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Crofton Parish Council


Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 15th April 2008.                             


Present;          Councillors,    Chalkley (Chair), Bennett, Brown, Duffy K, Hewitt, Jacques, Makin, Ripley, Schofield, Towns, Voros and Wrigg.


In attendance;                       3 members of the public

                                                District Councillor Manifield.


04/001             Receive report from West Yorkshire Police         

PC Daley presented his report for the Safe Scheme covering the month of March 2007

Cllr Towns asked if he would pay attention to the behaviour of children misusing the bus shelter on High Street in front of the High School. Cllr Hewitt made PC Daley aware of gangs of youths seen congregating on Hare Park Lane and Cllr Duffy K, reported that there was a large amount of graffiti to be seen to the rear of the Youth Centre, PC Daley duly noted these concerns.


04/002             Receive briefing from Wakefield MDC District Councillors

Cllr Manifield informed members that discussions had been held with WMDC management staff concerning Coppers Lake, they had visited the site and decided that measures such as removing the temporary fencing, levelling of the timber decking and the use of a camera to monitor the situation, would be introduced in an effort to bring the Lake to the standard expected. It was agreed by Members to invite WMDC to a Parish Council meeting to discuss the matter further, in preparation they agreed to meet at the facility on Sunday 27th April at 10.00am, this would enable them to produce a report and present it to WMDC prior to the meeting.

It had been noted that the road encompassing the Parish Council Car Park had been refurbished. Cllr Bennett stated that the refuse bins on Springhill Drive had not been collected one week due to times having been changed, no notification had been received which had created the problem, Cllr Manifield was asked to notify WMDC Waste Recycling Services about the matter and so that it would not be repeated.

Cllr Schofield asked Cllr Manifield to establish if the new road surface on Ashdene Drive would be completed along its entire length, in particular from its junction with Ashdene Crescent and on to the Weavers Green Public House. 

Cllr Duffy K, offered thanks to the District Councillors for their help and support in dealing with a matter on her behalf.   


04/003             Public participation session

A representative from Crofton Carnival informed members that despite the Community Centre’s financial problems and the news that it was to go into administration, this would not effect the hosting of the Carnival. Members were informed that a Police presence would not be provided for such events unless applied for, this would result in a cost being incurred. The Parish Council were asked if funds provided for the Safe Scheme could be used for this purpose.

Residents in attendance took the opportunity to inform PC Daley that ‘off road’ motor bikes were being ridden in a dangerous manner in the New Crofton area, often at

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weekends when children were still playing out, also that 4x4 vehicles were seen going

off the road on land to the rear of Spring Lane. PC Daley duly noted these concerns. In answer to a question from Cllr Bennett, he confirmed that quad bikes needed to display registration plates but the wearing of helmets by the rider was not compulsory.


04/004             Apologies for absence          

District Councillor Cummings and Isherwood

Councillor Duffy S.


04/005             Declarations of Interest

Cllr Bennett declared his interest with regard Planning and Highway matters


04/006             Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 18th March 2008, were signed as a true record by the Chairman.


04/007             Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk had now received a response from WMDC Environment about the street sweepers, he informed members that no further news had been received concerning the request for the pedestrian crossings, he would try ascertain an answer for the next meeting. The Clerk was still awaiting a response from the letter sent to WMDC concerning traffic congestion and the letter sent to the owners of the land on Slack Lane. With regard to the letter sent to Lord St Oswald see minute 04/014.

The Clerk had now established the contact to enable the Electric sub station to be maintained regularly.


04/008             Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

The Open Day recently held had been well attended, however the Clerk reported that as yet, no booking had been received other than the expected Police meeting and the arrangements for the forthcoming Council Elections.

Report Village Association

Cllr Makin informed members that there were no problems to report, the Clerk stated that alternative suppliers had been approached to provide washroom/sanitary services following the cancellation of the contract with the present service providers PHS.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt informed members that there were no problems to report and that there was an Allotments Committee meeting on the 20th April in the Parish Centre.

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Wrigg informed members that conditions were satisfactory and that new charges had been implemented for the accounting year 2008/09. Members agreed to arrange a visit to the cemetery later in the year.


04/009             Discuss Traffic issues

Cllr Ripley informed members, that he had noted that the access to the cellar of the Cock & Crown Public House was in an awkward position making it difficult for the vehicle delivering supplies, it was also creating an obstruction, Cllr Ripley had

spoke to the landlord about the matter.

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Cllr Bennett had observed other access problems, the Clerk would arrange a site meeting with Cllr Chalkley to note such concerns.

It was reported that a young boy had been knocked over by a car in the area of Slack Lane/Pinfold Drive, Cllr Brown stated the driver was not at fault and the boy was okay. Cllr Brown had also noted the stone block missing from the boundary wall of the High School at Harrison Road, members informed her that the Parish Council had previously attempted to have this matter dealt with as it had become the responsibility of the School, the Clerk would make representation again.


04/010             Parish Leases

Nothing to report.


04/011             Cleansing/Environment

Cllr Jacques had noted graffiti on a wall in High Street (see also minute 04/001)

such matters need to be reported to the WMDC Neighbourhood Action team on phone number  0845 8 506 506.

Cllr Ripley provided members with a picture of a tree on Shay Lane, it appeared to be at a precarious angle, he had contacted the WMDC Arboriculture Team to raise concerns about its safety, the Clerk was asked to reiterate the concern and to seek a response.


04/012             Planning Notifications

Cllr Towns commented on the application (08/00140/FUL) from Birkwood House Farm which had been approved.


04/013             Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections, as there were not enough cheques to enable the payment of some invoices, it was agreed that when a new cheque book was received, the Clerk would contact the signatories to have them signed prior to the next Parish Council meeting.

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly accounts and the Budget

Quarter figures.

Members agreed to the appointment of the Internal Auditor used the previous year.

With regard to the Draft Accounts and funding for the Rainbows, this was discussed in private.


04/014             Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular note 6; Cllr Ripley had received information that the land was registered to the Parish Council, the Clerk having read the deeds suggested this was not the situation, in view of any anomaly, the Clerk would write to the Land Registry to seek clarification and ensure the correct details were recorded. Note 9; members agreed that the Clerk should respond to the request, by stating that clearing the area was a Health & Safety issue and that they had a duty of care to do so, irrespective of the cost involved without a return of income for doing so. The application for housing would be considered as and when the Parish Council was so notified.

Note 10; Cllr Chalkley agreed to take the map that had been provided and copy it for other members who had requested a copy.


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04/015             Parish matters

Cllr Ripley informed members that he had reported that 3 street lights were not operating on Doncaster Road.

Councillors were asked for their thoughts on having the grass at the War Memorial re-seeded, it was agreed that the matter would be placed on the Agenda for discussion at some point in the future.


04/016             Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 20th May 2008 at 7.15pm in                               Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


04/017             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


04/018             Matters to be discussed in private

It was resolved that a grant be awarded to the Crofton Rainbows.

The Clerk was asked to reduce the amount allocated to S137 and increase the Donation/Contribution figure.



Signed                                                                         Date                                               Chairman Crofton Parish Council