Crofton Parish Council


Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 17th January 2006.                       


Present;                                  Councillors Jacques Bennett Chalkley Duffy K

                                                Hewitt Ripley Towns Schofield Voros.


In attendance;                        District Councillor; Cummings.

                                                3 members of the public


Apologies for absence           District Councillors Isherwood, Manifield

Councillors Duffy S, Makin and Wrigg.



01/230             Receive report from West Yorkshire Police           

The police did not attend to give their report on the Safe Scheme.

Cllrs Ripley and Chalkley commented on fighting on Friday 13th January, on Santingley Lane, it was stated that the Police arrived 15 minutes after the fighting had begun. Cllr Hewitt reported to members that an attempted armed robbery had taken place at Jacksons Supermarket on Sunday 15th January.


01/231             Receive briefing from Wakefield MDC District Councillors

Cllr Cummings reported that shrubbery had now been cut back on Slack Lane and has improved visibility, that should aid exiting onto Doncaster Road. She stated that she had met with Lister Baines and the Headmaster of Crofton High School and discussed concerns about the continuation of fencing by the Youth Centre and the effect of that. Further to this she stated that the Centre would be likely to be used as a youth centre, on Wednesday and Friday evenings, and will be available for commercial use and be used on a daily basis by such organisations. The opening of the Youth Centre will be the 23rd February 06, Cllr Jacques requested that the Parish Council be invited to the opening, which was confirmed, and asked that former Parish Cllr Graham Jackson also be invited. Cllr Cummings mentioned that the school was to develop pupils understanding of environmental issues and involve the neighbourhood patrollers in this, they would also attend a school assembly to encourage participation and interaction. Further to this Year 7 pupils were to have an environment programme of litter picking and Cllr Cummings asked for Cllr Schofield’s help in this matter as they were to target the church yard. Cllr Jacques asked if it would help for the Council to buy some long handled litter pickers, however Cllr Cummings stated it was not necessary as the environment team had sufficient equipment, but thanked Cllr Jacques for his offer.

Crofton Infants School were to visit the Council chambers in the Town Hall.

Two community grants had been given by the District Council to the Community Centre and the Darby and Joan club.

The District Council are to hold a street surgery at Hawthorn Court on 23rd March such was the success of a similar surgery.


01/232             Public Participation session

Although 3 members of the public attended no comments were received


01/233             Declarations of Interest

Cllr Bennett declared his interest with regard planning matters


01/234             Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes for the previous meeting held on 20th December 2005, were to be signed as a correct record by the Chairman, following an amendment by the Clerk to minute 12/220.


01/235             Discuss matters arising from the previous minutes

The Clerk issued Councillors with a copy of the response received from Ian Evans at  Wakefield MDC street lighting section, with regard to the re-siting of lighting at the ginnel where the cemetery meets Ashdene Crescent. Cllrs are still not satisfied with the comments and asked Cllr Cummings to investigate further.

It was confirmed by the Clerk, that the Parish Council was now in a position to co-opt a new Councillor, it was agreed to do so at a later date.

The Clerk had received confirmation from WDH that the abandoned vehicle that was left in the rear garden of 11 Oak Street, was not owned by them, it was suggested that the Clerk contact the police or the Environment Department to obtain a result.

Cllr Jacques had obtained quotes for refurbishing the benches at the War Memorial and Edith Harrows Bench (minute 12/225), it was agreed to accept the quote and proceed with the works, it was further agreed by conducting a vote, to order and erect a plaque on the War Memorial Bench. Cllr Bennett suggested that the Council perhaps think about a maintenance scheme to stop them getting into a state of disrepair in the future.


01/236             Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Duffy K, stated the graffiti had not yet been removed as referred to in minute 12/211.Cllr Jacques asked the Clerk to send Cllr Cummings an e-mail about this.

Cllr Duffy K, also raised concerns about the general structure, the condition of the windows and the roof. Cllr Bennett suggested arranging to meet as a group, to address these concerns, this was agreed for the following Sunday.

Report Village Association

The Clerk confirmed that a claim form had been received for the attempted burglary reported at last months meeting, this would be progressed once an invoice had been received for the remedial works.

Cllr Bennett asked that a previously discussed on-site meeting, be arranged with the

sanitary supplier, PHS Group, the Clerk would contact and make provisional arrangements.


