Page 1.                                    Crofton Parish Council

     Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 18th January 2011.                            


Present;                                  Councillors, Chalkley (Chair), Bennett, Hewitt, Jacques, Healy, Makin, Ripley, Schofield and Towns.

In attendance;                        2 members of the public

                                                District Councillors; Cummings and Manifield.

                                                Police Inspector Lee Carlson.


01/145             Report from W.Y.Police Officers working on Crofton Safe Scheme

PS Day presented his report covering 21st December to 18th January.

Cllr Chalkley commented on reviewing the Safe Scheme and whether the cost represented ‘value for money’. Of concern were ongoing traffic issues, such as cars parked on Slack Lane and opposite Sainsbury’s, which were not being resolved, also

Safe Scheme money was having to be used to address the problems caused by youths who were from outside the local area.

Inspector Carlson sympathised with the comments but stated they had to work within the Law when dealing with such matters concerning parking, he welcomed the feedback concerning the spending of money on the scheme, this would ensure the money was being spent wisely.

Cllr Makin queried why the Safe Scheme was needed when villagers were already paying via the Council Tax. Inspector Carlson explained that extra money was needed to deliver the policing pledge, this was not supported by Government expenditure, the reality of the situation was that safe scheme money provided the extra money.

Comment was made about the perception that villagers were paying twice for the same service.

Cllr Towns enquired why there was such a variation in hours spent from month to month on the Safe Scheme, PS Day explained that extra policing during Halloween and Bonfire night had contributed to this.

Cllr Chalkley stated that although Doncaster Road was thought one of the worst in England by WMDC Engineers and given that there had been another accident in January, no action was being taken. Inspector Carlson had spoke with Traffic Sergeant Haley about the problem and was told that certain areas suffered from ‘line sight’, he offered to follow up on this comment with the WMDC Highways Dept.

Cllr Cummings also added her comments about traffic problems on Doncaster Road and stated that ‘slow’ markings were to be introduced to help assist drivers.

Cllr Jaques stated there appeared a reluctance to issue tickets, but more a need to issue warnings, such action had not resolved the ongoing problem.

Cllr Ripley added that a police presence at specific times when such parking was more prevalent would help.

Cllr Jacques asked Inspector Carlson to take action against Post Office vehicles that were parking on the footpath at the junction of High Street and Slack Lane, when the parking facility to the rear of the Post Office was not being used. Inspector Carlson duly noted the request.

Cllr Bennett stated that with regard to alcohol/drugs/anti social behaviour and parking problems, it appeared that what was reported in the newspapers would dictate which area would receive action.

Cllr Hewitt asked for action to be taken against unreasonable behaviour, particularly

concerning the level of noise experienced on Hare Park Lane.

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01/146             Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

Cllr Cummings informed members that the Crofton ‘clean up’ week was scheduled for w/c 21st March, she asked that suggestions for inclusion be forwarded to her.
Members were informed that PACT meetings would be held on Tuesdays at the High School, commencing at 7pm on the following dates 22/2, 17/5, 9/8 & 1/11

A multi agency meeting had taken place to discuss how concerns over road issues could be progressed. Inspector Carlson suggested that community funding could be pursued for a Zebra Crossing. 

She had spoke with Graham West and Tim Johnson (Parks & Public Realm) about the de-silting programme at Coppers Lake, the weir and grate were being checked


In response to Cllr Bennett requesting a fishing platform for Coppers Lake, Cllr Cummings informed him that a fishing platform would not be provided.

Cllr Cummings reported that;

She was still awaiting a report about the Sandown Avenue/Harrison Road, drain inspection

The potholes leading to the Sports Pavilion had now been filled.

The bollards on the Hare Park Sidings cycle track had been removed.

She had spoken with Cllr Rowley about the gypsy camp and had been informed that due to a burst water pipe, the roadway had to be gritted to allow access to workmen.

The previously reported withdrawal of Playbuilder funding for the playground may now be subject to a part award. 

Members were reminded that the WMDC Community Chest deadline was 11th February.

District Councillors were asked;

To contact WMDC Highway Maintenance to enquire when the previously reported pot holes would be attended to, in particular the one developing on Harrison Road near Shay Lane School.

To request the ditch at Hare Park sidings at its proximity to the High School be cleaned.

Cllr Jacques asked if the slow sign markings to be placed on Doncaster Road (see minute 01/145) would be within the Crofton boundary, he was informed that they would be.

Cllr Chalkley informed members of an incident at the Slipper Public House had led to an arrest.

Inspector Carlson took the opportunity to comment on a licensing application which was for adult entertainment. Although the original application had yet to be submitted, the objection to any such application would be that it was not appropriate for a village/residential area. To give credence to any objection he asked that residents should put their name to any objection, it should not be given anonymously, as this would not be considered.  

01/147             Public Participation session

A resident asked if there was any further information concerning the overgrown trees at 46 Santingley Lane, the Clerk stated that the District Councillors were investigating the situation.

With regard to the reported foul smelling drains (see minute 12/129), it was suggested that Yorkshire Water should be contacted if the problem was not resolved following an inspection by WMDC.

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The Clerk had made representation to WMDC Environmental Health concerning problems with a property on High Street, the resident was advised that they would have to notify the Authority as they could not act on 3rd party information.

The Clerk provided the resident with the contact details.


01/148                         Apologies for absence          

None received for District Councillor Lodge.

Councillors; Duffy, Voros and Wrigg.


01/149                         Declarations of Interest

None declared.


01/150                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 21st December 2010, were signed as a true record by the Chairman.


