Page 1.                                    Crofton Parish Council

     Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 20 December 2011.                             


Present;          Councillors; Chalkley, Bennett, Dart, Kimbley, Makin, Schofield,

          Towns and Wrigg.


In attendance;                       5 members of the public

                                                District Councillors; Cummings and Manifield


12/128             Report from W.Y.Police Officers working on Crofton Safe Scheme PS Jonathan Day, presented his report covering 15 Nov to 20 Dec.               

Cllr Chalkley asked if there was any further information on the three vehicles stolen, PS Day stated he had no specific intelligence to offer to that already reported.

Cllr Kimbley commented on vehicles parking at the entrance to Holly Close which were causing disruption to other road users and would be problematic to emergency vehicles, to access housing further along the road, a Police Officer in attendance commented that he had visited the occupants of the premises and had advised on a solution to the problem.

Cllr Wrigg had been asked by a resident to report a theft from a grave in the Cemetery, following comments amongst members, it was felt that it was an isolated incident, PS Day duly noted the incident.

In response to mirrors being stolen from cars, PS Day stated that Minis and Audis were mainly being targeted as there was not much to stop them being taken, Cllr Bennett suggested that the etching of mirrors may deter thieves and that manufacturers should be made aware of the problem so a solution could be found,


12/129                         Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

Cllr Cummings updated members on previous matters raised and provided information to enquiries made individually by Parish Councillors.

Following further information received concerning Library provision (see also minute 11/111), Cllr Cummings stated that there would be more information available at the next meeting.

Cllr Cummings was asked why seating had been provided in the new play area, she stated that the developer had not adhered to the plans but the seating had now been removed. Cllr Bennett commented that if the Parish Council had received information and been kept informed, the situation may have been avoided.

With regard to the filling of grit bins with rock salt, Cllr Cummings confirmed that WMDC would consider filling should they receive a request from a resident who privately owned a grit bin.

Members were informed that catalytic convertors were being removed form cars as they contained precious metals, the situation was of such concern that a ‘Metal Watch’, was to be organised to stop this practice.

Cllr Manifield commented on the proposed improvements to Doncaster Road (see minute 12/141).

District Councillors had now approached WDH (see minute 11/111), to take action on the area of land at Santingley Lane which was left following the removal of the phone box, they confirmed the land would be levelled and fenced.


12/130                         Public Participation session

Residents from Doncaster Road were in attendance to seek advice from the Parish

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Council concerning an untitled area of land, which was being subjected to cars and a metal container being placed there by another resident claiming the land was his.

The Police and the District Councillors were asked to offer their support concerning this matter, PS Day confirmed he was aware of an incident involving the residents.

A resident in attendance asked if the Parish Council would write to WDH concerning overgrown trees in two WDH properties. One of the properties had wanted to erect solar panels but was unable to due to the light restriction caused by the trees.


12/131                         Apologies for absence          

District Councillors; None received for Cllr Lodge.

Councillors;  Hewitt, Ripley and Voros. None received for Cllr Affleck.


12/132                         Declarations of Interest

None declared.


12/133                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 15 November 2011, were subject to change prior to signature.


12/134                         Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk reported that;

There had been no response from WMDC Highways concerning the boundary sign and a meeting concerning traffic calming, the Clerk would pursue both matters in the New Year.

Spawforth Associates would be contacted in the New Year regarding attending a meeting with the Parish Council.

A letter had been sent to the owner of the shops on Ashdene Drive in an effort to improve the road surface, but no acknowledgement had been received.

With regard to the use of one of the Sidings fields for dog training (see minute 11/124), Cllr Kimbley informed members that he had found out that a resident had informed other residents it could be used, following the checking of the lease agreement, the resident was informed the fields could not be used for such purposes.


12/135                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Dart reported that;

A new gate had now been installed.

A cleaner had now been appointed to work for two hours a week.

Following advice from the manufacturers, covers for the electric panel heaters would have to be reconsidered.

Further improvement works for the Parish Centre, such as decorating and changes to the cupboard spaces, were planned for the New Year.

Cllr Dart asked that the Clerk contact the Tai Chi group, to establish if they were to continue with their bookings as they had indicated that poor attendance would force the group to close.