01/237             Allotments report

The Clerk spoke of the on-going review of procedures, and the timetable for inspecting the allotments and collecting the rents for this year.


01/238             Parish Cemetery report

Cllr Schofield stated that T&D Contractors had cleared the waste bins and had inspected the trees, but there was still concern about the quality of work, see minute 01/244.



01/239             Discuss Traffic issues

Cllr Ripley, the road safety representative for the Parish Council, stated that the Wakefield road safety committee had folded as it had no secretary, Wakefield road safety had been asked to join Normanton road safety, to form one body. Some reasons for this move included, criticisms of the police attending some meetings and not the others, and arranging other meetings. Cllr Ripley intended to continue attending meetings unless he was unavailable, Cllr Chalkley said he would endeavour to attend if Cllr Ripley could not. The next meeting would be 7.15pm,  23rd February at Normanton Town Hall. 


01/240             Parish Leases

Nothing to report


01/241             Cleansing/Environment

Despite the Clerk contacting Lawrence Deagan at the WMDC about cleaning Cock Lane, Cllr Schofield reported this had yet to be done, the Clerk would re contact and pursue the matter.


01/242             Planning Notifications

Due to the short notice period (21 days) that the Parish Council would be able to lodge any objection to planning applications it was decided to contact Councillors weekly, rather than waiting for the next Council meeting.


01/243             Financial matters

Accounts for the month of December were agreed, the 3rd quarter budget figures were observed, Cllr Bennett asked for the estimated figures for last year to be shown to enable comparisons to be observed, Cllr Jacques stated that he had some information to help the Clerk with this request. Precept see minute 01/244


01/244             Correspondence received

The precept application see minute 01/249.

Mr Salt had been given a copy of the lease for the allotment land at Pontefract Road.

Two invoices presented for payment see minute 01/249.

The Clerk was asked to write to T&D Contractors to address some concerns and to increase the number of cuts by two.

The Clerk was asked to write to the Standards Committee and other WMDC agencies, about the short notification period being given to the Parish Council to attend meetings. Cllr Bennett suggested it would be beneficial at some stage to get a list of all WMDC agencies that we were involved with, to decide if it would be beneficial for the Council to have a representative at these meetings.

The Clerk was to contact WMDC to ascertain what increase they intended to apply to the allotments at Oak Street.


01/245             Parish matters

Cllr Chalkley asked Cllr Cummings about ongoing problems at the Slipper Public House, Cllr Cummings suggested that it maybe of help to view the licence that was granted to the premises, and for the Clerk to invite Richard Gillam, the Licensing Officer, to the next Parish Council meeting to get his comments on the situation.

Cllr Hewitt had received a complaint about the pavement at the junction of Thorntree Avenue and Shay Lane, there were many potholes creating problems for walkers, he also reported that the fencing at the bridge on Hare Park Lane was damaged, it was agreed that the Clerk would write to WMDC, and draw their attention to this.

Cllr Duffy K, stated that although she had previously reported this matter, there was still a bollard missing at 13 Meadowfields Court which is encouraging cars to take a short cut, Cllr Cummings stated she would report both the matters and inform members of the outcome.

It was reported that the plaque at the Pinfold enclosure was difficult to read, Cllr Ripley stated he would go inspect, and that T&D Contractors be asked to tidy the area. It had also been reported that digging work had begun on land adjacent to Doncaster Road opposite Slack Lane, Cllr Ripley stated it was part of the Flood defence scheme.

Cllr Bennett reminded everyone that there was a 24hr contact phone number 0845 8506506, for the public to contact should they see anything that they think may be affecting the local environment.

Cllr Schofield commented on the dog fouling in Coppers Lake along the footpath, he suggested that having signs placed in the area may help the situation, members mentioned it might be better if the Dog Warden for WMDC showed a regular presence, the Clerk would contact to persue this matter further.

Cllr Ripley reported that the metro bus shelter on Doncaster Road, had now been demolished , he asked the Clerk to enquire about the re-siting of the Parish notice board on the new shelter.


01/246             Matters reported directly to the Clerk

There were none


01/247             Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 21st February 2006                              at 7pm in Crofton High School, High Street, Crofton.


01/248             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.21


01/249             Matters to be discussed in private

Agreed, the precept to remain the same as last year.     

Invoices approved for payment.


Signed                                                                          Date                                        

             Chairman Crofton Parish Council