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Crofton Parish Council

         Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 21st April 2009.                             


Present;          Councillors,    Chalkley (Chair), Bennett, Duffy K, Hewitt, Jacques Makin, Ripley, Schofield, Towns, Voros and Wrigg.


In attendance;                       6 members of the public

                                                District Councillor Cummings.


04/001                         Receive report from West Yorkshire Police         

PC Daley presented his report for the month of March 2009.

Cllr Hewitt asked if PC Daley was aware of an incident that had occurred at one of the shops on High Street. Three men had used threatening behaviour against the shopkeeper after a woman in their company had been refused alcohol.

Following an incident involving individuals walking over cars parked on Hare Park Lane, PC Davis had attended at the scene and the individuals concerned had been identified, Cllr Hewitt enquired if there was any further news. PC Daley would liaise with PC Davis and seek an answer to the question.

With reference to the previous meeting (minute 03/180), Cllr Bennett asked if there was any further information concerning a dispersal order and the issuing of ASBO’s. PC Daley was still awaiting an updated report from Inspector Brear who was collating the information.

Members and residents commented on the notable Police presence in the village.

Cllr Towns asked if PC Daley would provide any news from the ‘off road’ activities of the Police (Operation Delhi) who had been active in the village.

A resident commented that a number of mopeds were being used ‘off road’ in the Middle Lane area of New Crofton.

Cllr Wrigg was concerned that a wall which had been knocked down may not have been reported.

PC Daley informed all those present that it was important that all incidents were reported, as there was a record kept which would highlight ongoing problems and allocate resources to these areas. 

Cllr Chalkley suggested to PC Daley that such a comment should be displayed in the Smoke Signal.


04/002                         Wakefield MDC District Councillors Report

Cllr Cummings updated members on previous matters raised.

She also provided members with the following information;  

Operation Delhi had been operating in the Havercroft, Ryhill and Crofton areas and a number of bikes had been taken from youths.

She thought the request for a dispersal order (see minute 03/180) would not be issued for Crofton.

A traffic regulation order would be implemented for the placing of bollards to prevent access to the play area to the rear of houses on Spring Lane and Greenview.

The Youth Club would be opening on a Friday, the first date being the 15th May.

Cllr Jacques asked if she would make further enquiries about having the missing stone to the school perimeter wall on High Street replaced, the Clerk informed her that Ian Wynn of Crofton High School had previously offered his assistance in this matter.

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Cllr Towns asked if there was any news on the health of Cllr Isherwood, although he was feeling better it was unlikely that he would contest his seat in the future.

Cllr Wrigg asked if Cllr Cummings would make enquiries about the roots of trees at 4 Ash Street that were starting to protrude.

Cllr Bennett had observed that black bin bags containing waste were not checked by waste collectors which raised the question of whether it was being re-cycled.

Cllr Bennett asked Cllr Cummings to report that 2 weekly collections were not popular, it was suggested that such a procedure may not be cost effective.

Cllr Ripley informed Cllr Cummings, that questions concerning the cycle track on the Sidings fields which had been presented to Steven Mills, the WMDC Rights of Way Officer, had yet to be answered, he asked if she would pursue the matter (minute 04/007).


04/003                         Public Participation session

A resident enquired what the procedure was for issuing an ASBO following an incident involving a resident placing a fly poster on railings in the village, they had been issued with a fixed penalty notice and told that they would be served with an ASBO. It was established that there was a process to be followed before an ASBO would be issued.

A resident whose house was adjacent to the Sidings playing fields, was in attendance to report incidents of individuals urinating against garden fences during the course of sporting activities at the venue, this was a regular occurrence despite the fact that toilet facilities were available in the Sports Pavilion. He asked if the Parish Council would contact the various teams using the facilities in an effort to stop this practice, it was suggested that the placing of a sign may help to prevent such behaviour.

Cllr Makin informed the resident that such matters would be discussed.

The resident also wanted to seek assistance in alleviating flooding to the gardens caused by the blockage of the land drainage channel to the edge of the fields, Cllr Ripley agreed to meet the resident to discuss the matter further and inform the Clerk of his findings .


04/004                         Apologies for absence          

District Councillor Lodge and Isherwood


04/005                         Declarations of Interest

Cllr Bennett declared his interest with regard Planning and Highway matters


04/006                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 17th March 2009, were subject to change before being signed as a true record by the Chairman.


04/007                         Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

The Clerk reported that;

There was no further news from WMDC Transportation & Highways, about there investigation concerning parking on Slack Lane/High Street, it was hoped there would be by the next meeting.

A letter had been sent to the Service Director concerning lack of action being taken over traffic calming measures, this had yet to be acknowledged.


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WMDC Environmental had responded to the complaint concerning the appearance of the village.

