Page 1.                                    Crofton Parish Council


     Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 15th February 2011.                            


Present;          Councillors,    Chalkley (Chair), Bennett, Healy, Hewitt, Makin, Ripley, Schofield, Towns, Voros and Wrigg.


In attendance;                       2 members of the public

                                                District Councillor Cummings and Manifield.


02/163 Members confirmed the co-option of David Kimbley to the Parish Council


02/164             Report from W.Y.Police Officers working on Crofton Safe Scheme PS Day presented his report covering 18th January to 15th February.          

Cllr Jacques;

Thanked PS Day for the issuing of penalty tickets on High Street and Slack Lane.

Following information received from Inspector Carlson concerning funding opportunities, he asked PS Day about organising an initiative to have window etching on cars, PS Day stated that such an initiative was a road safety matter rather than a crime reduction measure, which the funding was for.

Cllr Chalkley;

Commented on a resident who lived opposite Sainsbury’s and had been unable to exit their drive on several occasions due to the irresponsible parking of cars, the resident had left a sign outside his house in an effort to deter them.

He confirmed that Safe Scheme funding would be continued for the year.

Cllr Bennett;

Thanked PS Day for his efforts in alleviating the traffic congestion at the Infant School, he noted that the car park at the old Library site was still not being utilised.

He asked if PS Day would take action over a vehicle at 12 Springhill Drive which was creating much noise late at night and disturbing residents.

Cllr Wrigg;

Informed members that with regard to the ongoing situation of the shop on Hawthorn Avenue (see minute 12/128), it had now been cleared of debris.

She asked what action could be taken over a commercial vehicle parking outside a residential property and obstructing the light. PS Day stated that if the vehicle was taxed and insured and there was no restriction to parking in the area, they were entitled to park there.

Cllr Healy asked for PS Day to take action against youths causing vandalism to fencing on Greenside Park and anti social behaviour around Middle Lane. She stated that an old settee was being used as a gathering point for the youths, it was noted that residents should contact WMDC Neighbourhood Action to have it removed.

Cllr Schofield had noted a vehicle parked on Stocks Road which was not taxed, PS Day duly noted this.

PS Day commented on a previous request for the Police to work in pairs, he felt that they should also work individually to cover a wider area. Comment was made that a PCSO working alone would not be able to act with the same force as a Police Officer, PS Day stated that they still had the power of detention, whilst support came.

Councillors duly noted PS Day’s recommendations, they would assist him in his duties by keeping him informed of what was required at specific times.

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02/165                         Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

Cllr Cummings updated members on previous matters raised and provided information to enquiries made individually by Parish Councillors.

She had received notification from WMDC Highway Officer Bob Whyatt, that there was no area on High Street in which to safely place a pedestrian crossing. She was

planning to have a meeting with WMDC Officers to discuss this matter further as she was not prepared to accept the decision. Cllr Chalkley also expressed his disappointment with this response, Cllr Ripley stated it was ridiculous.

With regard to the introduction of slow sign markings, these would be done in the new financial year.

The road sweeper had been in action on Shay Lane/Harrison Road to clear the grit and debris that was regularly accumulating there, she was asked if the sweeper could attend on a fortnightly basis. Cllr Jacques wished it to be noted that the condition of the road in this area presented a danger.

Members were informed that the main topic of conversation at their Council Surgeries was the provision of fishing at Coppers Lake. Cllr Cummings stated her intention to have a public meeting at the Parish Centre, to form a possible action group to lobby for fishing platforms to be installed. Cllr Healey offered to approach the Millenium Fishing Group to seek their assistance to fish the lake, however it was pointed out that rather than fishing the lake periodically, it required a club to give a financial commitment to remedy the situation.

An award of £100,000 had now been received from Playbuilder, to improve facilities at the Sidings.

Santingley Road had now been subject to surface dressing, but it was planned to do further work and to cut back the hedge which should have been done previously.

Residents from Cambridge Crescent had expressed their concern about the length of time it was taking to cross Doncaster Road due to the layout of the footpath. District Councillors had contacted WMDC and were awaiting a response.

Cllr Bennett expressed his dissatisfaction that the Parish Council was not being kept informed, consulted or advised on developments by WMDC Highways, he asked that District Councillors take action concerning this.

Cllr Manifield commented on the problems encountered by District Councillors when trying to resolve matters raised due to the number of officers that had left the Authority.


02/166                         Public Participation session

Residents from Rose Garth asked Cllr Cummings what action was being taken to remove the tree in the Churchyard that was causing the wall in their garden to constitute a danger. Comment was made that although the cemetery grounds were the responsibility of WMDC, permission was needed from the Church to progress any work. Cllr Chalkley stated that the Parish Council would follow the progress of the enquiry with Cllr Cummings.

Comment was made about the parking of vehicles outside houses on Rose Garth when a funeral was taking place, Cllr Cummings was asked what restrictions could be implemented to stop this.

A resident asked the District Councillors, if the footpath by the side of The Slipper

public house, could be included in the ‘Crofton Clean Up’ week scheduled for w/c 21st March.

