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Crofton Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held  17th April 2007.                             


Present;          Councillors,             Chalkley (Chair), Bennett, Brown, Duffy K, Duffy S,

Hewitt, Jacques, Makin, Schofield, Towns, Voros and Wrigg.           


In attendance;                        3 members of the public

                                                District Councillors; Manifield and Isherwood.

WMDC Environment Manager June Rothwell and Assistant Manager Ian Jones.


Apologies for absence            District Councillor Cummings.

Councillor Ripley.


04/788             Receive report from West Yorkshire Police

PC Daley gave his report for the month of March 2007, it was noted that there had been a considerable percentage increase in the number of crimes. Following comment from PC Daley about conducting speed checks, Cllr Towns asked if Doncaster Road could be an area to be targeted, she also made him aware that the rear of the Parish Centre was being used by youths to consume alcohol, Cllr Duffy (K) also made it known that the house at 91/91a High Street had been broken into by youths.

Cllr Jacques asked if he intended to use Safe Scheme funds to conduct the speed checks, he stated that was the intention, in view of this Cllr Bennett asked what the actual cost would be.

Cllr Hewitt provided PC Daley with the registration numbers of vehicles believed to be distributing alcohol, he duly noted this. In response to the number of problems related to alcohol, District Councillor Isherwood suggested that pressure should be applied via Trading Standards.


04/789             Receive briefing from Wakefield MDC District Councillors

District Councillor Isherwood introduced WMDC Environment Manager June Rothwell and Assistant Manager Ian Jones, to members of the Parish Council.

Cllr Manifield informed members that the potential problem of travellers moving into the area had been averted, members thanked his and Cllr Cumming’s efforts in this matter. He informed members that the re-surfacing works being carried out on Shay Lane would cause some disruption to the bus timetable, he also informed members that the planned proposal of works concerning dropped kerb crossings would be commenced soon, the Clerk was asked to contact the District Councillors at a later date to get any further information on this matter and relay the information to members. Cllr Schofield asked the District Councillors if they would inspect the base of the bus shelter on Doncaster Road near the Cock & Crown pub, as it was not complete and to report it to the WMDC department dealing with the scheme. Cllr Jacques asked if they could get the ‘No Entry’ road marking at the car park on High Street re-painted, they were told that the ‘Cul-de-Sac sign for Sandown Avenue was still not in place, Cllr Duffy(K) asked if they could remedy the problem of the loose grate/drain cover on High Street at the junction with Towers Close, Cllr Makin asked if they would put pressure on WMDC Environment Services to the start date of works to be done on the Sidings.


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04/790             Public Participation session

Mr Walker commented about the works at Coppers Lake. (see minute 04/800).

The Group Scout leader Mr Stead made members aware that following an enquiry from last months meeting the area around the Scout Hut had now been cleaned and cleared of debris. He also made members aware that he had been given a number of trees and asked for their help in placing them around the village, Cllr Bennett raised concerns about doing so without seeking permission, however June Rothwell from WMDC Environment Department, confirmed that some of the responsibilities of her department covered tree planting, she suggested approaching the contact centre for assistance in getting the trees planted.


04/791             Declarations of Interest

Cllr Bennett declared his interest with regard Planning and Highway matters


04/792             Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 20th March 2007, were signed as a correct record by the Chairman.


04/793             Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk informed members that there was nothing further to add to the existing information.


04/794             Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Councillors were reminded that there was a meeting to discuss the Parish Plan on the 1st May, Cllr Duffy(K) informed members that there was a Police meeting on the 02nd May, the Clerk informed members that the district elections would be taking place on the 03rd May. Cllr Jacques suggested a second coat of teak oil be applied to the exterior cladding, members agreed to do so.

Report Village Association

Cllr Makin informed members that he had met with a representative of PHS which had coincided with the decision to not use their services, but he felt that the level of service would be improved, so members decided to persist with the services of PHS.. Cllr Bennett mentioned that the light over the door was broken and that it would be better if removed, however Cllr Chalkley stated it was necessary to have a light fitting over an entrance, it was decided to install a more practical fitting. Comment was also made about the condition of the football pitches not being to an acceptable standard and the cleanliness of the Sports facility, members agreed to arrange a meeting to consider these matters further. Cllr Hewitt commented about the service teams for the facility, using the entrance from Hare Park Lane instead of Shay Lane.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt informed members that the allotments were generally being well kept, he had been made aware that allotment holder E.Thackrah was to go into hospital and would be unable to tend his garden for a while, it was agreed in this instance, that it be tended by two other allotment holders in his absence. It was decided that the existing leases for the Pontefract Road site be discussed in private.   


