Crofton Parish Council


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on

Tuesday 15th  February 2005 in The High School at 7.00 pm.


Present: Councillors. P Jacques, S Bennett, J Voros, A. Ripley, R Hewitt, G Jackson, K Duffy, G Makin, G Towns, W Wrigg, S Duffy


Acting Clerk: M A Cummings


Residents ‑ 5 Residents


District Councillors ‑ A Manifield, M A Cummings


Apologies" Councillors T Chalkley, G Schofield, G Isherwood, P C Paul McMahon & Mohammed Egal from WMDC Youth Services.


WYP         P C Daley


The chairman Councillor P Jacques presided over the meeting.


05/24             WEST YORKSHIRE POLICE

                      P C Daley circulated a written report and updated members on actions taken on their behalf and priorities addressed during January 2005. There had been 22 crimes in

                      total during that period with a total of 59 hours in the village. The churchyard continues to be given particular attention during the night and Friday evenings are

                      now proving to be quieter. A poster campaign  which is a Government Initiative around Anti Social Behaviour was being launched and P C Daley distributed the

                      posters for display around the village.

                      A resident reported that Santingley Lane is once again suffering from off road biking between 3pm and 4pm along the railway lines to Havercroft and Ryhill. Any such

                      incidents should be reported to the Police and to the Neighbourhood Action hotline 0845 8 506 506.

                      The Chairman reported that Tim Moorby was retiring and that at his retirement event he would be presenting commendations to P C McMahon for his work on the SAFE

                      Scheme. 4 Parish Councils had been invited to the event to accept commendations for their commitment to the scheme, the Chairman would be representing Crofton

                      along with the Parish Clerk John Shillitoe.

                    Resolved that PC Daley is thanked for his report and for attending the meeting,

                      The priorities for February 2005 were confirmed.




Councillor Manifield began by apologising to those residents who had attended the


recent Councillor Surgery in the Library. Unfortunately, Councillor Isherwood was working alone and had been held up in Havercroft making him 30 minutes late in getting to Crofton. Should any member of the Parish Council know of anyone who did attend please advise any local member, Smoke Signal was asked to publicise this request


Discussion were still ongoing with regard to the cleaning and maintenance of the War Memorial on Doncaster Road. The Christmas lights had now been sorted out Could comments from the Parish Council regarding the Local Development Framework be copied to District Councillors for information and support. Bus Shelters along the 195, 196, 197 bus routes were being replaced and kerbs dropped in line with DDA, guidelines these works should be happening over the Spring period.


Councillor Cummings reported


     Off road bikers were once again becoming a nuisance on Crofton Triangle, the planning department and AS13 unit have been alerted and an update on H&S issues had been requested.

     A meeting has taken place with the Police, Youth Services and local members to discuss temporary youth provision until the new Youth Club is opened.

     The Planning Department have been chased with regard to progress on the access to the field on Doncaster Road.


Resolved" that Councillors, Manifield and Cummings are thanked for their report.


05/26           PUBLIC SESSION


5 Members of the public were present, issues raised,


     Allotments around the village, some were now in poor condition, residents had been on the waiting list for more than 12 months, is there any possibility of knowing how likely they are to be given an allotment during the next year.

     WEA Art Class, a request was made that the Pavilion is made available to house the class until works on the Community Centre had been completed.


Councillor Hewitt explained that there was an ongoing problem with the allotments. It was difficult to identify who the tenants were. It is known that when the yearly rentals become due in March 2005 some holders will give up their allotments and vacant allotments will then be offered to those on the waiting list.


Councillor Bennett moved that a special meeting should be arranged to resolve the legal arrangements and to establish the rules and regulations


Resolved 1) that a special meeting is called for Thursday 24th February 2005 to discuss the allotments. 2) that Councillor Ripley obtains all the paperwork from the Parish Clerks home. 3) it was agreed that the Pavilion is made available for the WEA Art Class.




There were no declarations of interest.




05/28           MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD 18th JANUARY 2005


Revolved: that with several amendments these are accepted as a true record.


05/29           MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD 27th JANUARY 2005


Revolved.‑ that with several amendments these are accepted as a true record.




Minute 05/02 Speed Survey ‑ still not available

Bedford Close ‑ still awaiting outcome of survey re removal of seat Minute 05/06 Tree Pinfold ‑ the tree has still not been removed.

                             Parish Centre ‑ works complete and debris cleared away

M inute 05/08 Wall ‑ identified by Councillor K Duffy required rebuilding

Minute 05/12 Churchyard ‑ works now complete

Minute 05/17 LDF ‑ complete and ready for submission




Resolved that the press and public are asked to leave the meeting following agenda item number 22


05/32          COMMUNITY FACILITIES ‑ CONVENORS REPORTS Parish Centre ‑ New Notice board is required


Resolved that the Clerk contacts Sharlston Parish Council to establish where they purchased theirs.