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02/167                         Apologies for absence          

None received for District Councillor Lodge.


02/168                         Declarations of Interest

Cllr Jacques declared his interest with regard to Aketon Groundworks.


02/169                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 18th January 2011, were signed as a true record by the Chairman.


02/170                         Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk reported that;

He had been informed by WMDC Property Management, that Family Services (Education) were to contact him to resolve the problem of cars parking on the grass at the old library site.

He was awaiting confirmation from WMDC Environment, that the conifers had been removed from the verge on Doncaster Road, however it was confirmed they had now been removed.

He had yet to receive a response from WMDC Highway Maintenance concerning a replacement sign for Stocks Road, the introduction of 20mph signage and the dedication of the footpath at the Church.

Members discussed the travel arrangements for the visit to a wind turbine on the 05th March, it was agreed that two cars would be needed for those wishing to attend, members were to meet at the Cock & Crown public house at noon.


02/171                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Jacques asked for a member to replace Cllr Duffy who had now resigned, after some discussion Cllr Chalkley offered to take her place.

Further to a discussion concerning a recent enquiry to hire the Centre, members agreed that the part hours would be charged pro rata for future bookings.

Report Village Association

Cllr Makin reported that;

Plastering work was still needed to finish the work resulting from the damage caused by the flooding, however this would not be done till the electrical work was complete.

Cllr Bennett informed members that he had met 3 contractors arranged by the Clerk, who were to submit tenders for the work. Members decided to accept the quote received from EEW

Cllr Bennett informed members that he had held a meeting with the cleaner and addressed some of the issues that had been raised about the efficiency of the work being done, it was agreed to review the situation at a later date.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that;

Allotment tenancy money was still being received despite the 30 day deadline for payment having passed.

He was intending to allocate the allotment plots at Pontefract Road during the

following week, he would arrange a site meeting with the Clerk to confirm allocation of the plots.

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Cllr Jacques enquired if the water supply arranged by the school would be for their use only, it was confirmed that the water would be available to all allotment tenants at Pomtefract Road.

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Schofield  reported that;

The erection of the fence was now complete.

He had received an estimate for the installation of a path (see minute 01/152). Having discussed the content, members suggested that a membrane be used in the ground works, Cllr Schofield was asked to seek a re-quote based on this requirement.

Members discussed the current Cemetery charges, it was decided to alter charges 1.1,1.2,1.3 to £20.


02/172                         Discuss Traffic issues

See comments under minute 02/165.


02/173                         Parish Plan

Cllr Chalkley informed members that April was the target date for printing the plan.


02/174                         Cleansing/Environment

Nothing to report


02/175                         Planning Notifications


Members discussed the application to change a warehouse to a MOT testing station. Concern was raised about whether there would be adequate parking provided, it was therefore agreed that the Clerk would raise the concern with WMDC Planning.

It had been noted that internal work was being undertaken on St Josephs Church on Santingley Lane (which was closed in 2008), comment was made that it was being converted for use by disabled groups.


02/176                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections,

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly accounts.

Having given due consideration to the request from the Crofton Choir Group for a donation towards operating costs, members agreed to a donation of £100.

Having given due consideration to the request from the Community Cafe for a donation  of £200 towards fees for operating costs, members agreed to do so.


02/177                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular

Note 3; Cllr Bennett was given the Country Air magazine.

Note 5, Members having being notified of the resignation of Cllr Duffy, conveyed their thanks and duly noted the selfless work she had done for the Parish Council and the villagers.


02/178                         Parish matters

Members duly noted the information received from District Councillors about the

‘Crofton Clean Up’ week. Members decided to choose specific areas to be targeted.

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Cllr Voros wanted the rubbish from the rear of the shops on High Street removed.

Cllr Chalkley offered to contact Cllr Cummings to agree a plan of action.

Cllr Ripley suggested that rather than wait for each meeting for questions to be asked about what progress was being made with regard to the wind turbine, ongoing enquiries should be done between meetings.

Members were reminded of the scheduled dates for the PACT meetings, being held in Crofton High School.

Cllr Hewitt stated that he had previously reported his concern about the safety of trees covered in Ivy that bordered Doncaster Road near its junction with West Lane. The Clerk was asked to seek reassurance that they were safe, given recent incidents.

Cllr Ripley commented on the number of gas leaks that had occurred and wondered if there was an underlying problem, it was suggested that recent bad weather was the main contributor to this rather than there being a problem

Cllr Towns stated she had noticed that horses had been left on land at the Crofton Arms, she was concerned that other accessible plots of land may be subject to such action by travelling groups.

Cllr Kimbley reported that safety bollards positioned near the High School were missing, the Clerk was asked to report this.

Cllr Bennett informed members that there was to be a meeting on the 02nd March at the Belle Vue Community Centre in Agbrigg, which would provide an opportunity for individuals to express opinions about their neighbourhood

He also informed members that this meeting could be his last as he was considering



02/179                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday, 15th March 2011 at 7pm in Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


02/180             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


02/181                         Matters to be discussed in private

There were none.




Signed                                                                         Date                                        Chairman Crofton Parish Council