Report Village Association

Cllr Makin reported that;

PHS had made changes to the services as requested.

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The Clerk was asked to contact the Zurich Property Claims Unit (Insurance

Company), to inform them of the delay in getting the work completed and to ensure the insurance claim would still be processed.

The cleaner had been using a pressure washer to clean the showers, this had proved most effective, it was suggested that the Parish Council purchase it for £150, members agreed to defer a decision till a later date.

Following the two quotes received for applying the anti-vandal paint and associated works, it was agreed to accept the quote for £220.

Report Allotments

Following discussion it was agreed that collection of the Allotment rents would take place on Saturday 21 January 2012 at 10.00am.

A separate letter would be sent (see minute 09/081), with the Tenancy agreements

giving 3 years notice to remove any animals and livestock not permitted.

Following discussion it was agreed as follows;

There would be no increase in rents payable for the next allotment year.

The letter issued to tenants should confirm that the Parish Council reserve the right to increase charges for the allotment year, the Clerk duly noted this.

Report Parish Cemetery

Nothing to report.


12/136                         Discuss Traffic issues

Cllr Bennett asked for a discussion to take place under agenda item 18.


12/137                         Parish Plan

Cllr Chalkley informed members that it was intended to have the plan available for the New Year.


12/138                         Cleansing/Environment

Nothing to report.


12/139                         Planning Notifications

Members offered no comment to the applications received.

Comment was made concerning the two planning decisions 11/01953/HRN and

11/01736/FUL which were for 19 Weeland Road. The Clerk was asked to clarify

if any work had been undertaken specifically to these decisions.


12/140                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections.

Following discussion members agreed to the revised Risk Assessment for 2012. 

Members discussed the request from the Scout Group for a donation to the costs

of hiring Shay Lane School for their meetings, although the request was agreed in

principle, concern was raised about the accuracy of the accounts, the Clerk was asked

to raise such concerns to the Group before any funding was provided.

Following discussion members agreed to meet on 15 January 2012 at 6pm to         

formalise the precept for the next financial year.

Cllr Towns questioned the amount paid to Yorkshire Water for the Parish Centre shown on the monthly accounts. The Clerk explained that it was an error, the figure should have

been applied to the Allotments heading, he would change and re issue the accounts.          

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12/141                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular

Note1; the vacancy for a Parish Councillor by co-option was to be discussed under agenda item 18.

Note 10; Members duly noted the information which had been received concerning a section of grass verge on Doncaster Road being converted to a causeway to assist pedestrians accessing the bus stop.

Note11; further to the letter from the Fire Brigades Union, members agreed that representation would be made to the WYFRS to request a meeting to discuss the effects that the proposed cuts to fire cover will have on Crofton.


12/142                         Parish matters

Discussion took place on what action could be taken to stop hand delivered letters being given to them, although members appreciated that the public would approach them, it was the specific nature of a recent incident which differentiated between being approached and being harassed.

Cllr Dart stated that she had wrote to the resident asking correspondence to be addressed to the Clerk, who would ensure any correspondence received would be placed on the agenda for further discussion.

After due consideration, it was proposed by Cllr Makin and seconded by Cllr Towns,

that the Clerk would write and confirm to the resident, that members should not be approached directly and any correspondence was to be addressed to the Clerk.

Cllr Bennett informed members that the Christmas Tree lights had been removed from the bottom of the tree, a further discussion was needed to discuss how this practice could be stopped from happening again.

Members were informed that another meeting had now taken place with the Coal mining co-operative, a presentation was given on their future proposals.


12/143                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday 17 January 2012 at 7pm in Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


12/144             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


12/145                         Matters to be discussed in private

An advert would be placed in the Smoke Signal and the Wakefield Express correspondent column to advertise the vacancy for a co-opted Parish Councillor.

Following a representation by Jayne Wilby, a letter would be sent asking her to formally apply in writing for the position of Parish Councillor.

Members agreed that funds held in the Parish Councils Saver Account would be made available for some Highway improvement works.


Signed ………………………………                        Date…………………..                      Chairman Crofton Parish Council