Crofton Parish Council


Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held Tuesday 25th April  2006.


Present;                                  Councillors Bennett, Duffy K, Duffy S,

                                                Hewitt, Towns, Voros and Wrigg


In attendance;                        2 members of the public


Apologies for absence           District Councillors.Isherwood, Cummings and Manifield.

Councillors  Jacques, Chalkley, Makin, Ripley and Schofield.


04/001             Receive report from West Yorkshire Police           

PC McMahon gave the report for the Safe Scheme covering the month of March 2006.Cllr Towns noted that the Youth Centre was now opened, but problems were already being experienced. There seemed to be the wrong mix of ages attending, this led to the suggestion that perhaps drugs may be involved, it had also been observed that youths were smoking out of plastic bottles. PC McMahon stated if that was the case they would take action.Cllr Hewitt stated that the community police officer PC Hughes, did not seem to have much of a visible presence and thought he should attend a Parish Council meeting. Cllr Towns enquired about the two alleged assaults which were stated on the police report, these were domestic assaults. Cllr Duffy(K) had contacted the police action line to report youths on motorbikes, and asked PC McMahon if it had been acted upon, he was unsure but would make further enquiries.

Cllr Bennett commented on cars which were parking outside the school (where the pavement was widened), were possibly causing an obstruction, he asked if PC McMahon would give this matter some attention, Cllr Duffy(K) also commented on cars parking outside Sainsburys becoming a problem, Cllr Hewitt commented on right turning traffic at the Hare Park Lane roundabout being a problem, it was suggested that these concerns should be reported to the Highways section at Newton Bar.

Cllr Bennett asked members if they wished to continue its support of the police Safe Scheme, it was agreed to do so. 


04/002             Receive briefing from Wakefield MDC District Councillors

In the absence of District Councillors due to the impending elections, the Clerk read a report that had been received from Cllr Manifield, it made comment on the assessment undertaken by traffic control on the Pontefract Road in the vicinity of the Cock & Crown Public House. The Clerk also commented on a separate notification he had received from Cllr Cummings, which stated that Lister Baynes had set in motion the process that would allow for the fencing to be continued to the wall, at the rear of the youth centre.


04/003             Public Participation session

One member of the public who was in attendance, wanted clarification about his status, as he had been working on the Oak Street allotment site for some time, but had been told he was working in a sub–let capacity which was in contravention of Allotment rules, it was agreed to invite him to the next meeting of the Committee.

Another member of the public expressed concerns about the stone missing from the perimeter wall of the school grounds, which was now on the road, and a potential hazard. Cllr Bennett asked the Clerk to contact the Education department to highlight the problem and ultimately resolve it. It had been noted that the Christmas Lights had been left on during the day in the festive season, this would be commented on nearer Christmas time 2006. It was further mentioned that damage had been caused to the boundaries/fencing at Hare Park Sidings, the Clerk would make enquiries as to ownership and consult with Mark Cropley of Wakefield MDC as to possible damage caused by the ongoing works on the flood defence scheme.


04/004             Declarations of Interest

Cllr Bennett declared his interest with regard to Planning and Highway matters.


04/005             Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 21st March 2006, were signed as a correct record by the Vice Chairman.


04/006             Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk updated members on outstanding matters;

Cllr Manifield had been sent a copy of another e-mail sent concerning the offer of finance for enlargement of the traffic island at Pinfold Drive/Doncaster Road, in an effort to get a decision.

An e-mail sent to Peter Hemming the Travel Awareness Manager of Wakefield MDC Road Safety, seeking support for the above had been replied to, it stated that resources for 2006/07 had been allocated to schools who had completed travel plans. The Clerk was asked to send a letter to Crofton High School to encourage them to get a travel plan which would help the Parish Council achieve their aim of getting the traffic island increased in size, for the sake of safety in view of the number of school children crossing there.

Highways Enforcement were now involved with the boundaries issue on Harrison Road/Ashdene Approach, a decision from them was pending.

The Clerk had met with T&D Contractors, and agreed a plan of action with regard to the removal of a number of trees in the cemetery.

