Page 1.                                    Crofton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 15 Jan 2013.                             

Present; Councillors; Chalkley, Dart, Hewitt, Kimbley, Makin,

Schofield, Towns, Wilby and Wrigg.

Clerk to the Council; Barry Riley.

In attendance;           3 members of the public.

                                    District Councillors; Manifield and Cummings.

                                    PS Speight and PCSO Kinsella.


01/145             Report from W.Y.Police Officers working on Crofton Safe Scheme PS Speight presented the Safe Scheme report covering December and January.      

He was asked to make enquiries about the bus sign outside the Royal Oak (see minutes 12/135 and 11/109), he duly noted the request.

Concern was raised about a dog roaming around the Church grounds, it was usually tethered in the garden of the adjoining property to the Church (at the junction of Harrison Road/Church Road). As the dog was considered dangerous PS Speight was asked to visit the occupants and ensure it remained tethered.

Cllr Chalkley commented on an incident that had occurred on Oak Street near to the Slipper public house, PS Speight stated he was aware there was a report of a violent incident in the area.

In addition to such concerns about anti social behaviour, the Police were to conduct a Street Survey asking residents to report any concerns or incidents that had occurred.

Cllr Schofield requested that the Police conduct patrols to the rear of the Church, as there had been incidents of alcohol use and general nuisance.


01/146                         Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

District Councillors provided information to enquiries made individually by Parish Councillors, and gave an update on previous matters raised;  

The UK Coal plans for the Deanfield coal mining site had now been submitted (see minute 01/156).

There was no further information to provide concerning the 9 Lakes project requested by Cllr Dart, other than that already provided (see minute 01/151).

The dog waste thrown over the fence next to the Sidings cycle track, had now been dealt with, the person responsible had admitted the offence and would be fined.

With regard to the flooding on High Street, the gully was to be checked.

Cllr Cummings commented on the accident that had occurred at the bridge near the Redbeck Motel on Doncaster Road, it was reported as driver error rather than the advanced automated signage not being operational.

Cllr Dart asked if there was an update concerning the Slipper public house, but Cllr Cummings had not received any further information.

Following an approach made to WMDC Highways by Cllr Cummings, Cllr Hewitt was provided with information regarding exiting his property

Cllr Cummings stated she would organise a meeting to discuss environmental concerns within the village (see minute 01/155), specifically she was asked that Hare Park Lane from the Larkdale Farm footpath sign to the railway bridge be noted as needing particular attention.

Cllr Wilby commented on the recent transfer of WMDC Waste Services provision

to a private company who would operate the service. District Councillors were aware

that this had taken place.

Cllr Towns thanked Cllr Cummings for resolving a drainage problem for her.

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It was reported that there was mud and debris at the junction of Shay Lane and Harrison Road which needed to be attended to, also that the parking instruction signs outside Shay Lane School were facing the wrong way, Cllr Cummings duly noted the comments and would arrange for action to be taken.

Cllr Chalkley was registered as a snow warden, he asked that Cllr Cummings arrange for the provision of grit, given the recent weather conditions.


01/147                         Public Participation session

A resident had noted that a number of pot holes had been marked with white paint along High Street and wished to know why, Cllr Cummings confirmed that work was to be carried out to repair them, the resident asked that pot holes on Manor Drive be added to the works, Cllr Cummings duly noted this.

Cllr Makin asked a resident in attendance to ensure they kept reporting any incidents at the bus shelter opposite Rectory Crescent (see minute 12/127).


01/148                         Apologies for absence          

District Councillor; Heptinstall.  

Councillors; Bennett and Ripley


01/149                         Declarations of Interest

None declared.


01/150                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 18 December 2012, were signed as a true record by the Chairman.


01/151                         Matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk reported that;

He had contacted PHS to ask for the credit to be paid as a cheque (see minute 12/139), this was agreed. He confirmed the start date for the present contract was Nov 2011.

WMDC Highway Enforcement had been contacted about trees obstructing visibility on Doncaster Road, they acknowledged the junction was notoriously bad, but the trees were not making the situation any worse and were within the limits of their property.

He had not yet received a response from WMDC Highway Network Manager Graham West, about a meeting to discuss the cycle track.

Cllr Schofield had been provided with documentation in order to establish the ginnel through the Churchyard from Ashdene Crescent, as a Right of Way. However the Clerk had produced a file with all documentation relating to the land acquisition, Cllr Schofield had read through the documentation and concluded that there was documentary proof that the ginnel was owned by the Parish Council, it was agreed that the Clerk would review the findings and inform members in due course.

