Page 1.                                    Crofton Parish Council


     Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 21st July 2009.                             


Present;          Councillors,    Chalkley (Chair), Bennett, Duffy, Healy, Hewitt, Jacques,Makin, Ripley, Schofield, Smithson, Towns, Voros.


In attendance;                       1 member of the public

                                                District Councillors Cummings and Lodge.


07/055                         Co-option of Councillors

Councillors voted as follows;

7 For; 0 Against; to elect Karl Smithson as a Parish Councillor by co-option.

7 For; 0 Against; to elect Melissa Healy as a Parish Councillor by co-option.


07/056                         Receive report from West Yorkshire Police         

There was no representative from West Yorkshire Police and no report received for the month of June 2009.


07/057                         Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

Further to the comment Cllr Chalkley made at the last meeting about the cutting of trees in the village, it would also be beneficial to identify trees on Parish Council land.

In response to the request from Cllr Ripley to investigate the ponding of water on Doncaster Road (see minute 06/038), Cllr Lodge stated that she had received a response from a WMDC Engineer stating that a team would commence work w/c 20thJuly to clear out the length of drain and further investigate the carrier drain.

Further to the report about the poor condition of a house on Thorntree Avenue (see minute 06/038), although WDH had reported that the property was privately owned, Cllr Ripley suggested that should there be a sighting of rats action could still be taken by the Authority.

Cllr Ripley asked if there was any further news on the replacement bus shelter for Doncaster Road opposite Kendal Rise, Cllr Chalkley stated he had also been asked this and he had requested the Clerk to ascertain an answer.        

Cllr Cummings stated that the tree in the old churchyard had now been pruned, however Cllr Schofield believed it was the wrong tree.

Cllr Towns commented that the Library had received a banner from WMDC providing information and stating a new logo was being introduced, she felt the cost was not justified.

Cllr Jacques commented on the new signage about wearing seat belts, that had appeared in the village. Although commendable it was felt that the impact would be minimal, also of concern was that the Parish Council had not been consulted.

Cllr Lodge said the seat belt signs were an initiative between the Police, WMDC and Yorkshire Forward.


07/058                         Public Participation session                                                     A resident in attendance commented that a red coloured motorbike had been observed on the Sidings fields, such an incident needed reporting to the NPT in order to take action.

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Having been encouraged by WDH to report any problems, the resident felt that information provided was not being acted upon.  


07/059                         Apologies for absence          

District Councillor Isherwood and Councillor Wrigg..


07/060                         Declarations of Interest

Cllr Bennett declared his interest with regard Planning and Highway matters


07/061                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting were subject to change prior to being signed by the Chairman.


07/062                         Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

Further to letter received from WMDC Traffic & Transportation concerning traffic calming measures, arrangements were being made to conduct a survey at the junction of Cock Lane/Doncaster Road but the request for a waiting restriction on Harrison Road would not be pursued. The Clerk was asked to thank them for conducting a survey but also to ask about a pedestrian crossing at Doncaster Road/ Pinfold Drive.   

There was no further information from Metro following the letter they had sent in May stating they would contact Arriva about the withdrawal of the bus service from Pontefract Road.

The Clerk informed members that WDH had sent a booklet concerning housing allocation, Cllr Hewitt stated that the Parish Council should be consulted about the allocation of residents to WDH housing in the village, the Clerk was asked to pursue this request and engage with other Parish Councils asking for their views about such a procedure.

The Headmaster of Crofton High School had responded to the request to use the school football pitch (see minute 07/063).

The Clerk stated that he had sent letters to the houses on High Street asking them to tidy their gardens, he had received information that two of the houses were empty.

Following the response from the WMDC Arboriculturist stating there was no restrictions to remove the trees to the rear of Pinfold Drive and to the suggestion that the trees should be pruned rather than removed, members agreed to discuss the action to be taken at the next Parish Council meeting.

Cllr Chalkley informed members he had spoken to the resident who had allegedly complained about the funeral hearse obstructing his property but the resident stated it was not a problem.