CE Electric confirmed that action would be taken to clean the sub station.

A further invite to WMDC Rights of Way officer Steven Mills had yet to be acknowledged, it was hoped there would be a response by the next meeting.

The letter sent to METRO asking for support to bring pressure on Arriva to reinstate the service along Pontefract Road had yet to be acknowledged, but the Clerk had only sent the letter the previous day.

WY Police were to investigate further if the parking of the White Lining vehicle was contravening any rules.

WMDC Road Safety had responded to the enquiry about a forum to discuss traffic matters, by informing members that the Normanton and Wakefield Road Safety Committee met every six weeks.

Further to the comment about alcohol being sold freely (Minute 03/180) whilst waiting for the response from PC Daley’s enquiry, the Clerk was asked to contact Inspector Brear about pursuing a dispersal order.


04/008                         Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Cllr Jacques reported that;

The Community Coffee morning was being well attended and it would be appreciated if more Councillors could attend. 

Report Village Association

Cllr Makin reported that;

Following comment received about the cycle path, it was agreed to wait for an update from Cllr Cummings before taking further action.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt reported that;

He had received an enquiry from a resident of Pontefract Road, Mr Salt, who was enquiring about recent activity that had taken place on the allotment land, he had informed him that it was the marking out of new boundaries on existing land leased to Mr Smith and had been agreed between all parties concerned.

The Clerk was asked to write to Oak Street allotment holder Mr Pell concerning the poor condition of his allotment.

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Schofield reported that;

The training seminar about Cemetery Management that he had attended with the Clerk on the 25th March, had proved both enjoyable and informative.  


04/009                         Discuss Traffic issues

The number of children crossing at the junction of Doncaster Road/ Pinfold Drive was still causing concern and was a problem that needed to be resolved.


04/010                         Parish Leases

Nothing to report.



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04/011                         Cleansing/Environment

Nothing to report.


04/012                         Planning Notifications

Members raised no objections.


04/013                         Financial matters

The Clerk having informed members of invoices to be paid received no objections,

Members were in agreement with the content of the monthly accounts and Budget Quarter figures.

Members agreed to the appointment of the Internal Auditor used the previous year.

Having distributed to all members a copy of the risk assessment survey (see minute 03/192), members agreed that the risks were suitably controlled.


04/014                         Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular

Note 3; the Clerk informed members that he had asked for further information from the Scout Group to support their application for a donation/contribution, when this had been provided a decision could be made.

Note 4; members agreed to the Clerk contacting T&D Contractors to carry out work on the trees to the rear of 9 Pinfold Drive, subject to them not having a tree preservation order.

Note 5; having considered the content of the application from the Crofton Rainbows, members agreed to a contribution of £100.


04/015                         Parish matters

Cllr Bennett informed members of his recent experience concerning Lloyds Pharmacy (see also minute 01/158). He had been informed that his prescription drugs would be delayed, this was thought to be unacceptable.

Cllr Bennett provided members with an update on works being carried out at Coppers Lake, he had received information from Peter Davis the WMDC Group Engineer for Drainage, that more clearance works had been conducted, with silt removed from the front of the wall and debris removed from the culvert, debris had also been removed from the channel upstream of the lake.

Cllr Hewitt had noted that green railings had been installed on the wall adjacent to Shay Lane School, he asked if any member was aware of the reason for this, Cllr Ripley stated that there had been previous instances of people jumping over the wall and that the fencing was probably erected to prevent this.

Cllr Duffy asked members to consider keeping the telephone kiosk on Santingley Lane following comment from Cllr Cummings that it was to be removed. It was proposed that the figure of £100 be used to purchase the kiosk, following a vote of

4 For; 5 Against; this proposal would not be pursued, but the possibility of paying to maintain the kiosk would be considered.

Cllr Bennett asked the Clerk to notify WMDC Highway Enforcement that street furniture was being used outside the Slipper public house without permission.

Cllr Wrigg had noted that the shop on Hawthorn Avenue (see minute 03/194) had been subject to vandalism and she felt it was now rendered insecure, the Clerk would


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inform the WMDC Officer who had previously inspected the property about the matter.

Cllr Ripley had noted that the Nature Reserve on the site of the former Walton Colliery site was named Walton Nature Reserve. As this was 90% within the Crofton border and also contained the sundial in memory of former Councillor Henry Daley, that it should be named Crofton/Walton Nature Reserve. The Clerk was asked to pursue this matter.


04/016                         Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 19th May 2009 at 7.10pm in                               Crofton Parish Centre, High Street, Crofton.


04/017             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


04/018                         Matters to be discussed in private

There were none.


Signed                                                                         Date                                        Chairman Crofton Parish Council