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Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Schofield had nothing specifically to report, Cllr Bennett stated he had received an enquiry about the removal of a tree and the effect of that upon a wall within the cemetery, but it was agreed this was not a Parish Council liability.


04/795             Discuss Traffic issues

Nothing to report.


04/796             Parish Leases

Cllr Jacques suggested that now the lease had been agreed for the short stay car park that it was appropriate for a sign to be erected (agreed in the lease), stating the limitations of use. Members agreed to the wording and asked if Cllr Jacques would organise the work to be carried out, he duly agreed to do so.


04/797             Cleansing/Environment

Cllr Chalkley thanked June Rothwell and Ian Jones for attending the Parish Council meeting and asked them for their comments on the overall condition of the village, June Rothwell stated that staff shortages and overspending within the Council had impacted on the level of the cleaning service that Crofton had received, but assured members that the area would get a better service than what had been experienced, an example being that the path sweeper would be utilised more.

Cllr Towns stated that the sub station sited next to the Royal Oak public house was in need of cleaning, June Rothwell duly noted this request.

Cllr Hewitt commented on the fact that there was only two dog bins on the Sidings which was not sufficient for such a large area, Ian Jones pointed out that other bins in this area were dual purpose bins.

Cllr Makin asked if pressure could be put on the shops as they seemed to be responsible for the majority of the litter, June Rothwell confirmed that WMDC Enforcement Control were currently operating 2 pilot schemes with regard to this issue, subject to the results Crofton could be added to future schemes.

Cllr Brown suggested that the constant litter problem outside the shops may be better dealt with by approaching the High School and asking them to educate the children on the disposing of waste, she was informed that this idea had indeed been previously actioned. Cllr Jacques stated that he hoped that the comments made and the proposed work would be actioned.


04/798             Planning Notifications

Cllr Towns made members aware that despite the planning application for Birkwood House Farm to introduce a training unit not having been approved, they appeared to be operating in that capacity. The Clerk was asked to contact the case officer at WMDC Planning who was dealing with the application to confirm that this was not the situation.   


04/799             Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections, the monthly and quarterly accounts were accepted. A decision on a grant award for the Scouts and the Starlightning Majorettes was referred to minute 04/804.

Members agreed to appoint the Internal Auditor used the previous financial year.

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04/800             Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular note 2, Mr Walker was in attendance at the meeting to add support to his enquiry,  June Rothwell stated she had noted his concerns and would discuss the matter with Tim Johnson from WMDC Parks & Public Realm on behalf of the Parish Council, Cllr Bennett asked if she would report back to the Parish Council any further information or decision. With regard to note 9, members agreed to pay for the Clerk to attend the regional conference for Local Council Clerks at a cost of £47.00.


04/801             Parish matters

Cllr Chalkley read out to members the letters he had received from MP Jon Trickett and also from WMDC Council leader Peter Box, in response to the visit he and Cllr Ripley had made to the MP’s office in Hemsworth with regard to licensing matters.

Cllr Towns informed members that the footpath/Right of Way adjacent to Birkwood House Farm had been altered and directional signs had been removed, the Clerk was asked to contact Virginia Moulton, WMDC Rights of Way Manager to investigate the matter. Cllr Duffy(K) stated that the house at 91a High Street was still in a bad condition, the Clerk was asked to enquire with the relevant WMDC department if there was any enforcement action being taken to improve the situation.


04/802             Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 15th May 2007 at 7pm in                               Crofton High School, High Street, Crofton.


04/803             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


04/804             Matters to be discussed in private

It was agreed that the Parish Council AGM be held prior to the next monthly meeting.

The Scout Group to be awarded a grant of £714.40.

The Starlightning Majorettes to be awarded a grant of £350.00

Members voted by 10 For 1 Against, Cllr Chalkley not voting, that monies paid for the Safe Scheme, not be reclaimed but used, in part, to offset against extra services and to reduce the current financial year’s budget.

It was agreed that the existing Coal Board leases be replaced with Allotment Tenancy agreements, the garden allotments to reflect those already issued to other allotment holders, the garage site to contain extra wording to those already issued.



Signed                                                                                 Date                                                           Chairman Crofton Parish Council