Crofton Parish Council


                                                       Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on

                                           Tuesday 14th December 2004 in The High School at 7.00 pm.


                 Present:                                                Councillors:      Mrs G Towns, Mrs W Wrigg, S Bennett

                                                                                                     T Chalkley, JR Hewitt, P Jacques, G Makin,

                                                                                                     G Schofield & J Voros


                                                                             Residents:         Mrs R Salt &  Mr B Murphy

                                                                                                     Mr G Schofield and Mr C Stead.


                                                                             West Yorkshire Police: Pc C Daley


                                                                             District Councillors                   Ms M Cummings


                                                                             The Clerk:        J F Shillitoe


                 Apologies:                                            Councillors:      Mrs Duffy, S Duffy, G P Jackson, A Ripley, G Isherwood &  A Manifield.

                                                                             WYP               Pc Paul McMahon


                 The chairman Cllr P Jacques presided over the meeting.


04/213      West Yorkshire Police


PC Colin Daley presented the safe scheme report for November, firstly apologising for Pc McMahon who was unable to attend due to other work commitments.

November’s report was again generally very encouraging with the usual exceptions, those involving the youth element.


Cllr Bennett reported that other authorities have made steel containers available for use by local youths has shelters and meetings places, the containers being virtually indestructible and sited away from domestic property.  Pc Daley confirmed that trials had been undertaking but the take up was limited as it appears that our young people needed the security of domesticity.


Pc Daley reported that Paul was liasing with the youth service in an attempt to secure a mobile youth club on Fridays, Paul would report further on this as talk’s progress.


A joint WMDC – West Yorkshire Police Venture called Connections has been set up, its aim been to contact the youths in an area to ascertain their aspirations, funding was available to organise small local events and day trips. Once any further information was available safe scheme officers would make this available to councillors.


Cllrs reported that the illegal use of motorcycles at the Santingley Lane opencast cast site had commenced only weeks after new footpaths had been defined. Pc Daley agreed to investigate.


Car parking along Pontefract Road was still a problem, Mrs Salt informed members that all the vehicles were taxed, MOT’d and insured and therefore entitled to park on the highway. Pc Daley agreed to visit the site.




Cllr Chalkley commented on the apparent increase of assaults recently and wondered if there was any underlying factor behind this, nobody had could offer an explanation.


The chairman thanked PC Daley for attending the meeting, asking that he pass on the seasons greetings to the safe scheme team.


                 The priorities for the January to be:


                 Foot Patrol – As required, concentrating on the village centre, Crofton High School, Crofton Infants, Royal Oak, Medical Centre along with any other areas brought to the attention of the safe scheme officers.


                 To monitor use of the seat at the junction of Shay Lane and Harrison Road.


                 Monitor the Parish Cemetery.


                 Discourage illegal use of motorcycles at Priory Ridge, Towers Close and adjacent land, High Street, Hare Park Sidings and Santingley Lane Opencast.


                 Monitor the area adjacent to the Pavilion on Hare Park Sidings.


                 Visit Pontefract Road to access the parking of vehicles.


04/214      Ward Councillors


                 Cllr Cummings presented a short report.


·           A meeting between Ward Councillors, officers of WMDC and residents of Doncastor Road and Cambridge Crescent had taken place to discuss the formal closure of the Webfell Site, the site is to be cleared and officers are looking at a scheme to remove the entrance and install adequate kerbing.


·           Following representation from resident inquiries of Property Services have indicated that funding may be available to assist with work to the Doncaster Road War Memorial


·           Lighting of Sycamore Court had commenced and was on schedule.


·           Work on the Youth Club will start in January 2005, Maureen indicated that she had examined the plans relating to the perimeter fence as requested be Cllr Jackson and was in full agreement that improvement could be made in this area. And would pursue the matter further with the education and planning departments.


·           Maureen is making inquiries as to whether Crofton still has a Youth Worker assigned to it, if not, it should have.


                        The chairman thanked Cllr Cummings for her report and support, wishing her all the compliments of the season and asking that she passes these on to her ward 5 colleagues.






04/215      Public Participation Session


1.      Directional Signage


Mrs Salt reported that there is no sign showing the route from Walton to Crofton, the clerk to report to highways.


2.      Litter – Pontefract road


            Mrs Salt reported that Pontefract Road was littered with debris in the vicinity of the Priory School Playing Fields.


Cllr Makin agreed to take up the matter with Crofton Juniors who use the football pitch at the site.


04/216      Declaration of Interests in Items on the Agenda


                 No declarations were made.


04/217      Matters to be Discussed in Private


                 It was proposed, seconded and agreed that the public and the press be excluded during discussions involving staffing and the financial status of outside organisations.


04/218      Minutes


                 The following addition to the minutes of the meeting held on 16th November was made after which the Chairman signed them as a correct record


·           04/210/9   Christmas Lighting


                                    Cllr Bennett asked what progress had been made with Street Lighting and AMEY in     

                                    respect of the provision of Christmas Lighting for 2005.

