Page 1.                                    Crofton Parish Council

  Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 17 December 2013.                             


Present; Councillors; Chalkley, Bennett, Hewitt, Kimbley, Makin, Ripley

Schofield, Towns and Wilby.

Clerk to the Council; Barry Riley


In attendance;           10 members of the public

                                    District Councillor; Cummings.


12/127             Report from W.Y.Police Officers working on Crofton Safe Scheme PS Paul Brooke presented the Safe Scheme report covering November and December.    He had noted comments in the November minutes stating incidents that had occurred had not been recorded (minute 11/1090). This was the result of the recording process eg; the use of a knife, as this was a domestic incident it would not be recorded, the car driving through the hedges was not considered relevant to the Safe Scheme report.

Further to reports of youths being seen on the school roofs, Safe Scheme officers had been asked to give attention to patrolling the sites.

Cllr Kimbley commented on youths being spotted hedge hopping on Holly Close through to Brand Hill Drive, PS Brooke said that they would respond to any calls received of such a nature.

It had been noted that drunken youths on Walton View (thought to be under the drinking age limit), had been seen with the alcohol in blue bags, since the local store used blue bags, the Police were asked to liaise with trading standards concerning this.

Cllr Bennett asked if PS Brooke would visit the owner of the American style Yellow school bus (minute 06/038), on Springhill Drive, as it was still causing a nuisance by blocking footpaths as it was too long for the driveway, the request was duly noted.

Cllr Towns commented on cars parking fully (not part) on the footpath outside the school on Slack Lane causing obstruction, PS Brooke acknowledged that the problem was widespread, one idea to combat the problem would be to change the patrol times of the PCSO’s.

Cllr Makin felt that reports concerning damage to property should be re classified as attempted burglary.


12/128                         Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

District Councillors provided information to enquiries made individually by Parish Councillors, and gave an update on previous matters raised;

The watercourse on the Sidings (rear of Holly Close), had now been attended to.

WDH had now obtained ownership of the shop on Hawthorn Avenue, with the intention of incorporating it into the Hawthorn Court development.

The Co-Op Drift Mine application had now been submitted (minute 10/092).

Members were informed that a petition had been started within Ward 5 to bring pressure on WMDC to issue a decision about HS2.

District Councillors were thanked for organising the meeting with WMDC Planning concerning Priory Ridge (minute 12/138). Cllr Cummings thought it had been a constructive meeting and that WMDC Officers were receptive to problems identified

such as flooding and the roadways becoming gridlocked. WMDC Highways would

be conducting their own surveys and not just accepting the surveys produced by the

developer. Of further note was that an extension till 10 January 2014 had been granted to the original deadline for comments or objections to be the application.

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Cllr Wilby asked Cllr Cummings to contact WMDC Highway Maintenance to take action to remove a large amount of leaves at Rectory Crescent.

It was noted that the pot hole outside Crofton Junior School on Slack Lane, was getting bigger and should also be reported.

Cllr Hewitt asked for action to be taken to deal with a ridge on the play ramps at the Sidings, it was causing the youths using them to fall off.          

Cllr Wilby asked for an update to be provided about a crossing point (traffic islands), for Doncaster Road/Kendal Rise/Cambridge Crescent (minute 10/092).

Cllr Cummings wished everyone a Happy Christmas.


12/129                         Public Participation session

The resident who was to address the Parish Council about problems experienced due to no traffic warden for Shay Lane School was unable to attend, the Clerk informed members that he had contacted WMDC School Crossing Patrol, but there had been no  applicants for the position.

Further to comments made earlier in the meeting by PS Brooke (minute 12/127), about parking problems outside schools, a resident asked for a solution, PS Brooke stated there was no solution to the problem as there was nowhere else to park. Comment was made that government policy needed to change to alleviate the problem, another suggestion was for the schools to use on-site parking within their grounds. Cllr Bennett stated that child safety needed consideration when suggesting on-site parking. 

Cllr Ripley stated that a number of pupils who attended the schools from outside the local area contributed to the parking problems and the increased housing from Bedford Farm and possibly Priory Ridge, would only add to the situation.

A number of residents present made comments concerning the Priory Ridge planning application (minute 12/138).

A resident commented to Cllr Cummings that the current road scheme was not suitable and had noted that only two accidents had been recorded in the area during the past several years. Due to how accidents were recorded i.e. whether injury related or not, had distorted the figure, Cllr Cummings was asked to point this out to WMDC Planning.


12/130                         Apologies for absence          

District Councillors; Heptinstall and Manifield. 

Councillor; Wrigg.


12/131                         Declarations of Interest

Cllr Chakley declared a prejudicial interest in discussions concerning Priory Ridge.


12/132                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 19 November 2013, were signed as a true record by the Chairman.


