Crofton Parish Council


                                                       Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on

                                                Tuesday 15th July 2003 in The High School at 7.00 pm.



                 Present:                                                Councillors:      Mrs G Towns, Mrs W Wrigg, S Bennett,

                                                                                                     J R Hewitt, S Duffy, P Jaques,

                                                                                                     G P Jackson OBE BEM JP, A Ripley,

                                                                                                     G Scargill & J Voros


                                                                             Residents:         Mrs P Baines, Mrs P Walker, Mrs R Salt

                                                                                                     Mr G Schofield


                                                                             West Yorkshire Police        PC P  McMann, PC J Whitworth


                                                                             The Clerk:        J F Shillitoe


                 Apologies:                                            Councillors:      S Bennett, T Chalkley & D Marshall


                 The chairman Cllr A Ripley presided over the meeting.


03/120      West Yorkshire Police


                 PC McMann outlined details of June’s crime report stating that generally crime figures were up and that Crofton was no worse than many other similar areas. Car crime as always is an area, which needs to be improved.


                 PC Whitworth presented copies of the crime prevention leaflet for distribution to all houses within Crofton, the chairman thanked him for this and arranged to meet with councillors to distribute the leaflets.


                 PC Whitworth informed councillors that he is retiring from the force on 25 August, and this therefore would be the last meeting he would be attending in his capacity as a police officer.


                 Councillors wished John all the best for the future and thanked him for all the work he had put into Crofton over the years.


                 The chairman thanked PC McMann for his attendance.


 03/121     Public Participation Session


1.      Parish Cemetery


            Mr Schofield reported that T & D Contractors were still leaving the grass cuttings in the cemetery, tipping them in the beck. This was becoming a nuisance to residents especially during the hot weather as the cuttings rot away. Also the cemetery had become a playground for children who continuously litter the area and damage the tap. The area was also becoming a dog toilet.


The clerk to speak to T & D and ask the Smoke Signal to run a further article.  Cllr Jackson to ask the Headteacher to mention the matters during school assembly. 




2.      Fluoridation of Water Supply.


            Mr. Murphy raised concerns over the fluoridation of water supplies by many of the water companies throughout the country, a practise which many consider dangerous and should in his opinion be discouraged at all cost.


It was agreed that the clerk ask a representative of Yorkshire Water to attend a future meeting to address the council.


3.      Social Services


            Mr. Murphy ask if  someone from social services could attend a meeting to explain how formula funding of care homes is operated in Wakefield.


The clerk to contact Elaine McHale asking that she attend a future meeting..


03/122      Declaration of Interests in Items on the Agenda


                 No declarations were made.


03/123      Matters to be Discussed in Private


                 It was proposed, seconded and agreed that the public and the press be excluded during discussions involving staffing and the financial status of outside organisations.


03/124      Minutes


                 It was agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 17th May were a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


03/125      Matters Arising 


1.      Drama Hall


            Cllr Jackson reported that WMDC have approved capital expenditure of £400K for the provision of a new youth facility.  The existing youth club is to be demolished in the near future in order to make the area safe.


The Drama Hall will stay under the control of the High School; both buildings will be available for community use.


2. Wall – Harrison Road


            It was noted that work on the retaining wall adjacent to Harrison Road was complete. The clerk to thank John Foster for his assistance with this project.


3. Geo Atkins


The clerk reported that WMDC have served enforcement notices on Geo Atkins to make good their premises on Slack Lane. If the enforcement notices are not adhered to WMDC will carry out the work and invoice Atkins accordingly.




4.      Copse – Pinfold Drive


Cllr Jackson reported that the work on the trees in the Copse had been completed and residents were happy with the results.


5.      Crofton Library


Cllr Jackson Reported that WMDC have agreed to conducting a feasibility study into the possibility extending the library.


03/126      Resignation of Councillor


                 The clerk informed members of the resignation of Cllr Gomersall.


The clerk to write to Cllr Gomersall thanking him for his contribution to the Parish Council, also to inform electoral services.


03/127      Appointment of Committee Convenors


                 The following were appointed as convenors to the councils committees.


                 Community Facilities                 - Cllr Bennett, Crofton Village association

                                                                 - Cllr Scargill, Parish Centre

                 Allotment                                  - Cllrs Hewitt & Voros

                 Parish Cemetery                       - Cllr Scargill

                 Special Services                       - The Clerk


03/128      Appointment of Charity Trustees


Cllr Jacques informed members that Cllr Coates and Gomersall had resigned from the Trustees, replacements were therefore required.


Cllrs Towns and Wrigg volunteered and were accordingly appointed.


The Trustees therefore new comprise, Mr Crowcroft, Cllr Jacques, Cllr Mrs Towns and

Cllr Mrs Wrigg.


03/129      Community Facilities - Convenors Report


                 1. Parish Centre


                 Cllr Scargill reported that repairs to the wall and gates have been completed satisfactorily, nothing else of note to report.             


                 2. Village Centre


                 Cllr Bennett reported that minor repairs had been carried out to the rear store-room doors.


