Page 1.                                   Crofton Parish Council


     Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 16 April 2013.                             


Present; Councillors; Chalkley, Bennett, Hewitt, Kimbley, Makin, Ripley

Schofield, Towns, Wrigg and Wilby.

Clerk to the Council; Barry Riley


In attendance;           4 members of the public

                                    District Councillors; Cummings and Heptinstall

                                    PS Jonathan Day                               


Cllr Chalkley informed members that Cllr Christine Dart had resigned from her position, her contribution to the Parish Council was duly noted.


04/001             Report from W.Y.Police Officers working on Crofton Safe Scheme PS Day presented the Safe Scheme report covering March and April.   

Cllr Hewitt commented that sheds on the Hare Park allotments had been subject to burglary, PS Day noting the comment, stated that all those affected should report the incident (see minute 04/008).

Cllr Chalkley asked if there was any feedback concerning cars parking in the Doctors Surgery car park, further to PS Speight stating he would patrol the area (see minute 03/181), but PS Day had no information to offer.

Cllr Chalkley informed members that he had conducted a survey and produced a report concerning indiscriminate parking in the village.

Cllr Towns commented on another traffic accident that had occurred on Saturday 13 April on Weeland Road/Doncaster Road, resulting in a closure of the road. A number of Police cars were in attendance, indicating the seriousness of the accident. PS Day stated that they conducted regular patrols of the road.

Cllr Hewitt noted that the report mentioned that the nuisance motor cycles/quad bikes (which were reported at the previous meeting as being driven in a dangerous and anti- social manner), were road legal and that the drivers were wearing helmets. This comment did not tackle the nuisance aspect and indicated that because they were road legal it was acceptable to continue riding the bikes as previous. PS Day stated that it was not an offence to ride the bikes through the village, however members commented that the bikes were being used without due care and attention.

Further to previous requests of support from the Police concerning road safety problems, Cllr Bennett commented that the road safety aspect concerning the Bedford Farm development had not been properly thought out. The increase in the number of vehicles resulting from the development would make the problems even worse.


04/002                         Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

District Councillors provided information to enquiries made individually by Parish Councillors, and gave an update on previous matters raised;

Further to comments made about traffic calming for Doncaster Road (see minute 03/182), members were informed that they had contacted Graham West WMDC Highway Network Manager, to have a new assessment done for speed cameras on Doncaster Road. They were informed that there were no plans to introduce any along the length of Doncaster Road, the only length of road that would meet the criteria for a camera was that between the Cock and Crown pub and West Lane.

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The budget for speed cameras was such that they could afford to erect just 2 a year and this year they would be placed on Leeds Road in Outwood.

Cllr Cummings commented on traffic incidents which had occurred on Shay Lane, Cllr Manifield had highlighted such incidents to WMDC Highways in an effort to get signage placed to deter future incidents. The effective placement of signs had now been identified and they were due to be installed.

With regard to the initiative to have a bus shelter erected in place of the seat at the junction of Shay Lane/Harrison Road (see minute 02/164), the request was refused as the usage did not warrant it.

Cllr Cummings commented that Dog Fouling signs were available for purchase by the Parish Council at a cost of £22 plus fixing. The Clerk was given a copy for distribution to members for consideration.

Cllr Cummings commented on the recent training session organised for Parish Clerks within the District concerning the Precept. A number of Clerks had been critical of the information received from WMDC, which they thought was misleading (see minute 04/007).

Further to information provided at the last Parish Council meeting regarding the relocation of the West Yorks Sports and Social Club, a planning application was due to be submitted on 04 May 2013. Cllr Cummings confirmed that she and her colleagues would be objecting to the application.

Regarding the recent ‘walkabout’ with WMDC Street Scene officers on Wednesday 3rd April, the following was noted;                                                                                                                             Claremont Crescent to consider erecting some wooden posts to stop people parking cars on the grass.

Broken fencing on Oak Street.                                                                                                                                                                                                      More “dog fouling” stencilling was to be carried out around the village.                                                                      Consideration would be given to the problem of double parking along Walton View. Shrubs at the side of Post Office near Manor Road needed attention, consideration would be given to removing the shrubs and grassing the area. The planters were also in need of maintenance.                                                                                                                     The Postmaster provided two bins outside his shop, he was happy to continue to do this. Consideration would be given to an additional bin at the entrance to Hare Park, which would be positioned to the left of the “A” frame. The current post mounted bin just inside the park was not sufficient to deal with all rubbish and dog fouling waste.                               Springhill Avenue; the grass open space area and the footpath leading towards the Scott Drive estate needed attention, also the ditch and hedge were overgrown.                                                                                                                                         It was agreed that it would be useful to hold another walkabout possibly in May.                                                                                                                                           Cllr Cummings provided members with a map showing where all the current bins are in Crofton (see minute 04/007).                                                                                                  Cllr Schofield stated that the pot holes on Kingsley Close were in a terrible condition, Cllr Cummings would report this to WMDC Highways.                                                                                                            Due to the time taken in getting a response from WMDC about using the wrong entrance for the Sidings, Cllr Hewitt asked Cllr Cummings to make further enquiries (see minute 04/007).                                                                                                                Cllr Kimbley asked for action to be taken regarding cars causing damage to the grassed area (where they were being parked) at the junction of Shay Lane/Thorntree Avenue, Cllr Cummings duly noted the request.                                                                                 Cllr Wilby stated that recent work carried out on the former Spring Lane allotment

site, had exposed a large amount of rubbish. It was noted that the removal of rubbish

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would be the responsibility of Nostell Estates who owned the land and not WMDC.

