Page 1.                                    Crofton Parish Council


     Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 18 Dec 2012.                             


Present; Councillors; Chalkley, Bennett, Dart, Hewitt, Kimbley, Makin, Ripley

Schofield, Towns and Wilby.

Clerk to the Council; Barry Riley.


In attendance;            6 members of the public.

                                    District Councillors; Cummings and Heptinstall.

                                    PC’s; Marsh and France.


12/127             Report from W.Y.Police Officers working on Crofton Safe Scheme PC Marsh presented the Safe Scheme report covering November to December.      

Residents in attendance complained that despite phoning the Police recently, they had not attended to a problem at the bus shelter opposite Rectory Crescent. Even when the Police had attended in response to previous calls about anti-social behaviour, there appeared to be a lack of action. Residents were asked to keep reporting any incidents by telephoning101, they stated they had done this but encountered difficulty being connected, this was duly noted by the Officer.

Cllr Dart commented that staff at Sainsbury’s did not appear concerned about an incident of theft, although it was noted that it was on the Police report. The Police were asked if they encouraged shops to report incidents of theft, they confirmed that they had received a number of reports.

Cllr Hewitt sought advice on how to resolve the problem of a car that was parking opposite the entrance to his house and making it difficult to exit, he had approached the owner but this had not had the desired effect. Cllr Cummings offered to approach WMDC Highways to have a road marking painted to resolve the problem.

Cllr Bennett enquired if the appointment of a Police Commissioner would lead to a change in community policing and therefore to the Safe Scheme, Cllr Cummings responded by stating that any changes would not affect the Safe Scheme provision.

Members were informed that a Neighbourhood Hub had been introduced, it was a joint venture between the Police, WDH, WMDC and Family Services, this would provide better intelligence and co-ordinate reports from all sources in an effort to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour.  

Comment was made that 2 incidents had occurred on Doncaster Road but had not been recorded.       


12/128                         Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

Cllr Cummings provided information to enquiries made individually by Parish Councillors, and gave an update on previous matters raised;

The replanting of trees on land near to 523 Doncaster Road, had commenced even though this was reported as private land (see minute 10/092).

An assurance was given that there were no further plans to relocate the West Yorks Sports and Social Club to land off Shay Lane, Walton.

Cllr Schofield stated that although work had been done to rectify the pot hole on Church Road (see minute 11/110), the work was inadequate, Cllr Cummings duly noted this.

Cllr Cummings had forwarded to the Clerk information received from WMDC Rights of Way about the cycle track (see minute 12/134).

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Cllr Cummings gave the Clerk the UK Coal plans for the Deanfield coal mining site, she commented that District Councillors had registered their concerns about the

development, especially as the site was in greenbelt land (see minute 11/110).

Cllr Makin asked Cllr Cummings to explain their concern in more detail, she explained that concern over the huge impact on views as waste would be stockpiled, bio-diversity issues and the closing of Hell Lane would impact on the community.

Cllr Dart asked Cllr Cummings to contact WMDC for an update and their views and

opinions on the 9 lakes project. Cllr Chalkley commented that it might be a good idea

to invite Spawforth Associates to provide an update at some point, members were in agreement to this suggestion.

Cllr Dart wished it to be recorded in the minutes, the work done by District Cllrs in having the debris removed from the rear of the Post Office on High Street.

Cllr Schofield stated that a large amount of dog waste (and grass cuttings) had been thrown over the fence next to the Sidings cycle track approximately 50 yards from the Hare Park Lane entrance. He felt it was a health hazard, Cllr Cummings noted this.

Cllr Bennett asked if Cllr Cummings had any update on the repainting of the Zebra and No Entry sign, but she had not received the information from Cllr Manifield.

Cllr Bennett informed members that whilst checking the boundary map for the Neighbourhood Area (see minute 12/136), he had noted that when the map was enlarged, houses in Crofton were included in the Sharlston boundary, therefore it was important that an indicative plan was produced

Cllr Bennett enquired if there was any news about the Slipper public house, following the hearing held 04 December, but Cllr Cummings had no information as yet.


12/129                         Public Participation session

A resident in attendance asked why Cllr Cummings had not attended the WMDC Planning Committee meeting (see minute 11/110), regarding the Bedford Farm development. She replied that she was unable to attend due to personal reasons.

Representatives from the Crofton Scouts Committee, stated that within the last twelve months they had twice requested information from the Parish Council, but were still awaiting a response. Cllr Chalkley responded by stating that the Parish Council were still awaiting for the Scout Group to respond to numerous requests for work to be done to the Scout Hut dating back to 2005, also that despite funding being made available to the Scout Group, they had yet to supply the requested financial information to enable this. One of the representatives, Jackie Lund, said she would report the comments made by Cllr Chalkley to the committee and seek their response.


12/130                         Apologies for absence          

District Councillor; Manifield.  

Councillor; Wrigg.


12/131                         Declarations of Interest

None declared.


12/132                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 20 November 2012, were subject to change prior to signing.


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12/133                         Matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk reported that;

He had again contacted again the owner/occupiers of the properties on Doncaster Road, but no action had been taken to improve the visibility problem. The Clerk would contact WMDC Highways Enforcement to seek a solution.

He and Cllr Bennett had attended a WMDC Area Forum meeting where WMDC Planning officer Carole McAndrew was in attendance. They had spoke to her about  the designation of a Neighbourhood Area for Crofton (see minute 12/136).

PHS had offered a credit against the invoice (see minute 12/139), the Clerk was asked to have the credit repaid by cheque and to confirm the start date of the present agreement.

