Crofton Parish Council


Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held  20th December 2005.


Present;                                  Councillors; Jacques, Bennett, Chalkley, Duffy K,  Duffy S, Hewitt, Makin, Ripley, Towns, Schofield, Voros, Wrigg.


In attendance;                        District Councillors; Manifield, Cummings,.Isherwood.


Apologies for absence           There were none


12/210             Receive report from West Yorkshire Police           

PC McMahon attended and gave his report on the Safe scheme. Cllr Jacques asked if the various fixed penalty tickets for vehicle offences reported in the miscellaneous section, related to Slack Lane, PC McMahon did not know. Cllr Hewitt had cause to phone PC Daley (he was advised to phone 999 since PC Daley was off duty), as a number of youths were seen outside the Youth Club, following inspection the next morning some vents had been damaged. Cllr Makin asked if priority was still being given to Friday nights. Cllr Voros stated he had challenged youths drinking outside the shops on High Street, he wanted to know where they got the money from to purchase the alcohol. Cllr Schofield enquired about how long a skip can remain on the Highway, as the one on the road leading to the Church had been there a while, PC McMahon advised it was a District Council matter, Cllr Bennett advised that the Clerk should contact Highway enforcement at Fitzwilliam if the problem was not resolved.  


12/211             Receive briefing from Wakefield MDC District Councillors

Cllr Cummings confirmed that further to Cllr Duffy (K) reporting that the Parish centre had been misused by youths, Lister Baines had sent his apologies, and that graffiti would be removed. She had received a report from a resident suggesting that the War Memorial’s grassed area and seating was in need of attention, she was reminded that the grassed area was regularly looked after by T&D Contractors, and at certain times of the year it could not be cut due to spring bulbs under the surface, she enquired as to who owned the land, Cllr Towns stated that she recalled that previous members had confirmed that the Parish Council did. Further to previous correspondence with the Headmaster, (who had still to attend a Parish Council meeting), Cllr Jacques with Cllr Cummings had met with him and had addressed their concerns about litter and road safety and educating youths on such matters, the Headmaster said he intended to have a presence at the front of the school and had noted that the Fish and Chip shop; Jennys Place, had made an effort to keep litter to a minimum outside their premises, it was agreed that the Clerk write and thank them for their efforts, but also write to ‘Premier Stores’ and ‘Our Pantry’ shops, in the immediate vicinity to ask for their support.

Cllr Ripley stated that the catering facilities at the school were not sufficient which resulted in pupils eating away from the premises.

With regard buses and traffic in general on High Street, Cllr Cummings mentioned the possibility of increasing parking within the school grounds and surrounding areas. Cllr Cummings stated she was to enquire further about the provision of the Yellow school bus for Crofton. Cllr Jacques stressed that the meeting was not an alternative to him attending a Parish Council meeting, but was in addition to him attending one.

Cllr Cummings also discussed the effect of neighbourhood wardens issuing fixed penalty notices.Cllr Manifield reported on a fence that was to be erected at Hawthorn Court, he stated that no report had been received yet about the traffic calming survey on the old Pontefract Road/Cock and Crown stretch of road.


12/212             Public Participation session

No members of the public were present.

12/213             Declarations of Interest

Cllr Bennett declared his interest with regard planning.


12/214             Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 15th November 2005, were signed as a correct record by the Chairman.


12/215             Discuss matters arising

All Saints Church had been written to, concerning a contribution for their use of the Parish Centre, they were to have a meeting and subject to that would let the Clerk know their decision. It was agreed the Clerk would provide Cllrs, Towns, Ripley and Makin with a laminate poster to advertise the Councillor vacancy, the Clerk would place another in the notice board in front of the Parish Centre.


12/216             Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

There had been a broken window which required immediate attention, it had now been repaired and boarded. Cllr Duffy commented that sourcing a replacement portakabin was proving difficult.

Delivery of the new Parish notice board was anticipated soon

Report Village Association

Cllr Makin commented that the attempted burglary had left the doors in a precarious state, the Clerk was asked to submit an insurance claim.


12/217             Allotments report

The Clerk had written to Wakefield District Housing with regard to the abandoned car in the garden at 11 Oak street opposite the allotments, but had received no response, he would consult with Cllr Cummings who may provide further information to enable the Clerk to resolve the situation.


12/218             Parish Cemetery report

Cllr Schofield commented on the grounds looking untidy, a question was raised as to what T&D Contractors are contracted to do, the Clerk stated he was awaiting a tender listing their planned schedule of works.


12/219             Discuss Traffic issues

Nothing to report


12/220             Parish Leases

Councillors agreed to the extended lease for the former Crofton Library site, subject to the agreement of all the annual rents in one payment of £25.00, and a dropped kerb

placed at either side of the zebra crossing.


12/221             Cleansing/Environment

Cllr Schofield stated that Cock Lane was in an untidy state, the Clerk was asked to contact Loz Deagan, and ask to give this area some attention


12/222             Planning Notifications

Planning application 05/99/69642, the Clerk was asked to register an objection on the grounds of over development. Cllr Ripley had noticed a number of surveyors on land known as the ‘Crofton Triangle’, he asked the Clerk to enquire further.


12/223             Financial matters

Accounts presented for the month of November.


12/224             Correspondence received

It was agreed to send confirmation for the Hanging Baskets, and to increase the order by 5 more, early confirmation attracting a small discount.

It was agreed to send each Councillor a copy of the Weavers Green licence.

Crofton Library lease see minute 12/220.


12/225             Parish matters

The Clerk had now received a response regarding Edith Harrow’s bench, her son had given permission for the Parish Council to take ownership and responsibility.

A new road sign had now been erected at the junction of Shay Lane and Harrison Road.

With regard extra lighting on the ginnel at Ashdene Crescent and the cemetery, the Clerk had received correspondence from Amey that stated that any extra lighting would have to come via Wakefield MDC extra funding.

The Smoke signal had a story on pages 24/25 of the Dec 05 edition, the phrase ‘Crofton Community Centre gets no Council funding’ was used. Councillors were keen to point out that it had in fact received a substantial financial input

from the Parish Council.  


12/226             Matters reported directly to the Clerk

The Clerk to advise, following research, about burial fees, and clarification concerning reservations of grave spaces.


12/227             Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 17th January 2006 at 7 pm in                            Crofton High School, High Street, Crofton.


12/228             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.21

It was agreed


12/229             Matters to be discussed in private

It was agreed that the Clerk purchase two books, one on Allotment Law the other on the Law of Burial and Cremation.


Signed                                                                          Date                                         Chairman Crofton Parish Council