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Crofton Parish Council


Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 18th December 2007.                             


Present;                      Councillors, Chalkley (Chair), Bennett, Brown, Duffy K, Duffy S, Hewitt, Makin, Schofield, Ripley, Towns, Voros and Wrigg.


In attendance;                        7 members of the public

                                                District Councillors; Cummings and Isherwood.


12/913                         Receive report from West Yorkshire Police

PC Daley presented his report for the Safe Scheme covering the month of November 2007. Cllr Chalkley asked what action had been taken against the continuing problem of Post Office delivery vehicles causing an obstruction, PC Daley stated they had now been advised of where to park, any breach of that condition would result in a fixed penalty notice being issued.

On behalf of the Parish Council, Cllr Chalkley wished PC Daley a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year, this was reciprocated by him.


12/914                         Receive briefing from Wakefield MDC District Councillors

Cllr Cummings  informed members that she was aware of the financial problems being experienced at the Community Centre, they were in discussions regarding what assistance could be given. Members were informed that consultation meetings regarding school closures were taking place, WMDC Highways were assessing if the number of signs indicating the presence of a one-way system on Cock Lane was sufficient and a programme was underway to combat the problem of rats. On this issue Cllr Ripley commented that although the feeding of birds was acceptable it was important to remove any residue build up to help combat the problem, Cllr Chalkley asked that a further in depth report about the matter be sought by District Councillors and be given to members.

A resident asked if a further patrol by WMDC Environment could be implemented on the road leading to the Community Centre. They were informed that this was in fact a private road, if WMDC carried out any work on the road it may charge for its services, District Councillors suggested they would approach the Community Centre about conducting a litter pick. Cllr Chalkley asked if they would also approach the school about a litter pick as there was a build up of it caused by children using the shops on Ashdene Drive, Cllr Bennett suggested that it was the responsibility of the shop owners, the District Councillors were asked to investigate further if any other action or statutory enforcement could be taken.

Cllr Ripley had noted that the Local Development Framework document was not available in the local library, the Clerk would contact WMDC Planning to request a copy be forwarded to them. Cllr Schofield asked when the resurfacing of the roads on the Ashdene Estate was to commence, Cllr Cummings would enquire and contact the Clerk with information, he would then inform members. Cllr Brown commented that work had commenced on the provision of dropped kerbs.

Cllr Chalkley, on behalf of the Parish Council, wished District Councillors a Merry Christmas and happy New Year which was reciprocated by them.

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12/915             Public Participation session

A resident commented that he was pleased to hear that Cllr Cummings acknowledged that there was an infestation of rats. Information received now indicated that the source of the problem was in the area of the Community Centre. Cllr Chalkley informed those present that despite arranging a meeting with residents to discuss the rat problem no one had attended. Some residents were unaware that a meeting had been arranged, in view of this another meeting would be organised if requested. Residents commented that they appreciated the action taken by the Parish Council in responding to their concerns.


12/916             Apologies for absence          

District Councillor Manifield.

Councillor Jacques.


12/917             Declarations of Interest

Cllr Bennett declared his interest with regard Planning and Highway matters


12/918             Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 20th November 2007, were signed as a correct record by the Chairman.


12/919             Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

Cllr Towns informed members that Ian Wiper of WMDC Transportation and Highways had been replaced by Graham West, he had contacted her to offer a solution to the soil left at Birkwood Hall Farm. Cllr Bennett had noted that in the November minutes (11/901) that trees had been planted on the Sidings, he wished to know if permission had been sought by the Scout Leader, Cllr Chalkley would speak to the Scout Leader and ask he had sought the necessary permission.


12/920             Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Duffy(K) informed members that plastering of  the interior was near completion, following that, the electricians would then complete their work. A new floor and kitchen area were now needed to complete the project, quotations were being sought by the Clerk at the present time. Members agreed that J.Jennings Electrical Contractors, be contacted and asked to conduct a survey of the completed electrical works and if acceptable issue certification.

Report Village Association

Cllr Bennett made members aware that the light recently installed above the entrance door was not working, he would contact the electrician about the matter.

Cllr Towns asked that a meeting be arranged to discuss the finances of the Association and duly asked the Clerk to place the request on the next Parish Council meeting agenda. Following comments from members, it was agreed to have a separate meeting, the date would be arranged at the next meeting. The Clerk would arrange to circulate to members, financial information received from the Association together with the financial information the Parish Council held.  



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Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt informed members that he was pleased with the progress made during the allotment year. Cllr Ripley thought it would be more appropriate if the Parish Council made a decision on the allocation of a garden at the Pontefract Road site, as opposed to letting the neighbours resolve the matter. In view of the fact that there was to be an allotment committee meeting in January, both parties would be invited to discuss the situation further.   

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllrs Schofield and Wrigg reported that there were no areas of concern at present.


12/921             Discuss Traffic issues

Cllr Ripley informed members that the Road Safety Committee were now looking for a new venue to hold their meetings. Cllr Schofield suggested that the placing of a pedestrian crossing for the benefit of Shay Lane Primary School should be given consideration, it was also suggested that a pedestrian crossing be asked for on Doncaster Road at the point of the ‘Miners Footpath’.

The Clerk was asked to approach WMDC about the possibilities.


12/922             Parish Leases

Nothing to report.


12/923             Cleansing/Environment

It was generally felt that the drains/gullies around the village needed to be cleared of debris and cleaned, the Clerk was asked to enquire further about the matter.


12/924             Planning Notifications

Cllrs Wrigg and Towns thanked members for their support in having the planning applications for both Hawthorn Avenue and Birkwood House Farm refused.

Cllr Ripley informed members that he had received documentation that identified the flood storage volumes (8000m3) required for Crofton. The Clerk was asked to retain the document but also to contact WMDC Land Engineering to enquire why the Parish Council was not contacted directly with the information.


12/925             Financial matters

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly accounts.

The Clerk informed members of invoices to be paid, Cllr Chalkley stated that the cost of the extra lighting paid by the Parish Council, was not of a good standard, he asked the Clerk to contact WMDC Facilities Management, who had provided the extra lighting, to note the Parish Council’s displeasure. 


12/926             Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular note 1; Cllr Ripley studied the document before handing it to Cllr Chalkley for his consideration to a response. Note 4; Members asked the Clerk to respond by inviting Mr Gray to a future meeting of the Parish Council but to inform him that funding for his organisation would not be possible. Note 5; The Clerk was asked to reply stating that members had no objections at this stage but wished to be informed of any intended planning application.

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12/927             Parish matters

Cllr Bennett enquired if the bulb planting (minute 10/883), had taken place, the Clerk would enquire and notify Councillors. Cllr Chalkley asked the Clerk to contact Metro, to ask if they intended moving the Doncaster Road bus stop 20 meters further away from the existing brick built shelter, as a result providing a reason for its removal.


12/928             Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 15th January 2008 at 7pm in                               Crofton High School, High Street, Crofton.


12/929             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


12/930             Matters to be discussed in private

There were none.



Signed                                                                                 Date                                                           Chairman Crofton Parish Council