Page 1.                                    Crofton Parish Council


    Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 18 February 2014.                             


Present; Councillors; Chalkley, Bennett, Hewitt, Makin, Ripley

Schofield, Towns and Wilby.

Clerk to the Council; Barry Riley


In attendance;            6 members of the public

                                    District Councillors; Cummings and Manifield.

                                    PS Brooke

                                    2 representatives from the Scout Group.


02/163             Report from W.Y.Police Officers working on Crofton Safe Scheme PS Brooke, presented the Safe Scheme report covering February.                                  He informed members that investigations into the discovery of cannabis worth an estimated £500,000, found growing in Crofton at an abandoned building on Ashdene Drive, were still being conducted. When questioned about why surveillance had not been used to capture the individuals responsible following suspicions raised by people living in the area, PS Brooke stated that they did not have the resources to do so.                      Cllr Hewitt commented that an assault that had occurred at the bus stop on High Street was not on the report, PS Brooke stated that such an incident would not appear on the Safe Scheme report.                                                                                                          Cllr Bennett commented on the numerous verbal warnings issued for vehicles travelling in excess of the 20mph speed limit and questioned why fixed penalties were not issued, PS Brooke stated that he was not sure if a fixed penalty was enforceable for such an offence.                                                                                                             Comment was made about the accident that had occurred at the junction of Lodge Lane and Doncaster Road, members wanted PS Brooke to note it was yet another accident in the Crofton area of Doncaster Road.                                                                        Cllr Makin enquired about the amount of time that would be lost by PCSO’s who now had to travel to Crofton from the new police station at Normanton. PS Brooke stated that most PCSO’s were still based at Laburnum Road, but also that most officers on the Safe Scheme were NPT Officers.


02/164                         Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

District Councillors provided information to enquiries made individually by Parish Councillors, and gave an update on previous matters raised;

Following the decision to defer the planning application for a Sports Facility at Walton (see minute 01/146), Cllr Cummings informed members that the next planning meeting regarding this would be held on the 27 February.

The footpath from Priory Ridge through to Springhill Avenue had been reported as being in need of repair and having a leaning lamppost.

A confirmation had been received from Ian Garrett WMDC Principal Planning Officer, that work to form an access road or other works, would not be undertaken until planning permission was obtained.

Cllr Manifield commented on traffic cameras being recently installed elsewhere which should result in cameras for Doncaster Road becoming more likely. He was asked to ensure that it was the Crofton area of Doncaster Road that received them.

District Councillors had responded to complaints about flooding on High Street near

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to the Youth Centre and on Hare Park Lane, by asking WMDC Highways to use cameras to investigate the problem, rather than rely on the sludge removal vehicle.

WMDC Neighbourhood Action had been contacted about removing an accumulation of bin bags at the waste area of land opposite Crofton WMC (see minute 01/155).

Members were informed that the District Councillors had Neighbourhood funding available and suggested that an amount of £3000 be used to improve the track from Shay Lane to the Sports Pavilion, it was suggested that Crofton Village Association would offer funding for work to be done at the same time to the car park area and for speed bumps to be introduced.

Despite having formulated a business plan and the effort that had been given by individuals to keep Crofton Library functioning, the notification received that it would be closing had come as a shock to all involved. Cllr Cummings commented that although the way the information was received was not acceptable, the fact that the footfall figures for public use had not improved, had been of concern and probably had influenced such a decision. She confirmed it would not close in April and suggested that a meeting be organised to discuss what can be done.

There was concern about the condition of trees on Meadowfields Drive this was thought to be the responsibility of WDH. 

Cllr Bennett asked District Councillors to report the following;

The pot hole outside Crofton Junior School on Slack Lane which had been reported as being repaired had not been repaired (see minute 01/146).

Water was once again emanating from the embankment alongside the North East wing wall of Shay Lane Bridge No HPC/2, it was getting onto the footway and roadway and could cause potential problems.

Following comments made previously about waste collection, Cllr Bennett informed members about his frustration in contacting the call centre to report the matter but found it much easier to contact the waste unit directly who dealt promptly with his enquiry.

Since the Police Driver Trainer School on The Avenue was no longer in use,

Cllr Chalkley asked Cllr Cummings to enquire what the planned future use was for the land and buildings.


02/165                         Public Participation session

A resident asked PS Brooke if any statistics were produced which proved that the Safe Scheme was effective eg; that there had been crime reduction in the length of time the scheme had operated. PS Brooke commented that no such statistics were kept but confirmed that Crofton was a low crime area compared with other areas as a result of the Safe Scheme being in operation. Having a Safe Scheme also allowed residents to have a direct link, and question the Police at the Parish Council meetings.

A resident voiced his concern that early dialogue with WMDC Planning officer Ruth Backhouse (regarding the proposed Priory Ridge development), had been encouraging but of late no further updates had been received. Cllr Cummings suggested arranging another meeting.

Other residents commented about the lack of road junction markings at Priory Ridge/Santingley Lane and that the road bumps on Priory Ridge were sinking, Cllr Cummings duly noted the comments.

A resident asked Cllr Cummings to report the pot holes outside the Post Office at High Street/Manorfields Court.


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Comment was made that the traffic warden for Crofton Infants School had died, the village was now in need of two traffic wardens.

