Page 1.                                    Crofton Parish Council


     Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 19 Feb 2013.                             


Present; Councillors; Chalkley, Bennett, Dart, Hewitt, Kimbley, Makin, Ripley

Schofield, Wrigg and Wilby.

Clerk to the Council; Barry Riley


In attendance;           6 members of the public

                                    District Councillors; Cummings, Manifield and Heptinstall

                                    PC France.


02/163             Report from W.Y.Police Officers working on Crofton Safe Scheme PC Jamie France gave a report on incidents that had occurred within the area.         

Cllr Dart stated that there was evidence of drug use on the Copse area of land, she asked that the Police patrol the area to deter further incidents.

Cllr Hewitt informed members that a car had been stolen, burnt and abandoned at the Slipper Public House after crashing into a wall on High Street (see minute 02/177).

Cllr Chalkley asked for information to be supplied in order to seek compensation against the car hire company whose car had been stolen and had damaged the wall at the Memorial (see minute 01/159), PC France would make further enquiries.

Further to the problem created by parking outside Shay Lane School (see minute 01/153), Cllr Bennett also commented on the problem of street parking on Slack Lane resulting from the use of the Post Office and collection time at Crofton Junior School. PC France duly noted the concerns and would patrol the areas.

A resident in attendance at the meeting asked that the Parish Council make car park provision to help eliminate the problems, the resident was informed that the Parish Council had provided some parking by utilising the former Library site, but the provision of car parking facilities was not the Parish Council’s responsibility. District Councillor Cummings having noted the comments, offered to approach Crofton Academy and discuss utilising an area of land within the grounds for car park use.

A resident reported incidents of youths kicking a football across High Street when cars were approaching, PC France noted the concern and asked that such incidents should also be reported to help highlight the problem.


02/164                         Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

District Councillors provided information to enquiries made individually by Parish Councillors, and gave an update on previous matters raised;

Further to the request for a walk around the village with officers from WMDC Street Scene (see minute 01/155), Cllr Cummings requested some dates to arrange this.

Cllr Wilby was given a copy of the presentation given by WMDC concerning the transfer of waste services to a private company.

Cllr Manifield informed members that due to budget constraints there was no funding available to repaint the Zebra and No Entry sign near the car park (see minute 01/151), however it would be requested in April at the start of the new financial year.

In response to complaints from residents of Claremont Crescent about the parking of cars, the Police had patrolled the area and had issued parking tickets.

Prior to the meeting a request from the Clerk (via Cllr Schofield) to attend to a pot hole on Slack Lane had now been attended to.

Cllr Cummings informed members that she had received several requests from

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residents to have a bus shelter erected in place of the seat at the junction of Shay Lane and Harrison Road, members were in general agreement to proceed with the initiative.

Following information received that the Weavers Green Public House had been sold for development, Cllr Manifield informed members that no planning application had been submitted and he had also confirmed with WMDC Planning Officer Tom Shields, that prior approval was needed before any demolition work commenced.

Members were informed that WMDC Legal Services had been authorised to prosecute the owners of the land on Ashdene Drive (see minute 11/110).

Following the submission of UK Coal plans for the Deanfield coal mining site (see minute 01/156) WMDC were to conduct a health survey.

Further to comments about the relocation of the West Yorks Sports and Social Club

(see minute 12/120), there was to be an information event to provide information, this was likely to be held in Walton Village Hall during March. Cllr Cummings was asked by members that the Parish Council be consulted on any matters due to the impact of such a development to Crofton residents.

District Councillors asked for feedback on the proposed HS2 route, members felt that more information and detail was needed before providing a qualified response.

Cllr Kimbley informed Cllr Cummings of a large pot hole at the junction of Shay Lane and Thorntree Avenue that needed attention, this was duly noted.


02/165                         Public Participation session

A resident had attended the meeting to seek further advice from the Parish Council on what he could do to stop a detached house being built which would affect his property. Having established that he had objected to the application, had consulted with District Councillors and had raised a petition, he was advised that it would help his cause to have the individuals who had signed the petition, to write individually to WMDC Planning. Further information was offered by Cllr Bennett, it was agreed that Cllr Bennett would supply the Clerk with such information in order for the Parish Council to submit their comments.


02/166                         Apologies for absence            

Councillor Towns.


02/167                         Declarations of Interest

None declared.


02/168                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 15 January 2013, were signed as a true record by the Chairman.


02/169                         Matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk reported that;

He had yet to receive a response following a 2nd request to WMDC Highways about a meeting to discuss the cycle track, the Clerk would enquire again.

The work to repair the wall at the War Memorial was now completed.           

Further to the news received from Crofton Academy that they were prepared to relinquish the allotment plots they had been allocated, members decided not to take any further action until a meeting had taken place between the Working Party and the Clerk.

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No further information had been received following the submission to WMDC

Planning about the Deanfield Mine project.

No response had been received from Spawforth Associates about arranging a meeting to discuss the 9 lakes project, the Clerk would enquire again.

