Crofton Parish Council


                                                                   Minutes of the meeting held on

                                             Tuesday 18 February 2003 in The High School at 7.00 pm.



                 Present:                                    Councillors:                  I Beckett, S Bennett, T Gomersall,

                                                                                                     D Crowcroft, J R Hewitt, G P Jackson,

                                                                                                     A Ripley, G Scargill, & J Voros


                                                                 Residents:                     Mrs Baines, Mrs R Salt, Mr P Jaques &

                                                                                                     Mr G Schofield


                                                                 Wakefield MDC           Cllr P Loosemoore


                                                                 West Yorkshire Police:  PC J Whitworth


                                                                 The Clerk:                    J F Shillitoe


                 Apologies:                                Councillors:                  P Beckett & L Coates


                 The chairman, Cllr Ripley, presided over the meeting. 


03/020      Presentation by Cllr P Loosemoore 


                 Cllr Loosemore welcomed the opportunity to speak to the Parish Council again detailing progress made to date on improving Social care in Wakefield.


                 Cllr Loosemore explained that progress had been made is improving Wakefield MDCs Social Care Programme but there was still a long way to go.  One of the main areas for which Wakefield had been criticised for was not providing a good service to the elderly an area in which progress has now been made.


                 The community meals service has been dramatically improved with the award of a new contract to the WRVS, who now provide either a hot ready to eat meal or a frozen one to be heated at home 7/52, a 43% increase in the service.


                 A new phone service, Social Care Direct, has been established. This service offers a one-stop shop were all matters relating to social care can be dealt with.


                 Facilities for adults with learning difficulties have also been improved; work schemes have been set up with Hemsworth Centre taking the lead.


                 In house residential care had also been criticised by the inspectors, not for the quality of the service, which is first rate, but for its cost, some £408 pw compared to £253 pw in the private sector.  As a result Wakefield were planning to transfer 5 of its 9 residential homes to the private sector.  Cllr Loosemore did stress that these plans were at a consultative stage and as yet nothing was set in tablets of stone.


                 Cllr Beckett expressed the view that the sale of these homes to the private sector should not be allowed, the home have subject to massive investment and were first class facilities, it would be criminal for them to be cherry picked by the private sector.




                 Cllr Loosemore added that the management of the homes were looking at ways of reducing costs.

                 Should these result in the homes becoming competitive then there would be no need to dispose of them.


                 Discussion took place on the funding of residential care, the crude means testing and the forcing of residents to sell property in order to pay for their care.  The consensus being that residential care should still be subject to means testing but residential property should not form part of the formula.


                 Cllr Jackson asked Cllr Loosemore to express the council’s disappointment over Mrs McHale’s failure to attend, having had three months notice of the meeting.  Surely she knew it was half term when she accepted the council’s invitation.


                 The chairman thanked Cllr Loosemore for attending and bringing councillors up to speed on developments.


03/021      Declaration of Interests in Items on the Agenda


                 No declarations made.


03/022      Public Participation Session


Due to the length of the agenda, the chairman asked that public to only raise matters, which were either not covered by the agenda or of extreme importance.


No matters were raised.


03/023      West Yorkshire Police


                 PC Whitworth (John) apologised for PC Raworth’s absence.


                 The crime figures for the month show 26 crimes in total, these include 4 making off without payment from the Redbeck filing station, 3 detected crimes and a false allegation.


                 Church Lane was now clear and the residents have been informed of the consequences of not keeping the road clear.


                 Two cars detected without documents have been confiscated and crushed.


                 Problems with youths are down, probably due to the frosty weather.


                 Theft of and thefts from motor vehicles is still a problem, John expressed the view that the owners of vehicles could do a lot more to project their assets, keeping nothing in the vehicle or at least keeping goods out of sight and were possible garaging vehicles rather than leaving them on the drive could deter thieves.


                 John informed councillors that there is a possibility that West Yorkshire Police in partnership with the Parish Council could produce a leaflet for circulation to all households, aimed at educating parishioners on basic crime prevention.  The costs would be in the region of £50 per 1000 plus delivery.  Councillors thought that this was worth exploring further and John agreed to bring copies of a leaflet to the next meeting.


                 Mrs Salt informed John that there was a vehicle dumped on Walton reclamation site.  John advised that PC Andy Rogerson (07786 334684) be contacted on the matter.




                 Cllr Beckett informed John that the residents of Harrison Road were been troubled by youths running through their rear gardens, causing damage to fences, sheds, conservatries and the like.


                 John agreed to inform all safe scheme officers of the problem. 


                 The priorities for February/March to be:


                 Foot Patrol – As required, concentrating on the village centre, Post Office closing, windows rear of High School, Crofton Infants, Royal Oak etc.


                 Continue to discourage anti social behaviour by the minority. Coppers Lake/Hare Park


                 Monitor the area adjacent to the Pavilion on Hare Park Sidings


                 The chairman thanked PC Raworth for his attendance.             


03/024      Matters to be Discussed in Private


                 It was proposed, seconded and agreed that the public and the press be excluded during discussions involving staffing and the financial status of outside organisations.


03/025      Minutes


                 It was agreed that the minutes of the meeting held on 21st January 2003 were a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


03/026      Matters Arising 


1. Flooding – Land adjacent to Spring Lane.


                 The clerk reported that Yorkshire Water have visited the site and checked and ascertained that the new sewer is not leaking.  Surface water not being the responsibility of Yorkshire Water they recommend that the matter be taken up with Wakefield MDC.


                 The Clerk confirmed that he had referred the matter to Wakefield MDC.


2. Street Cleansing – Cock Lane


The clerk reported that cleansing services have now visited the area, Wakefield MDC admit that the area may have been neglected through December and January, but this was due to street cleansing teams being diverted to gritting duties.


