Crofton Parish Council


Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held  21st February 2006.                              


Present;                                  Councillors Jacques Bennett Chalkley Duffy K

                                                Makin Towns Schofield Voros Wrigg


In attendance;                        District Councillors; Manifield, Cummings,.Isherwood.


                                                4 members of the public


Apologies for absence           Councillors Duffy S, Ripley, Hewitt.


02/250             Receive report from West Yorkshire Police           

PC Daley apologised for the non-attendance last month, he gave a written report on the safe scheme that covered a two month period. From the information presented, Cllr Makin noted that the burglary dwelling was the first for a while, Cllr Towns enquired as to the nature of the assaults that had been committed, PC Daley was not able to go into detail, but they involved juveniles and youths. Cllr Chalkley mentioned last months report concerning fighting, PC Daley said it had become a Friday night problem and he was trying to get extra resources to address the problem. Cllr Duffy K stated she had reported a break-in at the Portakabin (rear of Parish Centre), she arranged to meet PC Davies from the new neighbourhood policing team, but he failed to appear. It was mentioned to PC Daley by Cllr Voros, that he had witnessed a 14 year old girl with cigarettes bought from the Post Office. Cllr Manifield asked if PC Daley had received reports about motor bikes, he said that all nuisance calls are logged, if needed he could make enquiries about any incidents.


02/251             Receive briefing from Wakefield MDC District Councillors

Cllr Cummings spoke about a number of matters relating to the January meeting, and produced a report for the Clerk, detailing the following;

Bedford Close – With regard to a request for gates to deter youths from congregating, WDH state this would be difficult to erect due to the extent of the area, but they intend instead, to install a hoop top fence as a deterrent,      

Neighbourhood Patrollers requested – The report received as of the 14th February, stated that there was one incidence of anti-social behaviour and two of verbal abuse at Bedford Close, there was a gang outside the High Street stores, but causing no trouble.

Thorntree Avenue footpath – It had been inspected and remedial works will be done, but it is not in the programme of works for 06/07.

Meadowfield Court bollard – It had been replaced, knocked down again but reinstated with the use of quick drying cement.

Slack Lane sign – The 30mph sign which was in the ditch, was now erected.

Street lights -             Seaton Terrace, rear 12-38, existing lighting columns replaced with 4 new ones.

                        Hope Terrace, 1-31, 5 new columns to be installed.

Ginnel from Church to Ashdene Crescent lighting – The ginnel does not form part of the adopted highway, and is therefore not maintained by WMDC. Cllr Bennett pointed out that this was not what was asked of Cllr Cummings, the Parish Council wished her to state that they had not been consulted properly about the siting of this new light column, and had been told that if they had requests for additional lighting, they had to ask. They had asked, and were told they would have to join a long waiting list for additional funding, to get extra lights. The Clerk was asked to send a letter of invitation to Amey, to attend the next Parish Council meeting.

Slipper Public House – Complaints received at the DC surgeries, were about closing times not being adhered to, it was alleged that when drinkers left the Slipper at 4am, they went to the Weavers Green pub to continue.

Crofton Park – The park is to be rolled and reseeded in March.


Cllr Cummings requested that a copy of the agenda and minutes be e-mailed to the District Councillors prior to the PC meeting. She reported that the opening of the youth centre had been delayed, and no new date had yet been set.

Cllr Isherwood talked about street surgeries being a success, he was asked by Cllr Jacques about the condition of Shay Lane and particularly the number of potholes, he was assured that the matter was part of the improvement programme for 2006/07.

Cllr Manifield  gave information about when the area would receive improvements and upgrades to its housing, he also reminded members that he was still awaiting the results of a traffic survey about the old Pontefract Road.


02/252             Public Participation session

The Council listened to comments made by the public. A couple wanted to apply for an allotment garden, the Clerk would send an application form. Another member of the public enquired about the status of a footpath at the Nature Reserve and its use by a horse riding school in Walton. The Clerk would enquire and establish whether it could be used as a bridle path. Another member of the public wished to complain about litter at the rear of the shops on the High Street and also about the potential hazard caused by the exposed securing wire on the telegraph pole at the junction of High Street and Slack Lane. The Clerk was asked to contact British Telecom and make them aware of the danger.


02/253             Declarations of Interest

Cllr Bennett declared his interest with regard planning matters


02/254             Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes for the previous meeting held on the 17th January 2006, were signed as a correct record by the Chairman.


02/255             Discuss matters arising from the previous minutes

The Clerk had not received a response from Cllr Cummings about graffiti removal from the Parish Centre, the matter would be discussed again at the next Council meeting.

The Clerk reported that WMDC were still investigating the possibility of an enlarged traffic island at Doncaster Road/Pinfold Drive (see Minute 02/259).

Despite three efforts by the Clerk, Ian Garrett had not responded to an enquiry as to activity on the Crofton Triangle.

The boundary walls at Harrison Road/Ashdene Approach, the Clerk reported that they had investigated the wrong boundary, but since they now had the correct information they would make enquiries.

The car in the garden at Oak Street had now been removed.