                                    Cllr Ripley replied that he had made contact with the appropriate officers and was        

                                    awaiting details re timing, availability and costs. He was hopeful that he would

                                    be able to provide a progress report at the January meeting.


04/219      Matters Arising 


1.      Pinfold


The clerk reported that Mr Bacon had visited the Pinfold and reported that the fallen tree was of considerable size and needed removing professionally.

Cllr Ripley had contacted the tree preservation officer, Steve Waterson, and was hopeful that WMDC would remove the tree, relocating it to Santingley Opencast where a feature could be made of it.


2. Youth Problem


The clerk reported the Mr Myers had agreed to meet with members early in the New Year, perhaps a sub committee of members could visit school.


Members thought it better that Mr Myers attended the next council meeting, this would enable the Police to join the debate.


The clerk to liase with Mr Myers.


04/220      Community Facilities - Convenors Report


                 1. Parish Centre


                 The clerk reported that four quotations had now been received, the most competitive being £6,542.01 plus VAT.


                 The clerk indicated that he needed to clarify a couple of matters with the contractor but felt that council should be able to engage the contractor.


                 It was agreed that the matter be left in the hands of the clerk and chairman, work to commence as soon as possible.


                 2. Village Centre


                 Cllr Makin reported that there was nothing of significance to mention this month.


04/221      Allotments - Convenors Report


1.      Hare Park


Cllr Hewitt reported that has Mr Davies had not been in touch with the clerk, he would contact him direct.


2.      Oak Street


                 Cllr Hewitt reported that Cllr Vorus and himself had met with the Pest Control Officer at Oak Street                 

                 following a report of a possible siting of a rat.


                 The outcome of the meeting was that no evidence of an infestation could be found.


04/222      Parish Cemetery - Convenors Report


Cllr Schofield reported that someone had broken into the garage by smashing through the roof, nothing had been stolen and temporary repairs to the roof had been made.

Cllr Schofield was now investigating the most cost effective way of repairing/renewing the roof and would report back to the January meeting.


The chairman thanked Cllr Schofield for all his efforts.


T & D have still not made a start on removing the trees.


04/223      Special Services - Convenors Report


Nothing to report.


04/224      Road Traffic Issues


                 The clerk reported that he contacted WMDCs Highways for an update following the meeting held

                 between highways officers and parish councillors in march.


                 As yet no reply had been received; Cllr Cummings has agreed to follow up the matter.


04/225      War Memorial


The clerk reported that he had arranged for Alan Wood to contact the chairman with a view of assessing the work at the memorial.


Oxley Smith are to assess what works need carrying out on the memorial itself and the clerk is attempting to obtain a quote for cleaning the base.


04/226      Cleansing


                 Cllr Jacques reported that the judging of the Keep Crofton Tidy Poster Competition had been concluded and copies of the overall winning poster laminated for display throughout the parish.


                 It was suggested that the Wakefield Express be asked to run an article on the competition featuring a photograph of the winning entry, the artiste and the Parish Council Chairman.


                 This was agreed on the proviso that the artiste’s parents consented, the clerk to make the necessary arrangements.


                 The clerk reported that he had received no reply from John Skidmore as yet.


04/227      Planning


a. App No 04/99/67934 – Extension of Communications Tower at Oakenshaw Grange Farm


The above application was a new submission the previous application (67627) having been withdrawn on15 November.


It was agreed that the parish Council write to the Planning department again supporting of Mr Murphy’s objections to the proposed extension. Seeking clarification over the type of mast now to be erected (is it a Tetra mast?) whilst highlighting the reported effects Tetra masts may have on human health.


b. Farnham Way


Cllr Chalkley raised the issue of vehicles parking in the turning circle at the end of Farnham Way causing an obstruction and preventing the area being used for the purpose for which it was designed.


It was agreed that the highways enforcement officer and planning officers be contacted over the matter.


c. Other applications


                 All other applications received during the period were found to be acceptable.


04/228      Financial Matters




                 The following accounts were submitted and approved for payment.


                 Mrs Dodson                                                  54.70

                 Mrs Hardwick                                             284.44                                                                                   

                 Vale                                                            182.43 (Plaques)

                 WMDC                                                      714.40 (Scouts Premise Rentals)


                 Yorkshire Water                                          172.73 (Allotments)

                                                                                      19.95 (Parish Centre)

                 Mr Jacques                                                   34.80 (KCT Posters)                 


04/229      Correspondence


                 Wakefield MDC                                   - Council Minutes

- Standards Committee Minutes

- Standards Committee, notice of Local determination.

- Community Assembly, Minutes and agenda

- Local Access Forum

- Draft lease, former library site.


04/230      Parish Matters


1.  Christmas Tree


Members again expressed dismay over the standard of lighting on the Christmas Tree, especially as the standard throughout the authority seems to have improved this year.


The clerk to communicate members views to the relevant officers.


04/231      Date of next Meeting


                 Tuesday 18th January 2005.


04/232      Matters Discussed in Private


                 None discussed.












     Chairman                                                                                                                      18th January 2005.