                 3. Car Sales – Weeland Road


                 The clerk reported that the Highways Enforcement Officer has taken action against the occupiers of 15 Weeland Road, whom it had been ascertained were responsible for the parking of vehicles on the grass verge.


                 Cllr Jackson informed council that vehicles were now parked on the road.


                 It was agreed that the clerk writes to the planning department regarding the carrying out of a commercial business from a domestic dwelling.



                 4. Surface Water – Hare Park Lane


                 The clerk reported that Yorkshire Water had informed him that Wakefield MDC were responsible for kerbside drainage.  He had therefore referred the matter to the highways department.


03/027      Community Facilities - Convenors Report


                 1. Parish Centre


                 Cllr Scargill reported that he had acquired two quotations to repair the roof, one for a localised repair (£580), the other for recovering, the whole roof (£1,700).


                 It was agreed that the contactor, Paul Kelly Roofing, be asked to carry out the localised repair.


                 2. Village Centre


                 Cllr Bennett reported that he is having difficulty in contacting Mr Greatorex over his invoice for repairs to the roof.


                 The association are still experiencing problems with the alarm system, youths are causing damage to the building and pulling up plants.


                 The heating system is giving cause for concern local plumbers have been contacted.


03/028      Allotments - Convenors Report


1.      Hare Park


Cllr Voros reported that the Pest Control Officers had not yet attended at Hare Park.


The clerk to remind them.


Rents to be collected on 22 February 2003.


2.      Pontefract Road.


The clerk read letters received from Mr Salt regarding the Parish Councils handling of the Pontefract Road site.


The letters covered many points ranging from the administration of the council, the awarding of contracts through to the legislation involved in the disposal of allotment lands and the fencing off of legitimate rights of way.


The content of the letters was discussed fully, after which it was agreed that the clerk responds to Mr Salt once information on the right of way via Doncaster Road became available.


The clerk to also contact Mr B Smith regarding access to the site.








03/029      Parish Cemetery - Convenors Report


                 It was reported that works to the casket area have been completed, the concrete plinths being a big improvement on the original wooden ones.


                 The bays are over full and the bin is out of position again. The clerk to contact cleansing services.


                 Cllr Scargill to contact Mr Earle regarding the leaking tap.


03/030      Special Services - Convenors Report


                 Cllrs agreed that the request from All Saints Parish Church for assistance with the funding a scheme to illuminate the Church Tower be discussed under item 03/039.


03/031      Adoption of Risk Assessment Plan, Standing Orders and Financial Regulations


                 It was agreed this item be discussed at item 03/039.


03/032      Moorhouse Opencast Liaison Committee


                 Nothing to report.


03/033      Old Library Site


       Cllr Bennett reported that the matter was again in the hands of design services who were to draw up a scheme for the proposed development.


       Cllr Jackson reported that another bus had recently mounted the triangle becoming stuck on the grassed area.


03/034     Planning


a.       15 Dwellings – Bedford Farm, Crofton


The chairman reported that he had visited the planning department to examine the application, which entailed developing the existing farmhouse and buildings to create five dwellings, an additional five new dwellings to the rear of Rectory Crescent and a further five on land to the east of the site.


It was agreed that the Parish Council object to this application on the grounds that it was against the UDP, the site being a Protected Area of Search for Future Development. The access to the site in inadequate and the infrastructure of the Parish was not in a condition to service any additional housing.


b.      Other Applications


                 All other applications received during the period were found to be acceptable.










03/035      Financial Matters    




                 The following accounts were submitted and approved for payment.


                 Mr J F Shillitoe                                           984.15

                 Miss Reid                                                       50.90

                 Mrs Hardwick                                              264.68

                 Yorkshire Electricity                                     207.16

                 Yorkshire Water                                              22.41 (P Centre)

                                                                                       87.83 (Allotments)

                 Shaw & Sons                                                 72.20

                 Wakefield MDC                                           114.00

                 T & D Contractors                                    1,880.00                                             


03/036      Correspondence


                 Wakefield MDC                                   - Minutes

- Neighbourhood Renewal Strategy

- Costs for Parish Elections

- Mayors Charity Ceilidh

- Consultation Paper on Budget Policies

- Briefing Meeting on Standards Committee and Area Panels

- Consultation on Local Access Forum

- Meeting with Chief Exec, 31 March 2003.

- Community Assembly Meeting, 27 February 2003.

- Are Panel Meeting, 27 February


                 YLCA                                                  - White Rose Update

- Joint Executive Minutes.


                 YRCC                                                 - Village Ventures

                                                                             - Parish Government Conference, 28 Feb-2 March 2003.


                 FOIC                                                   - Acceptance of Parish Council Model Scheme


03/037      Parish Matters


1.      Constable and Pinders Charity


Trustees informed those present that the trustees had held their first meeting, a further meeting was planned to take place on 25 February.


2.      Turf Accountant – Slack Lane


The dangerous condition of the bookies shop on Slack Lane was raised by members.


It was agreed that the clerk writes to Nigel Buckroyd at the Planning Department.


3.      Hall Park Avenue – Flooding from Cock and Crown Car Park.


It was reported that the surface drainage on the Cock and Crown Car Park seems to have failed allowing water to cascade into the gardens of properties in Hall Park Avenue.


It was agreed that the clerk contacts the planning department to ascertain whether or not adequate drainage was put in place when the car park was extended.


03/038      Date of next Meeting


                 Tuesday 11th March 2003.


03/039      Matters Discussed in Private


Due to the lateness of the hour it was agreed that items 03/030 and 03/031 be deferred to the March meeting.











                 Chairman                                                                                                          11th March 2003