Page 1.                                    Crofton Parish Council


     Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 19th April 2011.                             


Present;          Councillors,    Bennett, Hewitt, Jacques, Kimbley, Ripley, Schofield, Towns and Voros.


In attendance;                       6 members of the public

                                                District Councillor Manifield


04/001             Report from W.Y.Police Officers working on Crofton Safe Scheme PS Day presented his report covering 15th March to 19th April.  

Cllr Hewitt reported a number of youths were drinking alcohol to the rear of the High School as early as 4pm, PS Day was asked to patrol the area.

Cllr Kimbley thanked PS Day for attending and dealing with the previously reported problem of cars regularly parking outside 5 and 7 Harrison Road.

With regard to the reported drug offence on Santingley Lane where a warrant was needed, comment was made that drug activity was still taking place. PS Day stated that continued intelligence was needed to make further arrests.

Cllr Bennett commented that problems relating to anti social behaviour and alcohol were still prevalant, if indeed increasing, he expected to get more support to have the alcohol free zone implemented.

PS Day was asked to patrol Slack Lane and Harrison Road during the coming weeks with regard to traffic matters, he duly noted the request.


04/002             Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

Cllr Manifield updated members on previous matters raised and provided information to enquiries made individually by Parish Councillors.

The proposed public meeting to discuss Coppers Lake(see minute 03/183), would be delayed due to district elections taking place, Cllr Bennett asked that the delay be kept to a minimum.

The seat at Holly Close had now been removed.

Springhill Avenue and Wentworth Drive were due to be re – surfaced.

The slow sign markings due for Doncaster Road had been further delayed due to problems with the line marking contractor. Cllr Manifield was asked to ensure that the Parish Council was presented with the scheme details to avoid any errors occurring with the positioning of the markings, such as that experienced with the boundary sign for Sharlston.

The rubbish bin belonging to the Parish Council which had been reported missing several months ago had been found in Walton, it had now been placed at the Parish Centre. Cllr Manifield was asked to ensure that it was placed on the District Council’s rota for emptying. Cllr Bennett had been asked by Cllr Chalkley to thank Cllr Cummings for her efforts in obtaining the bin, Cllr Manifield noted the comment.

Cllr Voros reminded Cllr Manifield that the pot holes on Springhill Grove had still not been attended to.

Cllr Jacques asked Cllr Manifield to re-investigate the problem of dogs causing disruption on the Public Right of Way footpath through Larkdale Farm (see minute 05/020).The matter had previously been reported to the Dog Warden with a

recommendation to the landowner that a fence should be erected, but the matter

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had not been resolved.

Cllr Kimbley informed members about activity at the disused shop on Hawthorn Avenue. A skip had now been in place for a number of weeks and was over filled resulting in debris accumulating at the base, the Clerk was asked to contact the skip company (Pick up Skips), to have it removed.

Cllr Hewitt had been in a traffic queue whist leaving the village via Lodge Lane the previous Saturday morning, the problem was a result of maintenance works which he felt were undertaken at the wrong time and given the size of works involved showed a lack of planning by Highway Maintenance. Cllr Manifield was asked to convey this message to the department.


04/003             Public Participation session

A resident asked if PS Day would patrol the bus stop at Rectory Crescent between 8-9 pm in an effort to deter anti social behaviour.

A resident had attended the meeting to inform members and PS Day, the problems she was experiencing with cars parking outside her house whilst visiting Sainsbury’s. Sometimes the waste collection service had not taken her rubbish bin as they could not gain access, she had placed a no parking notice but this was ignored. Although a parking ticket had been issued she felt more was needed to deter motorists.

A resident asked PS Day if there was a solution to the resulting traffic congestion on Harrsion Road, Rose Garth and Sandown Avenue, when a funeral took place. A number of options were discussed including the use of school grounds and the lay-by adjacent to the school entrance. PS Day offered to consult with the funeral companies about the situation.

Cllr Manifield informed the resident from Rose Garth (see minute 03/184), that work was due to commence on the 29th April to remove the trees, whilst this news was welcomed there was still concern about the condition of the wall.


04/004                         Apologies for absence          

District Councillors; Cummings and Lodge.

Councillors; Chalkley, Healy, Makin and Wrigg.


04/005                         Declarations of Interest

None declared.


04/006                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 15th March 2011, were signed as a true record by the Acting Chairman, Cllr Bennett.


04/007                         Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk reported that;

He was still awaiting a response from the Head of the High School, Jez Horsley, about the grass and trees area of the old library site. It was reported that he was unwell at the present time, members agreed that the Clerk would contact him again after the Easter period.

A verbal response had now been received from WMDC Highway Maintenance;

The Stocks Lane sign would be changed to Church Road.

The missing bollards on Harrison Road had now been replaced.

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A Traffic sign showing the 20mph limit at Thorntree Avenue had been ordered

They would not pursue the dedication of the footpath at the Church, as they did not want to accept it onto a maintenance programme.

All comments had been submitted to WMDC Planning regarding applications discussed at the March meeting.


04/008                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Jacques reported that;

The Centre was being used for the local elections on the 05th May.

Polling boxes were to be delivered and stored in advance of the election, the Clerk was asked to contact users of the centre to make them aware of the situation.

Report Village Association

Cllr Bennett reported that;

An urgent meeting was to be arranged with all users of the facility.

The electrical work had now been completed (see minute 02/171), however there was concern that the timer switches for the lights were not operating correctly, the Clerk was asked to contact the contractor to make them aware of the problem and to rectify the matter before any payment was made.