Having read through the contents of the file with Cllr Schofield (see minute 01/151), the Clerk confirmed to members that there was documentary proof that the ginnel was owned by the Parish Council. Following discussion, members agreed that they would want WMDC Highway Maintenance to adopt it to ensure it would be placed on their maintenance programme. The matter would be discussed further at the next meeting with WMDC Highway Network Manager, Graham West.


02/170                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Dart reported that;

Arrangements had been made for the Electrical Contractor to commence work on Thursday 21 February.

There had been reports that visitors to the Centre were not giving due consideration to residents and other road users when parking their cars. The Clerk was asked to contact the users of the Centre and make them aware of the situation.

Report Village Association

Cllr Dart asked if there had been any progress made with the planning application for the provision of floodlights and if residents were aware (see minute 09/080). Cllr Makin stated permission had not yet been received as there were some green belt issues to resolve. Cllr Kimbley informed members that local residents had been consulted about the above mentioned planning application, but no one had objected.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that;

Most of the allotment rents had now been paid, he suggested that future payments should be made in cash on collection day to avoid cheques being sent unsigned, being returned from the bank and being received over an unacceptable period of time. The Clerk would amend the letters to be issued next year.

Report Parish Cemetery

The Clerk informed members that no application had been received from Normington Funeral Directors concerning the burial of cremated remains, it was the second time such an incidence had occurred with this particular company despite the Clerk having clarified the procedure. The Clerk was asked to write to the Company and ask they adhere to the rules or their services would not be used in the future.


02/171                         Traffic issues

Nothing to report.


02/172                         Neighbourhood Plan

The Clerk was awaiting a boundary map (see minute 01/154) before submitting the application for Crofton to be given the designation of a neighbourhood area.

It was agreed to hold a further discussion group meeting on Sunday 17 March at 6pm.

Following discussion members agreed that the Clerk should obtain a licence to access Ordnance Survey data free at the point of use, for the mapping requirements of the Council.                                                                                        

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02/173                         Cleansing/Environment

Comment was made that the cyclical gully cleanse was due, the Clerk was asked to make the request to WMDC Highway Maintenance. Cllr Kimbley asked that the main drain leading into the Sidings Fields was noted on the request.

Cllr Dart was concerned that standing water was not draining from outside 3 Springhill Avenue, the Clerk would also request this be inspected when contacting WMDC Highway Maintenance. There had also been an incidence of a car not slowing down to navigate the water, as this was a traffic offence, the registration plate of the vehicle should be noted and reported to the Police.

Cllr Dart informed members that she had reported to WMDC Neighbourhood Action a number of pot holes that required attention, these were outside Shay Lane Primary School, on Manorfields Court and on Slack Lane.

Following the issuing of the Agenda, the Clerk had received documentation from CAIP (a company involved in upgrading the digital mobile telephone network). They were seeking the views of the Parish Council before any planning submission was made for a proposed base station upgrade at Larkdale Farm. Members duly noted the information.


02/174                         Planning Notifications

With regard to planning application 13/00029/OUT, the erection of a detached house on Towers Close, see minute 02/165.

With regard to planning application 13/00083/FUL, following discussion members were concerned that there were already enough fishing facilities and the access was substandard. The Clerk was asked to submit comments to WMDC Planning.


02/175                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections.

It was noted that a receipt entered for the Cemetery should have been entered for the Allotments, the Clerk duly noted the error and would rectify.

Members duly noted the information received from Barclays Bank that the Parish

Council has its deposit account covered under the Financial Services Compensation


It was agreed to discuss the application from the Community Cafe under item 18


02/176                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular;

Note 4; Cllr Dart was given the information for the Conservation Group, she would make further enquiries.

Note 8; Members agreed to discuss the proposed high speed rail link HS2 at the next Neighbourhood Plan discussion group (see minute 02/172).

Note 10; Following discussion, the Clerk was asked to invite the owner of the campsite at Wintersett, to attend at the Parish Centre and provide information to members. Possible dates suggested were Tuesday 12 March or alternatively Tuesday 26 March.


02/177                         Parish matters

It was noted that water was escaping from the railway bridge (that crosses Shay Lane at the Walton Nature Park) onto the road. Given that there had been accidents in this

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area and the recent cold weather, the Clerk was asked to enquire who was responsible

for resolving the matter.

Cllr Hewiit informed members that despite receiving an assurance in October 2012 that only the WMDC Playground Maintenance Team would use the Hare Park Lane

entrance for the playground area and that all other maintenance teams would use the Shay Lane entrance, vehicles had accessed the Hare Park Lane entrance to carry out work on the ponds, this had caused damage to the grass which had been driven over to access the ponds.

Cllr Kimbley informed members that The Environment Agency had informed him that the water in Coppers Lake cannot be treated to rid it of silt, it will therefore over time return to land with a self made water channel. Cllr Kimbley stated that it could be fished as long as the fish are still there.

It was noted that the stone wall on High Street opposite to Manorfields Court, had been damaged by a stolen car which had crashed into it.


02/178                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday 19 March 2013 at 7pm in Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


02/179             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


02/180                         Matters to be discussed in private

It was agreed to award a donation to the Community Cafe.


Signed ………………………………                        Date…………………..                      Chairman Crofton Parish Council