The notice board had not yet been placed on the bus shelter as it was to heavy for the new Perspex construction, a bracket was being made to enable it to be re-hung.

Cllrs Bennett and Makin, were given the contact details for the PHS sanitary services representative, and were to arrange a meeting with regard to the Community Sports Pavillion.


02/256             Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Duffy K, reported that the Playschool had now left the building, all signs had been taken down, but as of yet the keys had not been handed in. The portakabin had been broken into, it was agreed that it should be removed, it was no longer needed for storage as the Play school had now left, the Clerk would make enquiries as to the cost of removal with WMDC. The notice board had been delivered and needed erecting, it was agreed to seek quotes with a cost limit of £100. Concern was raised about the effectiveness of the cleaning at the Centre, it was agreed to discuss this at a later date

Report Village Association

Cllr Bennett stated he had received a letter from NPower regarding an inspection of the electrical equipment in the buildings.


02/257             Allotments report

It was agreed to form an allotments committee, which was to consist of Cllrs Hewitt, Duffy K, Towns, Chalkley and Voros. The committee would oversee the allotment gardens and land at Hare Park, Oak Street and Pontefract Road.


02/258             Parish Cemetery report

Cllr Schofield was still not satisfied with the standard of work carried out by T&D Contractors, the Clerk would contact them and arrange a site visit with Cllr Schofield,

to resolve the matter. There was also a requirement to install, at a future date, a concrete plinth at the burial urns section of the cemetery. Cllr Chalkley stated that a local contractor had a concreting business, he would enquire if he manufactured the product we required.


02/259             Discuss Traffic issues

Cllr Bennett mentioned that it would be interesting to note what response we would get from the WMDC Highways Dept/Traffic Management; if we offered to assist in the funding of highway works, with regard to the ongoing enquiry about a larger traffic/crossing island at the junction of Pinfold Drive and Doncaster Road, and also the provision of kissing gates/A frames on the Priory Estate to Meadowfields, the Clerk was therefore asked to make an enquiry.


02/260             Parish Leases

The Clerk asked for clarification concerning what he thought was an outstanding payment due from B.W Smith’s, three year agreement, Councillors confirmed that it had been previously agreed that B.W.Smith would not pay the first year of his three year lease, the Clerk would note in his records that the agreement was paid in full.


02/261             Cleansing/Environment

Cllr Jacques had noted that the street cleaners had been out regularly.



02/262             Planning Notification

Councillors had no objections.


02/263             Financial matters

Accounts were observed without comment


02/264             Correspondence received

Councillors were circulated with maps of Crofton, to help WMDC identify contaminated land in Crofton.

The Clerk confirmed he would be attending a training session on agenda procedure, organised by the Yorkshire Local Councils Association.

Members noted the other contents without comment.


02/265             Parish matters

Cllr Jacques welcomed Richard Gillam the licensing officer from WMDC to the meeting. He talked about the law concerning 24 hour opening and the various restrictions that can be applied to reduce this. He mentioned the evidence that was needed if there was to be a change to the existing licence. Cllr Jacques asked if the Licensing Office are enforcing public houses to honour their agreement, he stated that resources were limited, and they were reliant on the Police and others(environment dept for noise), to co-ordinate their activities, Cllr Cummings asked what support the police had given to attending meetings to make representations against the granting of licenses, Mr.Gillam stated none. Cllr Makin pointed out that the lack of resources would make enforcement difficult. Mr.Gillam stated that over a period of time, problems reported to them about the same shops, pubs and clubs would give them a heightened awareness, and they would be monitored for compliance, he added though, that all premises that had been visited seemed to be complying. He also stated that at present, the Parish Council was not consulted under any statutory arrangement, this situation may change in the future.

Cllr Jacques informed the Council that following the removal of a tree in Hare Park Lane, a member of the public had asked if this was acceptable, he had been informed that if the tree was not subject to a tree preservation order, then it was.

Cllr Schofield had been asked by the community at the Sycamores about getting a ‘No Ball games’, notice put up to discourage youths from playing there and generally causing problems. Cllr Cummings said that it would be unlikely a notice would be put up, as it could not be easily policed, but she would ask WMDC to investigate, Cllr Isherwood said that they would be sympathetic, since it was an anti-social behaviour problem.

Cllr Jacques gave a report on the inspection carried out at the Parish Centre that had been previously agreed (Minute 01/236). The Centre was in a reasonable condition, but needs some refurbishment to the exterior, following this some attention could be given to re designing the interior, it was agreed to discuss this at a later date.  

Cllr Bennett reminded the Clerk, that he had agreed to produce a list of all representative bodies the Parish Council were involved with at some time in the near future.


02/266             Matters reported directly to the Clerk

The Smoke signal had enquired about there being no information about the Councillor vacancy on the Parish Centre notice board, the Clerk informed them it had been on display but was now taken down, in accordance with procedure.


02/267             Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 21st March 2006                              at 7pm in Crofton High School, High Street, Crofton.


02/268             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.21

This was duly noted


02/269             Matters to be discussed in private

There were none




Signed                                                                          Date                                        


              Chairman Crofton Parish Council