A response from WMDC Planning had been received regarding funding due to WMDC from the Bedford Farm development (see minute 11/121). A contribution of £184,352 was requested for primary school places and a contribution of £731 per property was required if no open space was included in the development. The Clerk was asked to write to all parties involved to confirm that the Parish Council did not want the developer to provide the open space and that the Parish Council be part of any process with regard to such provision.

Further to confirming that the track was the responsibility of WMDC Rights of Way a response had been received (see minute 12/134).

Cllr Ripley informed members that the Co-Op Mine group was ready to submit an application to WMDC Planning, to progress the project.

In response to the information provided about the footpath leading through the Churchyard from Ashdene Crescent (see minute 11/123), following discussion the Clerk was asked to make enquiries about having the path registered as a Right of Way.


12/134                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Dart reported that;

A number of enquiries had been received for hiring the Centre.

The Clerk informed members that one of the hirers, 1st Class Learning, had booked the Centre for a year in advance and payment had already been received.

Report Village Association

Cllr Makin commented on an incident involving a footballer colliding with a spectator. He sought views from members on how such incidents could be avoided.

Cllr Hewitt sought further clarification that actual firearms would not be used during the Police training exercise on the Sidings (see minute 11/116).

Further to the response received from WMDC Rights of Way that the cycle track (see minute 11/122), was not their responsibility, it was suggested that signage be placed on the track stating it did not form part of the cycle track should WMDC not be prepared to maintain it. Members suggested a meeting with WMDC Highways Manager, Graham West, be organised to resolve the matter.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt requested that discussion regarding allotment rents be discussed under Agenda item 18. 

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Schofield requested that discussion concerning resident status be discussed under

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Agenda item 18.   

Cllr Chalkley commented on what action should be taken by the Parish Council should requests for multi faith burials in Crofton Parish Council cemetery be received. Following discussion it was agreed that the Clerk would contact WMDC and enquire what provision they had for such a situation.


12/135                         Traffic issues

The sign outside the Royal Oak had not yet been changed (see minute 11/109), the Police would be reminded at the next meeting.


12/136                         Neighbourhood Plan

To aid the establishment of the plan, the designation of Crofton as a neighbourhood area was the first stage to be taken to enable this. A letter and supporting

documentation had now been prepared and was due to be submitted.

The drafting of a new plan had been commenced, members agreed to discuss this further at a meeting to be held on Sunday 13 December at 6pm.


12/137                         Cleansing/Environment

With the expected bad weather during winter, Cllr Dart enquired about the procedure for acquiring a yellow grit bin, she was informed that a request could be placed with WMDC for a new grit bin (or one to be refilled or a road put on the gritting route).

Members commented that previously conducted walks around the village with District Councillors and WMDC Environment officers had not occurred for a while, it was agreed to be discussed further at the next meeting.


12/138                         Planning Notifications

Members discussed the application 12/02305/ADV for a freestanding banner for the Cock & Crown, Cllr Bennett offered to obtain further information concerning the suitability and if it presented a problem. It was agreed that should that be the case, the Clerk would submit an objection to WMDC Planning.


12/139                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections,

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly accounts.

The Clerk had contacted PHS to query the 6% increase for services supplied (see minute 11/121), they had sent a response to justify the increase, but due to the fact that a 3 year agreement was in place, they were prepared to offer a 3% credit.

Following distribution of the existing Risk Assessment (see minute 11/121), members having given due consideration to the content, agreed to adopt them for 2013 subject to two changes that were requested.

It was agreed that the precept meeting be arranged for 08 January at 7pm, members

had now signed dispensation agreements to allow them to discuss and agree matters

raised at the meeting.

Following information provided, members agreed that a payment totalling £115 be

made from the Chairmans Allowance, for convenience this would be actioned via a

bank transfer to Cllr Chalkley and the Clerk.                         


12/140                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular,

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Note 4; the Parish Council discussed the request for funding for tree planting, but were not able to provide funding for such an activity.

Note 6; in addition to the information received from the Co-Op Mine Group, the Clerk confirmed that a meeting had been arranged with the group at the Parish Centre on 20 February from 6pm to 10pm.

Note 7; having given due consideration to the enquiry from the Governor of Crofton Infants School, the Clerk was asked to inform him that he should approach WMDC Family Services who have requested a contribution from the development.


12/141                         Parish matters

Cllr Kimbley informed members that following the report received from the Surveyor about Coppers Lake (see minute 10/105), he had met with the Environment Agency, they did not recommend any treatment and advised waiting till next year to reassess the condition of the Lake.

Comment was made that the Christmas Lights were positioned in the centre of the village and consideration should be given to have them placed elsewhere, following discussion, it was agreed not to change the current positioning.

Cllr Dart informed members that;

Yorkshire Water had been contacted about the loose manhole cover on Pinfold Drive, this had now been resolved.

The pothole on Towers Close had now been dealt with.

Cllr Kimbley asked that the Council give consideration to members attending training sessions provided by YLCA, following discussion this was agreed. The Clerk was asked to make arrangements for Cllrs Kimbley, Bennett and Wilby, to attend a training session on Planning.  


12/142                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday 15 January 2013 at 7pm in Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


12/143             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


12/144                         Matters to be discussed in private

Members agreed to the status of J.Bacon as that of resident.

It was agreed to maintain allotment rents at the current rate, collection would take place in January.

It was agreed to reduce the cost of plot 13.


Signed            ………………………………                        Date…………………..                      Chairman Crofton Parish Council