He had contacted WMDC to enquire what provision they had for burials for particular religious denominations, he was informed that they had graves already prepared for

such occasions, it was suggested that should Crofton Cemetery Authority receive an

enquiry they could refer it to WMDC.

Cllr Manifield was awaiting a response from WMDC to enable an update to be given

to members about the repainting of the Zebra and No Entry sign at the old library site.

Further to minute 12/128 and the response received from Cllr Cummings (see minute

01/146), the Clerk was asked to invite Spawforth Associates to a meeting with the

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Parish Council to provide an update on the 9 Lakes project. This was considered appropriate as the web site was somewhat out of date.


01/152                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Dart reported that;

Prior to the meeting the Working Party had discussed commencing the electrical works and had chosen one of the 3 quotes received. Following the electrical work

quotes would be obtained for decorating the premises and replacing some blinds.

Report Village Association

Nothing to report.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that;

The allotment collection day had taken place, there had been a good response and it was expected to have most of the money received by the end of January.

Report Parish Cemetery

Nothing to report


01/153                         Traffic issues

It had been noted that the evening parking on the pavement outside Shay Lane School

was becoming more problematic, Cllr Chalkley informed members he had wrote to Police Inspector Clare about the matter.


01/154                         Neighbourhood Plan

A discussion group meeting had taken place on Sunday 13 January, following this Cllr Wilby had made enquiries about obtaining a definitive boundary map which was needed to support the designation of Crofton as a neighbourhood area. Given the importance attached to the document members agreed to the cost of obtaining an appropriate map.

Cllr Wilby informed members that she had obtained information regarding the school pupil capacities for; Shay Lane School (194); Crofton Infants (180); Crofton Juniors (198). Although these were the capacities, she was awaiting information to establish if they were at capacity.

Cllr Hewitt felt that the present plan did not identify future parking facilities for those using All Saints Church for weddings and funerals. The school land opposite Church Road would be a suitable area, Cllr Chalkley offered to discuss this further with Jez Horsley the Crofton Academy Headmaster.


01/155                         Cleansing/Environment

A meeting was to be arranged between Councillors and WMDC Environment Officers regarding a walk around the village to identify problems(see minute 01/146).

Cllr Dart reminded members of comments made at the November 2011 meeting (see minute 11/116), regarding the adoption of ginnels, WMDC Highways Manager

Graham West had stated that he would promote the un-adopted footpath from Pinfold Drive to the Slack Lane when the matter was raised again. The Clerk confirmed he had contacted Mr West about this recently but had received no response, he would

contact Highway Maintenance to see if it had been adopted.

Cllr Dart informed members that she had reported to WMDC Neighbourhood Action a number of pot holes that required attention on High Street, Manorfields Court,

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Manor Drive (see minute 01/147) and Springhill Drive.


01/156                         Planning Notifications

Members offered no comment to the applications received.

The Clerk informed members that following the issue of the Agenda, he had received a notification from WMDC Planning, about the consultation process for the Deanfield Surface Mine Scheme. Comments were required no later than 30 January 2013. Due to the deadline imposed, members discussed the proposal and asked the Clerk to submit comments concerning how the following would be dealt with, air pollution, the stockpile of waste and noise. Also that a restricted tonnage of fireclay should be transported through Crofton.


01/157                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections.

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly accounts.

Following discussion and having applied due diligence, members agreed that a Precept request for £49942 would be submitted to WMDC.

Cllr Towns questioned whether the £774 received from 1st Class Learning and allocated to the Parish Centre, was correct, the Clerk confirmed it was.                                                                          

01/158                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular

Note 4; having considered the request from 1st Class Learning members decided against a donation.

Note 6; Cllr Chalkley was given the documentation received from YLCA concerning funding for neighbourhood plans.

Note 7; Cllr Wilby agreed to attend the event at The Hepworth on the 25 January 2013 on behalf of the Parish Council.


01/159                         Parish matters

Members discussed the damage to the wall at the War Memorial. The Clerk had received a verbal quote stating the repair would be in the region of £400 -£450. Following discussion it was agreed to proceed if the contractor was prepared to do the work for £400. With regard to seeking compensation the Police would need to provide details of the car hire company whose vehicle had been stolen, Cllr Chalkley would ascertain the information from PI Clare.


01/160                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday 19 February 2012 at 7pm in Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


01/161             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


01/162                         Matters to be discussed in private

It was agreed that Crofton Academy would be charged rents at a £11 for the 15 plots.


Signed ………………………………                        Date…………………..                      Chairman Crofton Parish Council