Representatives from the Scout Group asked the Parish Council to reverse their

decision (minute 01/147). It was agreed to discuss this under item 18.


02/166                         Apologies for absence          

District Councillor; Heptinstall.

Councillors; Kimbley and Wrigg.


02/167                         Declarations of Interest

None declared.


02/168                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 21 January 2014, were signed as a true record by the Chairman.


02/169                         Matters arising from previous minutes

Cllr Bennett had carried out an inspection of the kerb stones at the Parish Council car park entrance (minute 01/147), it was a concern but not considered dangerous. District Councillors were asked to check responsibility with WMDC Highways should they need to be attended to.

The Clerk reported that;

He was still awaiting a reply from WMDC Street Lighting regarding extra lighting for the Church ginnel.

WMDC Highways had arranged for a member of the contracting team to have the ginnel inspected and suggest what is required to resurface it.

WMDC Parks had been contacted about a meeting to be arranged for the Sidings with regard to the planting of trees.

He had not received a response to the enquiry about the neighbourhood planning camp, however it was noted that if a candidate did not attend the course a charge could become payable. It was agreed that no booking would be made until he had received confirmation from members that they wished to attend.

WMDC Planning Officer Ruth Backhouse had responded to a request about delaying a traffic survey, but wanted to clarify the type of survey the Parish Council was referring to, if it was a traffic survey, then the planning department would not undertake its own traffic survey. The Clerk would seek further clarification and inform members.

Members agreed to have a meeting with a delegation from the Altofts area regarding the HS2 route, the Clerk was asked to arrange it for Thursday 27 February at 7.00pm

The Clerk was asked to arrange a meeting with Paul Hanby of First impressions for Tuesday 25 February at 7.00pm.


02/170                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

The Clerk had purchased an LED light bulb to commence replacing the existing light bulbs, however having compared the cost of the two, members agreed to continue using the existing standard bulbs.

Report Village Association

Nothing to report

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Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that;

Some allotment gardens had been vacated, the information was given to the Clerk to

update the records.

The Clerk reported that only 2 allotment holders had not paid, they would be issued with letters giving seven days notice to pay or face having the tenancy revoked.

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Schofield reported that;

Work on the garage doors had not yet started due to the weather (minute 01/152).

There was an accumulation of dead wood from the trees that was creating a mess.

Cllr Schofield and the Clerk had agreed to meet the new mason who had commenced

working at Oxley-Smith on Friday 21 February at 6.30pm in the Parish Centre, he wanted to resolve outstanding issues which was preventing the Parish Council accepting applications from them.

Wakefield Memorials had erected a memorial stone without first applying and receiving permission from the Parish Council. The Clerk had contacted the mason to ask him to remove the memorial but he refused to. The Clerk reconfirmed to members that in such circumstances when the mason refused to remove the memorial that the relatives would be contacted and asked to remove it and failing that, the Parish Council would remove it and store in the cemetery garage till the matter was resolved.


02/171                         Traffic issues

Members were made aware of the accident at Lodge Lane and Doncaster Road (minute 02/163).


02/172                         Neighbourhood Plan

Since submitting the plan to Wakefield MDC, no response had yet been received.

Cllr Chalkley stated he would welcome any feedback from Community Groups and would publicise on the web site.


02/173                         Cleansing/Environment

Nothing to report.


02/174                         Planning Notifications

With regard to planning application;                                                                                                                                                              

13/03494/FUL, for a residential development 32 dwellings at Hawthorn Court, the previous development which had been demolished, housed mainly elderly residents who did not drive, therefore the new residents were more likely to be car owners, also of consideration was that the development was mainly accessible by car, such matters would only result in more traffic and add to the congestion already felt in the village. It was also considered that such congestion was not considered an effective traffic control measure.                                                                                            

With regard to planning application;

14/00139/OUT, for 2 dwellings at 337 Doncaster Road, members felt that this was another increase beyond the quota allowed for new development which was not identified on the LDF.

The Clerk was asked to contact WMDC Planning and comment on the above applications.

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02/175                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections.

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly accounts.


02/178                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular

Note 4; No decision would be made about the future of the Scout Hut until the Scouts had left the building. The Clerk was asked to contact the people interested in purchasing the building to inform them of the decision. 


02/179                         Parish matters

Given the current weather conditions it was agreed to postpone a discussion on the Copse till a later date.

A further letter    had been received from Emsleys Solicitors regarding a claim for damages against the Parish Council (see minute 09/087). The Clerk informed members that he had sought legal advice from the SLCC and YLCA about the matter.

Members having considered the information received from the above and that recent work to replace the manhole covers had been carried out by WMDC and also that there was documentation from WMDC declaring they had responsibility, decided that the Clerk should provide such information to the Solicitors and reiterate that ownership and responsibility for the area in question lies with Wakefield MDC. The Clerk was also asked to contact the insurance company as a precautionary measure,  to inform them that a claim has been made against the Council, but that responsibility was being denied.

It was agreed to discuss the notification received from WMDC regarding Xmas tree/light provision at a later date. The Clerk was asked to clarify that light provision was for the tree and not the Xmas light displays around the village.


02/180                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday 18 March 2014 at 7pm in Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


02/181             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


02/182                         Matters to be discussed in private

It was agreed to again uphold the decision made about the Scout Group.


Signed            ………………………………                        Date…………………..                      Chairman Crofton Parish Council