Cllr Bennett informed members that a support post for a tree on Springhill Drive (see minute 03/183 2012), had broken and needed replacing, he had wanted to report it directly to the WMDC Tree Surgeon but felt that the system was not conducive to be able to do so.


04/003                         Public Participation session

Residents in attendance wanted to enquire if the Parish Council could provide any news on the planning intentions of WMDC for Priory Ridge. They were informed that it had been identified for housing within the LDF (Local Development Framework), however no planning application had been submitted yet.

Another resident was surprised that the area had been identified for housing as he felt it contradicted the Greenbelt review of 2010, that restrictions would last till 2026 for the development of such land.


04/004                         Apologies for absence         

District Councillor; Manifield.  

Councillors; Ripley and Wrigg.


04/005                         Declarations of Interest

None declared.


04/006                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 19 March 2013, were signed as a true record by the Chairman.


04/007                         Matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk reported that;

A response had been received from WMDC Highways concerning the track, stating that they will not maintain it and that the maintenance responsibility will be the same as that before the construction of the new cycle route. However an offer had been made to deliver 10 tons of planings, following discussion members were undecided on how to proceed.

He had received a reply from Spawforth Associates concerning the 9 lakes project. They were assessing the implications of the HS2 and do not intend having a meeting until further information regarding HS2 has been received.

He had contacted WMDC again to get an answer about using the wrong entrance for the Sidings, as yet he had received no reply (see minute 04/002).

He was still awaiting a reply from WMDC Highways to confirm when the annual gully cleanse would be conducted.

He was awaiting a response to the enquiry made to WMDC Highways and Network Rail about escaping water from the Shay Lane bridge.

Further to the offer of bins to be placed at the Copse (see minute 03/187), a quote and the type of bins available had been received. Prior to any decision, members agreed to view a map showing where all the current bins are in Crofton, it could then be determined where the other bins could be placed (see minute 04/002).
Councillor Box had responded to the enquiry made about the 9% increase to residents despite the Precept remaining unchanged. Due to the decrease in the Band D tax base

resulting from an increase in the number of properties claiming support to pay their

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Council Tax (following the introduction of the new local Council Tax support scheme), the net effect had created the 9% increase (see also minute 11/121).

Cllr Schofield stated that the police had attended at Shay Lane School to deter cars from parking on the footpath (see minute 03/181).


04/008                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Nothing to report

Report Village Association

Cllr Makin reported that;

He had been contacted by Mayfair Security about a constant phone line fault that was affecting the efficiency of the alarm system. Although a phone line existed the phone had been disconnected, this was probably causing the fault. The Clerk was asked to make enquiries about the cost of re-connecting the service with BT or an alternative supplier.

There had been a problem with the electric supply to the building, part of the cabling had been damaged due to overloading, the supply would need to be improved to avoid future problems. Members duly noted the information and accepted that such improvements would incur a cost.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that;

A number of sheds on the Hare Park allotments had been subject to burglary, he had reported the incident and had obtained a crime number. It was suggested that the individuals should report the incidents, the effect being that the area would receive extra police attention.

He informed the Clerk that 2 allotments at Pontefract Road had been allocated, he would forward the information in due course.

Report Parish Cemetery

Nothing to report.


04/009                         Traffic issues

Nothing to report.


04/010                         Neighbourhood Plan

Cllr Chalkley informed members that Crofton was now classed as a service centre rather than a village, members discussed whether the status should be challenged.

Cllr Bennett had suggested some additions to the Plan since the last meeting, this had been circulated to members for further discussion.


04/011                         Cleansing/Environment

Nothing to report.


04/012                         Planning Notifications

Members offered no comment to the applications and decisions received.


04/013                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections.

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly and quarterly accounts.

Following discussion members agreed to the appointment of Internal Auditors, YIAS.

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Members agreed to accept the draft accounts for new the financial year 2013 – 14,

with an amendment to the expenditure section for the Cemetery to include an item for


The Clerk informed members that he had visited PC World and other computer retail

outlets, but had not yet purchased a computer (see minute 03/193).

He informed members that the Parish Council was now registered with HMRC to

comply with the new RTI (Real Time Information) requirements.                                                 

04/014                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular;

Note 5; Members discussed the letter received from resident Richard Sellens, who wanted the Parish Council to contact WMDC Highways to request alterations to Church Road. The Clerk was asked to make an initial enquiry to WMDC about the proposals contained in the letter.


04/015                         Parish matters

Cllr Kimbley informed members that he attended a meeting of the Deanfield Health Impact Assessment Steering Group which was held at the Wakefield One Building.

The Clerk informed members that he had contacted the car hire company with regard to seeking compensation for the damage to the Memorial wall.

Cllr Hewitt commented on the Public Right of Way path from Hare Park Lane through Larkdale Farm to Shay Lane. A gate had been erected across the path within Larkdale Farm, which was padlocked. This was causing difficulty for users of the path, the Clerk was asked to contact Rights of Way to inform them of the situation.

Cllr Schofield informed members that work was starting on the All Saints Church clock.

Cllr Bennett commented on youths using the entrance posts on the Parish Council car park for goals when playing football. A local resident had complained about the situation, a possible solution would be to create a different access point, the matter would be discussed again if the problem persisted.


04/016                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday 21 May 2013 at 7pm in Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


04/017             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


04/018                         Matters to be discussed in private

Nothing discussed.


Signed ………………………………                       Date…………………..                      Chairman Crofton Parish Council