Members discussed the quote received to upgrade the security system, after giving due consideration it was agreed to accept the quote and instruct the contractor to commence the work.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that;

Most of the allotments at Pontefract Road had now been allocated.

He had noted an article in the Wakefield Express, concerning the planting of saplings at the Pontefract Road allotments by the High School. The Clerk had been asked to write to the teacher representing the school (David Oxley), to ask that he remove them as it was in contravention of the rules. A response had been received stating that the planting had been agreed at the original meeting and that as the planting was on the border this was not considered allotment land. The Clerk was asked to respond by letter and clarify if any agreement was made and to state that all land at Pontefract Road is classed as allotment land. Also that any future work to be carried out needs the final approval of the Parish Council before it is commenced. A decision would then be made following a response to the letter.

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Schofield reported that;

The path had now been installed (see minute 02/171).


04/009                         Discuss Traffic issues

Cllr Bennett informed members that he had met with Bob Whyatt the WMDC Highways Senior Traffic Engineer, to discuss options with regard to the installation of a zebra crossing on the High Street. Mr Whyatt accepted it was a safety issue that needed to be resolved but the cost of any scheme would be expensive.

Since the meeting a response had been received which was read out to members, it stated that there was no funding available for a crossing of any form within Crofton, any funding for such works may become available next year.


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04/010                         Parish Plan

Cllr Bennett informed members that discussions were still ongoing and the plan was being rewritten, before printing would take place.


04/011                         Wind Turbine

Cllr Ripley stated that the next stage needed was a wind survey in order to progress the initiative, however he was reminded that at the last Parish Council meeting (see minute 03/196), members wished to discuss the matter at length before any further arrangements were taken, as the requirement for a turbine was still not justified.

Cllr Ripley therefore asked for a vote to be conducted, the proposal being to progress with the initiative or not. Members voted as follows; 3 For 4 Against, the installation of a Wind Turbine was therefore rejected.


04/012                         Cleansing/Environment

Cllr Schofield suggested that due to the condition of Harrison Road (see minute 02/165), that it should be swept every week, comment was made that the road required scraping and relaying to resolve the problem, the Clerk was asked to contact WMDC Highways Network Manager Graham West to request action be taken.

It had been noted that there was much soil and leaves in the road gully’s on Slack lane particularly between the Junior School and the Doctors Surgery. The Clerk was asked to request they were cleaned.


04/013                         Planning Notifications

With regard to planning application 11/00746/FUL, for a hand car wash, it was noted that a number of advertising signs had been placed on the Highway verge, the Clerk was asked to contact the WMDC Highway Enforcement Officer, to have them removed.

Comment was made about a large extension to a property at 19 Weeland Road, which belonged to Baroness Warsi, the Clerk was asked to establish if planning permission had been applied for and granted.


04/014                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections,

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly and quarterly accounts.

The Clerk informed members that since issuing the Agenda, Crofton Choir had informed him that they were to open a business account, so the request to have funding received on their behalf would not be needed. Members confirmed that the Parish Council could not be used as a Commercial Bank for other organisations.

Members gave their approval of the Draft Accounts for the next financial year.   

It was agreed that the appointment of the Internal Auditor would be as the previous year Mr Ken Stephenson of Yorkshire Internal Audit Services.   

Members agreed to approve the funding for the Police Safe Scheme, the Clerk was asked to send quarterly payments of £1500.                                   


04/015             Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular

Note 5; members discussed the request for a donation from Crimestoppers a charity that helps communities fight crime, it was decided that a donation would not be given

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as the amount would not necessarily be spent within the village.

Note 6; Although a response had been given to a resident who was concerned about the impact the Nine Lakes Project might have on the local area, the Clerk was asked to contact the project management company (Spawforths), to ensure the Parish Council would be involved in further consultation and concerns such as free access were addressed.

Note 10; Members having discussed whether to provide sponsorship for a student in the village, were informed by the Clerk that the Parish Council were not legally able to provide a contribution for this.

Note 11; Further to the information received from WMDC Community Safety about a book which provides support for parents encountering drug problems, the Clerk was asked to download a copy of the book and distribute to members for further consideration


04/016                         Parish matters

Cllr Hewitt asked the Clerk to report that Lighting Column No; 4 on Hare Park Lane was not in operation, he duly noted the request.

The hedge on Stocks Lane which needed cutting, had been reported to Cllr Cummings for action to be taken.

Further to the problem of traffic congestion caused when a funeral was taking place (see minute 04/003), the Clerk was asked to contact the secretary of All Saints Church to arrange a meeting with them to seek a resolution.

Cllr Towns informed members that she had attended a meeting concerning the use of tracks within Walton Nature Park. Although the majority of the Park is in Crofton, Crofton residents have no access to it. To enable this, the path from Shay lane (opposite the gateway to the Sidings called locally Pit Lane) up through the railway bridge should be re-opened so that walkers, horse riders and cyclists could enjoy the park. The Clerk was asked to contact WMDC Rights of Way to request this.

Comment was made about an overgrown hedge at 5 Oak Street restricting pedestrian use, the Clerk was asked to contact the WMDC Highway Enforcement Officer to get the problem resolved.


04/017             Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday, 17th May 2011 at 7pm in Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


04/018             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


04/019                         Matters to be discussed in private

There were none.



Signed                                                                         Date                                        Chairman Crofton Parish Council