Litter had been removed from the ginnel to the side of the Slipper public house following a request to the cleansing department, however it had once more began to build up, due in part to its position, it would need to be identified as a regular area for the cleansing department to deal with to ensure it is kept under control.

Amey were willing to attend a site meeting with the Chair and other members of the Parish Council after 15th May 2006, it was agreed to arrange this at the next Parish Council meeting.

The Clerk had not received a response from Byron Roofing, the contractors appointed for the work on the Parish Centre, the Clerk said he would persue the matter further and report to members at the next meeting.

No response had been received from the Countryside and Conservation Service with regard the possible safety issue at Walton Nature Park, the Clerk would write again in an effort to get a response.



04/007             Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Duffy(K) said the heating had now been turned down, and reminded members that the Centre was being used for the district elections on Thursday 04th May 2006.

Report Village Association

Cllr Bennett stated that the doors/hinges which had been damaged in the attempted burglary were now repaired and installed. He had also noticed the number of roots which were growing between the flags and the base of the Pavillion walls, he asked the Clerk to contact T&D Contractors to provide a remedy.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt, the Chairman of the Allotments Committee, reported that a long standing allotment holder Les Sharpe had given up his allotment, it had been allocated to the next person on the waiting list Mr Andrew Todd, the Clerk was asked to provide the necessary letter and contract to confirm this.

Report Parish Cemetery

The Clerk informed members that providers of services for the cemetery, had all been written to informing them that it was imperative that the rules issued by the Parish Council were adhered to.


04/008             Discuss Traffic issues

Cllr Hewitt had observed that a fence and a farm gate had been erected on the perimeter of land along Doncaster Road near the Redbeck Motel, it appeared to be an encroachment onto the public highway. Cllr Bennett had also observed this and asked the Clerk to write to Highways Enforcement to bring the matter to their attention.


04/009             Parish Leases

The Clerk commented on leases for the playing fields and cricket pitch at Hare Park Sidings, Shay Lane. The rent would remain fixed for the next 5 years.


04/010             Cleansing/Environment

Cllr Duffy(K) commented that the village had a generally cleaner look to it at present, Cllr Hewitt stated that Wakefield MDC drain cleaners had been operating on Hare Park Lane, he noticed that after cleaning the drain gully, sludge was being left on the roadside, the Clerk was asked to write to Wakefield MDC Highways Maintenance to bring this matter to their attention. Cllr Bennett said it would be beneficial to write to all utility companies when working within the village, to ask them to remove their waste as well.


04/011             Planning Notifications

Councillors had no objections to raise.


04/012             Financial matters

Accounts were observed by members, Cllr Duffy(K), enquired about a cost from PHS against the Parish Centre, the Clerk pointed out that it should really be a charge to the Sports Pavillion, he was to change the accounts so that all costs would be allocated to the correct section.


04/013             Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular the enquiry for the hire of the Parish Centre by Styletrax was given much consideration. Comments made by Cllr Bennett and Cllr Towns and an e-mail received from Cllr Jacques (in his absence), were discussed, it was agreed by a vote, not to allow the Parish Centre to be used for the purpose of the enquiry.

Members also agreed to continue membership of the Yorkshire Local Councils Association, and to suspend the service provided by Trade refuse for the Parish Centre.


04/014             Parish matters

Cllr Duffy(S) expressed concerns about the condition of Shay Lane, it was pointed out  to him that in the February minutes, Cllr Isherwood had confirmed that Shay Lane would be included in the Highways Improvement programme for 2006/07. Further to the concerns about youths attending the Youth Centre (04/001), Cllr Duffy(S) also expressed his concerns about the level of control being implemented by the youth leaders at the new Youth Centre. It was agreed that the Clerk contact the District Councillors about such concerns.


04/015             Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 16th May 2006                                at 7pm in Crofton High School, High Street, Crofton.


04/016             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed.


04/017             Matters to be discussed in private

It was agreed that the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council be held prior to the Parish Council meeting on the 16th May 2006.



Signed                                                                          Date                                         Chairman Crofton Parish Council