                 Cllr Bennett also reported that the Village Association was experiencing difficulty with some of the member clubs attending committee meetings paying subscriptions and generally taking responsibility. Certain groups were not being good neighbours, leaving the building dirty and untidy, not locking the gates, etc. 



                 It was agreed that the clerk write to the association secretary asking that he remind member clubs that the running of the association should be combined effect and not left to a few stalwarts.


03/130      Allotments - Convenors Report


Cllr Ripley reported that there were still problems with boundaries and leases relating to the Pontefract Road site.  Cllr Ripley undertook to meet with the various parties to resolve matters.


03/131      Parish Cemetery - Convenors Report


                 Nothing further to report.


03/132      Special Services - Convenors Report


The clerk reported that he had a request from the Play Area Association for a pledge of support in their bid to secure funding.


It was agreed that the association attend the next meeting to put forward their case.


03/133      Moorhouse Opencast Liaison Committee


                 Due to Cllr Gomersall’s resignation there was no feedback available.  Cllr Ripley took an action to ascertain the current situation regarding the distribution of grants.


03/134      Old Library Site


                 The chairman reported that he had agreed terms for the lease of the Old Library Site from WMDC and sanctioned payment of the Parish Councils contribution towards the cost of the scheme as previously agreed. Work would commence on 21 July 2003.


                 Members ratified these actions.


03/135      Planning


1.      Land at Doncaster Road.


The chairman reported that he had contacted the planning department regarding the possible use of land by Mr Ramskill for purposes for which he hasn’t got the relevant permissions.


2.      Hare Park View    


It was reported that the application to develop 7 dwellings at Hare Park View was to be considered by the planning committee on 25 July 2003.


3.      Bedford Farm


Cllr Ripley reported that the clerk and he had been contacted be a Mr Siddall, a consultant representing Mr Rogerson, Snr.


                 Mr Siddall had requested permission to come to a future council meeting to discuss development of Bedford Farm.




                 Cllrs discussed the details of the conversation and agreed that Mr Siddall be advised the council did not wish to meet with him prior to any formal application.  They would comment on any application through the normal planning process.


4.      Unitary Development Plan


Cllr Ripley advised members that Development Plans are living documents, always being reviewed and amended. Whilst the current UDP is not due for review until 2006, work will have already started in some quarters.  Land owners and developers will already be making representation to Planning authorities.


It was agreed that the clerk keep in touch with the authority to ensure that the Parish council are within the consultation loop from the start.


5.      Other matters


                 All other applications received during the period were found to be acceptable.


03/136      Financial Matters  




                 The following accounts were submitted and approved for payment.



                 Ms Reid                                                        53.20

                 Mrs Hardwick                                             276.64

                 Mr Shillitoe                                                  911.54

                 Mr Terry                                                     170.00

                 Mr Kelly                                                     550.00

                 Mr Schofield                                                   4.91 

                 WMDC                                                 25,000.00


                 PHS Ltd                                                      137.63

                 Beaumonts                                                  146.88

                 West Yorkshire Police                                          2,000.00



                 Vale                                                            118.28 (Plaques)

                 Ms Reid                                                        53.20

                 Mrs Hardwick                                             276.64

                 Mr Joyce                                                     151.50

                 Yorkshire Electricity                                    160.13

                 Yorkshire Water                                               21.85 (P Centre)

                                                                                      83.68 (Allotments)


03/137      Correspondence


                 Wakefield MDC                                   - Minutes

                                                                             - Community Assembly Meeting – 23 July 2003.

                                                                             - The Citizen

                 Yorkshire and Humberside Assembly    - Consultation on RPG12



                 YLCA                                                  - Annual Conference

                 Cllr N Hazell                                        - Grass cutting at Catholic Church

                 Halcrow                                               - Transport Survey

                 Office of The                                       

                 Deputy Prime Minister                          - New Ethical Framework

                                                                             - Providing Indemnities


03/138      Parish Matters


1.  Bombardier – Doncaster Road


                 The clerk presented a letter form Mr & Mrs Schofield of 5 Kingsley Close detailing problems that they and their neighbours are experiencing with noise levels from the Bombardier works, especially at night time.


                 WMDC Environmental Health have visited the site on several occasions and issued warnings to Bombardier, these warnings have been ignored, so enforcement notices have been issued.                 


                 The council agreed that district appeared to be in full support of residents and taking matters forward as quickly as the law allows.


                 Mr G Schofield agreed to keep council briefed on any developments.


2.  Seats.


The clerk to report that the seat adjacent to Sycamore Flats and the seat in Bedford Close were in need of repair.


3.  Land at Junction of Doncaster Road with Weeland Road.


Questions were raised over the development of this site, who owned it? has planning permission been sought etc.


Cllr Bennett agreed to look into the matter.


4.  Cock Lane


It was reported that Cock Lane is littered with debris again.


The clerk was asked to contact the fly tipping team.


03/139      Date of next Meeting


                 Tuesday 21 October 2003.


03/140      Matters Discussed in Private


                 None discussed.





     Chairman                                                                                                                      16th September 2003.