01/151                         Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk reported that;

He had received information from WMDC Property Management about the grass and trees area of the old library site, the managing department was Family Services (Education), he would consult with them and check what the Councils responsibility was in regard to stopping vehicles parking on the grass and respond in due course.

WMDC Environment had now removed the grit/debris near to Shay Lane School.

Following the request to have the overgrown conifers on Doncaster Road reduced in size, WMDC Environment had investigated and reported that the conifers were on private land and were not encroaching onto the Highway. The Clerk was asked to contact them again to have the conifers that were laid on the verge removed.

Having contacted WMDC Environment Health about the property on High Street, the resident would need to contact them directly to pursue the matter (see minute 01/147).

Cllr Ripley enquired if the School Council (see minute12/141), had made further enquiries about attending the Parish Council meeting, Cllr Chalkley confirmed he had been contacted but was awaiting further instruction. 

Cllr Ripley informed members;

That a letter had now been issued requesting a viewing of a wind turbine at a farm near Halifax. The Clerk confirmed that he had still to receive a response from the land owner (WMDC), regarding permission to proceed further with the project.

A camera had been used to establish that the lampposts, which had spiked the drainage pipes on Doncaster Road, had not caused any damage to their effectiveness, the next rainfall would verify this.


01/152                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Members agreed to discuss the erection of the perimeter fence when the fence at the Cemetery had been erected.

Report Village Association

Cllr Makin reported that;

Another water pipe had burst at the Sports Pavilion, a plumber had been appointed, the cost incurred was £730.00.

The expected cost to replace the flooring would be approximately £400, should the

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quote be more this would be discussed further.

It was noted that there would be other costs incurred due to damage to the electrics.

A job description for the cleaner had now been received, a meeting would be arranged

to discuss the content with Mrs Hardwick.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that;

The Working Party had discussed the charges for the Allotment year, it was decided to not apply any increase.

The times for the Collection Day had been changed due to a previously agreed booking at the Parish Centre taking precedence, it was felt that the change of time had proved more effective.

The allocation of the allotments for Mrs Sharratt would be discussed under item 18.

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Chalkley commented on the condition of the grassed area leading from the garage to the cremated remains area, he felt that the area would benefit from having a path installed. It was agreed an estimate be sought in order to progress the matter.

Comment was also made on the existing charges for a burial space, originally the cost was £5, it was now £10, the cost had only changed by a small margin over a twenty year period, it was agreed to discuss this in depth at the next meeting.


12/153                         Discuss Traffic issues

Cllr Bennett commented on the report received from WMDC Highway Network Management.

The street nameplate "Stocks Lane’ was erected in 2009, the correct naming should be ‘Church Hill’, however the Highway Authiority's records showed that the name of the highway is "Church Road", the Clerk was asked to contact the WMDC Officer and ask for the nameplate to be replaced.

Since S31 of the Highway Act confers powers to dedicate the footpath from Ashdene Crescent to Crofton Graveyard, then this offer should be accepted.

The report mentioned that additional signing had been arranged in respect of the 20 mph area at Thorntree Avenue, the Clerk was asked to confirm when this would be implemented.


01/154                         Parish Plan

A meeting had taken place with Ruralis, an organisation who help produce community plans. Comment was made that the existing draft plan was of merit

but they would recommend changes, such as introducing an opportunity to debate its content. They also suggested ways to seek funding to assist with costs already incurred and their costs, if it was agreed to engage their services.


01/155                         Cleansing/Environment

Cllr Jacques commented on the condition of the Electric Sub Station grounds on High Street, although it had recently been cleared of debris and vegetation removed it was felt that this was only superficial, the Clerk was asked to contact CE Electric (the owners), to ask for further action to be taken.


01/156                         Planning Notifications

Members raised no objections.


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01/157                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections,

Following discussion, members agreed to the payment for the hanging baskets.

It was agreed that a Precept request would be submitted to WMDC, members agreed to discuss this matter further under item 18.


01/158                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular

Note 6; Cllr Chalkley requested the brochure from the British Legion concerning a poppy party.

Note 8; Cllr Jacques asked the Clerk to forward him the e-mail received concerning information on recycling energy efficient light bulbs.


01/159                         Parish matters

Inspector Carlson was asked what further action was being taken to address the problem of underage youths obtaining alcohol.

Comment was made that the introduction of Operation Buzzer needed the support of shops which was not necessarily forthcoming.

Cllr Towns informed Inspector Carlson that the Post Office was the likely outlet for the sale of alcohol to youths.

Inspector Carlson stated that while he was responsible for the area, he was prepared to ensure purchasing was checked, he also stated that he wanted to establish trust.

Following changes to the officers allocated to implement the Safe Scheme, Cllr Chalkley felt that a personal touch was missing, members had also considered withdrawing Safe Scheme funding as a result of this feeling.

Cllr Bennett felt the visibility of police was important but commented this was not evident enough within the village.

Cllr Bennett also wanted to make Inspector Carlson aware that children from Shay Lane School, were crossing the road to where their parents were parked rather than using the traffic warden service.


01/160                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday, 15th February 2011 at 7pm in Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


01/161             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


01/162                         Matters to be discussed in private

The Budget for financial year 2011/12 was agreed.

The Precept was agreed at £49942.

It was agreed to fill the vacancy for Parish Councillor by co-option, the Clerk would contact David Kimbley to confirm his interest.

With consideration given to the circumstances, rather than re-allocate the allotments to the waiting list, Mrs Sharratt would be given the option to decide which allotment

to take in an effort to avoid multiple tenancies.


Signed _________________________          Date_______________                                  Chairman Crofton Parish Council