12/133                         Matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk reported that;

A meeting with UK Coal (Deanfield Mining) to discuss a road safety scheme for the village had been arranged for Thursday 30 January at 7pm at the Parish Centre.

Members agreed to discuss the letter sent to the Scout Group under item 18.

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12/134                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Nothing to report

Report Village Association

Nothing to report

Report Allotments

Following discussion it was agreed that the collection of rents would take place on Saturday 11 January 2014 from 10.00am to 12.01 pm at the Parish Centre.

The format of the tenancy agreement letter which allowed for payment by cheque or cash, would not be changed, but would be reviewed depending on how successful the collection of rents was.

The Clerk was asked to enclose with the tenancy agreement letter, a reminder that with the exception of rabbits and hens, this was the final year of the three year notice period, for animals and livestock to be removed from all allotments.

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Towns commented on the graffiti on the garage doors, following discussion it was agreed that an inspection be arranged to decide whether a new skin should be placed on the doors or an alternative solution.

Members gave consideration to the request to have Hi
My mother in law died 18 months ago and is buried in crofton church. My father in law visits her grave everyday he is 82 years old. They were married for over 60 years and have lived in crofton for most of their lives.

I am enquiring if we could pay for a bench with a memorial plaque in her memory to be placed in the church yard as his Christmas present?

Kind regards
Caryanne Sykes
a bench with a plaque placed in the graveyard, following discussion members voted (in accordance with paragraph 5 Standing Orders 2012) as follows, For 10; Against 0; to refuse the request due to concerns that it would create a place for youths to congregate and result in anti-social behaviour.


12/135                         Traffic issues

Members were informed that because no was injured as a result of a car crashing through three gardens near to the roundabout at Hare Park Lane and High Street, was the reason it did not appear on the Safe Scheme report (minute 11/109).


12/136                         Neighbourhood Development Plan

Cllr Towns provided information on the meeting held with WMDC Planning Project Leader Carole Crookes, following Wakefield Council having designated the Parish of Crofton as a Neighbourhood area (minute 11/118). Advice on how to develop the plan and obtain funding was given, a copy of the plan would be sent to her to ensure it was presented in the correct format.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  


12/137                         Cleansing/Environment

It was reported that WMDC had been in attendance and removed debris/leaves from High Street/Harrison Road, but only from one side, the opposite side had yet to be done or had been missed.

The gully’s on Ashdene Drive and at Hare Park Lane (at its junction with the mini roundabout on High Street), were in need of cleansing. Although the village was entitled to one annual gully cleanse, there was provision for extra cleansing to be done when necessary.

The Clerk was asked to report the above concerns to WMDC Highway Maintenance.


12/138                         Planning Notifications

Members discussed the content of the letter and notification received from WMDC

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Planning, concerning application 13/03226/FUL, a residential development (68 dwellings), laying out of access roads and other associated works on land at Priory Ridge. Having considered various comments made (minute 12/128), members were asked to provide their comments to Cllr Bennett who would co-ordinate a response, this would be given to the Clerk to submit an objection.


12/139                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections.

Following discussion it was resolved that a meeting to discuss raising money by precept (LGA 1972 s150), be held at the Parish Centre on 12 January 2014 at 6pm.

Following a request from Hemsworth Town Council for Crofton Parish Council’s thoughts about the District Council making a formal announcement to not award any further financial support to Parish Councils, members asked the Clerk to respond and comment on the lack of information received in which to make an informed decision.

Members duly noted the information received regarding Council Tax Support, the content would be discussed in further detail at the meeting on the 12 January 2014.


12/140                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received.


12/141                         Parish matters

A meeting had been held with All Saints Church (minute 11/115), comment was made that prior to the relocation of lighting columns, the ginnel had been easier to navigate as the previous column had provided some lighting, the Clerk was asked to contact WMDC Street Lighting and enquire if any action could be taken.

The Clerk would seek a quote for a new surface coating for the path.

Cllr Wilby commented on the condition of the bench at the War Memorial and that it needed attention, it was agreed that a site visit be conducted in the New Year.

The delivery of salt (minute 11/122), had not yet been received, the Clerk was asked to ascertain an answer from WMDC Highways.   

Cllr Bennett informed members that library volunteers were required.

The toddlers group, which was held in the library, had been informed that a member of staff funded by WMDC would be withdrawn. As the cost was for one hour per week, Cllr Bennett suggested that a donation by the Parish Council be considered, members requested that more information be provided before any decision was taken.               


12/142                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday 21 January 2014 at 7pm in Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


12/143             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


12/144                         Matters to be discussed in private

The Scout Group had been served with 3 months notice to remove goods and equipment from the Scout Hut.                                                                                              


Signed …………………… ………               Date…………………..                      Chairman Crofton Parish Council.