until Home start made contact again


2.      Crofton Rainbows


Crofton Rainbows were seeking financial assistance for the purchase of equipment needed to continue following recent changes in the organisation of the Girl Guiding Association.


It was agreed that the Parish Council would make a grant of £150. This grant to be made using powers granted under section 137 of the LGA 1972 amended.


04/139      Moorhouse Opencast Liaison Committee


                 Cllr Ripley reported that a meeting was to be held to discuss the restoration scheme with particular emphasis on the slurry tanks. The appearance of water vole, a species protected by law, at the site has complicated matters.


                 Cllr Ripley informed members that he would be representing the Parish Council at the meeting and would be pursuing the health and safety aspects of the area.


04/140      Old Library Site


                 Nothing further to report.


04/141      Cleansing


                 Cllr Jacques commented that he considered that the standard of service from cleansing had slipped back this month and he would be taking up the matter with John Skidmore. Cllr Duffy reported that she had seen the Road Sweeper in the village recently.


                 The poor condition of both the front and rear entrances to the Chinese restaurant on Ashdene Drive was raised and the clerk asked to report the matter the environmental services.


04/142      Planning


                 a. Hanover Developments


Councillors discussed Hanover Developments application to dispose of waste building materials proposals at the rear of the development on Bedford farm.


It was agreed that the clerk write opposing the application on the grounds that nobody had control of the site and what was to be buried and the site was only 10 metres from the water course.


                 b. Other applications


                 All other applications received during the period were found to be acceptable.


04/143      Financial Matters


                 a. Income & Expenditure Report


The clerk presented the I & E report for the period April to June 2004. The report was noted by councillors and signed by the chairman.


                 b. Accounts


                 The following accounts were submitted and approved for payment.


                 Ms Reid                                                      106.40 (July & August)

                 Mrs Hardwick                                             276.64 (July)

                                                                                    276.64 (August)

                 PHS Group                                                 141.92

                 Wakefield MDC                                          305.00 (Leases)    

                 West Yorkshire Police                              2,000.00 (Safe Scheme)

                 N Power                                                     246.06 (P Centre)

                 Vale                                                              63.04 (Plaque)

                                                                                      60.81 (Plaque)

                 Crofton Rainbows                                       150.00

                 Mr R Jennings                                               40.00 (Flag Laying)



04/144      Correspondence


                 Wakefield MDC                                   - Minutes

- Libraries Newsletter

- Community Assembly, Agenda and Minutes

                 West Yorkshire Police                          - Consultation Strategy

                 YLCA                                                  - Notice of Annual Conference


04/145      Parish Matters


1.      Hare Park Lane


Cllr Hewitt reported that the surface of Hare Park Lane was in need of attention, there is a pothole adjacent to No 23 and the entrance to Larkhill Farm is in bad repair.


The clerk to inform Highways.


2.      Hanover Developments


Contactors working on Hanover Developments site at Bedford Farm are parking their vehicles in Towers/Bedford Close, compromising road safety.


The clerk to write to Highways/Hanover Developments.


3.      Garage Site – Pontefract Road.


It was reported that the Business Proprietor operating from the garage in Pontefract Road is parking vehicles adjacent to the garage compromising road safety.


The clerk to inform Highways accordingly.


4.      Tress – Springhill Drive.


Cllr Towns reported that youths are once again using the crab apples as missiles and that there is a wasps nest in the tree adjacent to No 29.


The clerk to contact both the arboriculturalist and environmental services.


5.      Tree - Harrison Road


                 The clerk to report an overhanging tree alongside Harrison Road to Highways.


6.      Safe Travel to School


The chairman informed members that Cllr Norman Hazell had advised him, that Crofton High School is to be given an award from the Travel to School Safe Route Scheme.


Pupils having showed that they can travel to school safely in an orderly manner.


7.      Flood Alleviation Scheme


Cllrs Jacques and Ripley reported that they had attended meetings convened by Mark Copley, Wakefield MDCs drainage engineer to discuss options for flood alleviation throughout the parish. 


In the main these focused on the routing of water away from Ashdene via Coppers Lake and away from Thorntree/Hare Park Lane through the creation of wetlands at Hare Park sidings.


The creation of the wetlands at Hare Park Sidings would involve re-siting the planned skateboard circuit. Cllr Ripley was of the opinion the there are betters options involving use of the BMX Track which he would put to Wakefield MDC for consideration.


Cllr Ripley undertook to keep members appraised of developments.


04/146      Date of next Meeting


                 Tuesday 21st September 2004.


04/147      Matters Discussed in Private


                 Minuted under item 04/136.







     Chairman                                                                                                                      21st September 2004.