Village Association ‑ Graffiti on building and wall, High Street. A meeting has been arranged with PHS at 5pm on 24.2.05 venue the Sidings to review services they provide to Village Association, all members invited.


Resolved Councillor Makin to report graffiti to WMDC


05/33          ALLOTMENTS

See minute 05/26


05/34          CEM ETERY

Nothing to report


05/35          SPECIAL SERVICES

Nothing to report


05/36          ROAD TRAFFIC ISSUES




Resolved‑ that the Clerk contacts the District Council regarding the speed survey along

High Street


05/37           CROFTON WAR MEMORIAL

                    See minute 05/25


05/38           CLEANSING

                    The Chairman reported that he had emailed Martin Womersley WMDC with regard to the

                    cleanliness of the village, he had received no reply but remarked that the village was

                    looking cleaner and that the sweeper had been seen. Several other issues were raised,


a. The gullies on Slack Lane have not yet been cleaned out b. Big 'D' Premier Store, rubbish accumulation to the rear of the premises. c. Oakdale Garage. Cock & Crown, bus stands have no litter bins. d. Pinfold Drive/Church Way ‑ dog fouling on footpath e. Dog foul bins promised through Area Panel (8) still not arrived. f. Will litter bins be re installed when lamp columns replaced. g. When new bus shelters erected will the litter bins be re installed.


Resolved: 1) that the clerk chases the Highways Department re the gullies, 2) that the clerk writes to Big 'D' 3) that the clerk writes to West Yorkshire Passenger Transport re replacement waste bins. 4) that the clerk contacts the Area Panel officer re provision on dog foul bins 5) that the footpath as described in d) is reported to Neighbourhood Action


05/39           PLANNING


Resolved‑ that the clerk a) investigates the term 'Agricultural Building' b) enquires what is the correct planning procedure for locally advertising planning applications


05/40          FINANCIAL MATTERS


L Dodson JanO5                                                                                   54.70

WMDC                                                                                                 305.00

SLCC                                                                                                     82.00

PHS                                                                                                     141.92

J F Shillitoe                                                                                            71.98

WMDC Survey                                                                                    945.88

YWA                                                                                                    101.35

NPower                                                                                                161.70

L Dodson FebO5                                                                                   54.70


Resolved that the above payments are approved.


05/41          PRECEPT


Resolved‑ that the precept application of £42,000 is approved and submitted to WMDC.


05/42          CORRESPONDENCE






Resolved‑ that the correspondence is noted.


05/43           PARISH MATTERS


a) The posts at the top of the Sidings are not yet replaced b) Hare Park Lane 'No Through Road' sign required c) Rubbish on Hare Park Lane and adjoining field d) House issue on Thorntree Avenue e) Entrance sign required Shay Lane f) Slack Lane/Pinfold Lane, brambles growing over footpath g) Planning law around the sale of cars on public highways h) Walton View ‑ dog fouling


Resolved.‑ that the Clerk takes up the issues with the appropriate authorities.




Resolved.. that the next meeting of the Parish Council is held on Tuesday 15th March 2005 at 7pm in Crofton High School, High Street, Crofton.


05/45          PRIVATE MATTERS


There were no private matters.



Signed                                                                                                   Date










Crofton Parish Council


Minutes of the Special Parish Council Meeting held on

Thursday 24th February 2005 in The Pavillion, Crofton at 7.00 pm.


Present. Councillors.. P Jacques, S Bennett, R Hewitt, K Duffy, G Makin, G Towns, S Duffy, T Chalkley


Acting Clerk: ' M A Cummings


Apologies‑ Councillor A Ripley


The chairman Councillor P Jacques presided over the meeting.










Following receipt of information regarding who rented what allotment, a full and frank discussion took place regarding the allotment sites in Crofton. Some of the users were not complying with the tenancy agreements and some of the allotments were overgrown and there were a number of multipe tenancies.


Resolved‑ 1) that the discussion and concerns are taken in private at the next Parish Council meeting scheduled for 15th March 2005. 2) That those residents on the waiting list are contacted to establish that they are still interested in renting a site. 3) That the yearly rent invoices are issued collection will be in the Parish Centre 9.30am to 12 noon, on Satruday 1911 March 2005.




The acting Clerk updated members on the progress of parish matters. Councillor Jacques indicated that the light in the Parish Centre had been fixed. Repairs to the Parish Centre Wall had been approved.


Resolved.‑ that the 2 quotations in the sum of £60 for repairs to the wall were approved.




Resolved‑ that Councillors Towns and Chalkley attend the planning seminar in Wakefield Town Hall 16111 March 2005.




Signed                                                                                                  Date