07/063                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Nothing to report.

Report Village Association

Cllr Makin informed members that he had spoken to the Headmaster of Crofton High School (see minute 06/044). Subject to members approval, it was provisionally agreed that the sum of £250 should be paid for the use of the school football pitch. Following debate members agreed to this. 


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Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that;

He had arranged for tenant Mr Bacon to exchange four allotments in return for a ploughed allotment, members were in agreement with this, the cost to plough the garden

would be £50.

Cllr Hewitt also informed members that he had received a favourable offer to purchase secure boxes in which to place rat poison, members were in agreement for the order to be placed.

Cllr Chalkley confirmed that the working party had met to risk assess the Hare Park allotments to ascertain the scale of the asbestos problem (see minute 06/043), however what was thought to be asbestos was only concrete sheeting.

Should any asbestos be identified it would be removed.

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Schofield reported that there were no ongoing concerns with the condition of the cemetery.

It was reported that the fencing to the rear of Sandown Avenue (particularly numbers 33 &35), that adjoined the cemetery grounds had collapsed, it was thought that items such as bricks , toys and debris had caused this, it was decided that members would arrange to meet in the cemetery grounds to investigate further.


07/064                         Discuss Traffic issues

It was noted that there had been road closures on High Street and Santingley Lane and road surfacing had also occurred, in both instances the Parish Council had not been consulted, the Clerk was asked to write to the WMDC Highway Network Manager to inform him of members concerns.

Cllr Ripley enquired what work was being conducted on parts of Ashdene Road and surrounding streets, he was informed that it was the installation of Gas pipes.


07/065                         Parish Leases

Members discussed the options available to them with regard to continuing with the maintenance costs of the Priory Field. A proposal from Cllr Towns to cease payment was seconded by Cllr Ripley, members voted; 7 For; 2 Against; to accept the proposal.


07/066                         Cleansing/Environment

It had been noted that the road sweeper had been effectively deployed between the Cock & Crown Public House and Pinfold Drive, the Clerk was asked to contact the WMDC Environment Dept; to thank them for their efforts.

Cllr Bennett commented on overgrown hedges within certain areas of the village but also noted that following grass cutting works the blowing machine had been

effectively used to keep the footpaths clear of any cuttings.


07/067                         Planning Notifications

Members raised no objections to planning applications received.

Having received notification from WMDC that they are to serve an enforcement notice on the Redbeck Motel for not seeking planning permission for the storage of road stone materials, the Clerk informed members that he had also received a letter from the legal advisors to the owner of the Redbeck Motel, asking if the Parish

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Council had any issues about the matter. The Clerk was asked to respond and state that members had concerns such as the site being an eyesore, the increase in road traffic and chippings being dropped on the Highway.

Cllr Ripley was in receipt of a letter addressed to members of the Parish Council. It was from a planning consultant acting for the owner of the car repair unit at the former Hill Top Farm, it informed members that he had been instructed to seek retrospective planning permission.


07/068                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections,

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly and quarterly accounts.

Members having discussed the request from All Saints Church for funding (see minute 06/050), decided that more information was still needed before any decision was made. The Clerk was asked to contact them and request information such as what sources of funding they had available and what funding the Diocese was to contribute.


07/069                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received.


07/070                         Parish matters

Cllr Chalkley informed members that there had been alleged incidents of the Slipper Public House opening later than permitted.

Cllr Voros commented on flooding being evident on Slack Lane, Harrison Road and Hare Park Lane, he felt this was caused by the drains not being cleaned regularly.

Further to a letter received from a resident requesting a ‘no ball games’sign be erected on the triangle of land (which was owned by the Parish Council) on Santingley Lane near to the Slipper Public House, it was agreed to do so.


07/071                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 15th September 2009 at 7pm in                               Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


07/072             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


07/073                         Matters to be discussed in private

There were none.



Signed                                                                         Date                                        Chairman Crofton Parish Council