Crofton Parish Council



Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held  19th September 2006.                             


Present;                                  Councillors, Chalkley(Chair) Bennett, Duffy K,

                                                Hewitt, Jacques, Schofield, Towns, Voros and Wrigg.


Noted                                      Cllr Makin(representing the Council at a Police Forum),


In attendance;                        1 member of the public

                                                District Councillors, Manifield and Cummings.


Apologies for absence            District Councillor Isherwood.

Councillors, Duffy S and Ripley.



09/669             Receive report from West Yorkshire Police

PC Colin Daley gave his report for the Safe Scheme covering the months of July and August 2006, he also passed around information on the new seat belt law. Cllr Jacques asked if the number of parking tickets issued could be included in the report, Cllr Bennett also suggested that it would be useful if the number of crimes that had been solved in relation to those committed could be added to the report. PC Daley stated that in both cases it would involve a lengthy process to provide such information and possibly difficult to get, due to time constraints. Cllr Hewitt asked if PC Daley had any information on a youth who had received extensive burns in a recent incident, he stated that he had not seen it recorded yet and so could not comment further, but he would endeavour to do so and relay any information received. Cllr Chalkley made PC Daley aware of an apparent link between drugs being taken in the skate park and the house previously reported (Minute 07/654). It was also witnessed that black youths were seen giving alcohol to youths, and further reported that the Post Office was selling alcohol, PC Daley noted both comments.


09/670             Receive briefing from Wakefield MDC District Councillors

Cllr Chalkley, on behalf of the Parish Council, congratulated Cllr Cummings on her appointment to the WMDC Cabinet. Cllr Manifield responded to issues raised at the last meeting, he believed the fence had now been repaired at the school bus turning circle, the properties at 91/91a High Street had been secured, and the anti- social behaviour team were to liaise with police on this matter. He commented on the heating systems on the Manorfields Estate and stated that some respite would be provided to residents on the Hawthorn/Thorntree estates, whilst house improvement schemes continue. Cllr Cummings thanked Cllr Bennett for his help in highlighting a damproof scam that was occurring in the village, their combined efforts brought the matter into the press domain, hopefully this would deter any future attempts, also she commented on the performance on the High School across a number of areas, and stated they were still engaging with local agencies concerning the Weavers Green and The Slipper public houses.


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Cllr Jacques asked the District Councillors to enquire about proposals for the surface dressing of the roads on the Ashdene Estate, he also stated his dismay about the lack of response from WMDC Environment regarding cleaning of the village, the Clerk confirmed that there was a distinct lack of response from Los Deegan WMDC Area Manager, (see minute 07/657), members agreed that the Clerk should utilise the WMDC Complaints procedure about the matter. Cllr Voros asked if they would raise concerns about overgrown hedging on the footpaths, weeds growing out of grates and dog fouling, they gave an assurance that they would contact the relevant departments to get such matters resolved. Cllr Hewitt had approached Dog Wardens about taking action on certain matters, he was told to report it so they could take action, being Dog Wardens, should they not be able to deal with the matter straight away? Cllr Towns asked if the ginnel between Slack Lane and Churchway could be given attention, Cllr Bennett asked if the verges on Springhill Drive could be given another cut as  recent weather changes had increased growth, Cllr Schofield asked if there was any further news on the extension to the fence to the rear of the youth centre, which had been promised by Lister Baynes, Cllr Cummings informed members that Lister Baynes was no longer in that department, but she would contact his replacement to ensure the agreement was kept.   


09/671             Public Participation session

A resident made members aware that there was to be a Festival of Age to be held at the Community Centre, the Clerk was asked to ensure the flyers were displayed in the Parish Council notice boards at the Parish Centre and on Doncaster Road. Comment was also made about the misuse of a fence at the Priory School, the Clerk was told to expect a letter from the caretaker, upon receipt he would investigate the matter and comment to members at the next meeting The condition of the road from Middle Lane to the Community Centre was raised, Cllr Bennett reminded members that this was a private road and it was the responsibility of the Community Centre to maintain it to a suitable standard, the Clerk was asked to write to the Community Centre to remind them of their responsibilities.  


09/672             Declarations of Interest

Cllr Bennett declared his interest with regard Planning and Highway matters.


09/673             Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 25th July 2006, were signed as a correct record by the Chairman.


09/674             Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

Cllr Manifield was still making enquiries as to ownership of trees at 46 Santingley Lane. The Clerk informed members and District Councillors, of the lack of response from Los Deegan of WMDC Environment. The Clerk had been sent a letter from MP Jon Trickett who wanted to discuss the problems being experienced by residents living near the Weavers Green and the Slipper pubs. There remained a problem with the tree on Springhill Drive and Cllr Voros made members aware of the potential danger of children climbing the crab apple trees near to the entrance of Springhill Grove, the Clerk was asked to contact WMDC Highways to resolve both matters.


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09/675             Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

The estimate received form FSH Maintenance for improvements to the Parish Centre was rejected by the Parish Council, the Clerk was asked to approach other builders and to make an appointment with Classic Windows (who had installed the new window) to provide a quote for exterior work only.

Report Village Association

Cllr Bennett stated that a new alarm system was to be fitted.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewitt made members aware of a serious rat problem on the Hare Park allotments, it was resolved that Cllr Hewitt be allowed to contact WMDC Environment Dept; for pest control, to instigate action. Cllr Voros stated he had been subject to verbal abuse from an allotment holder at Hare Park when inspecting a fire which had been started there, the Clerk was asked to write to the allotment holder in question, to resolve the matter.

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Schofield informed members that the condition of the cemetery was in a satisfactory condition.


09/676             Discuss Traffic issues

Nothing to report


09/677             Parish Leases

Nothing to report


09/678             Cleansing/Environment

Members noted comments made under minute 09/670


09/679             Planning Notifications

Members raised no objections.


09/680             Financial matters

The Clerk informed members of invoices to be paid and the attached monthly accounts were submitted and approved. The Clerk informed members that the External Audit was now complete and the Parish Council’s accounting procedure and controls were accepted and approved without amendment, this was witnessed by the Chairman, Cllr Trevor Chalkley. It was agreed to increase the pay rate of Joan Dodson the cleaner for the Parish Centre to comply with minimum wage regulations, the Clerk was also asked to write and ask her to reduce the time spent at the Parish Centre, and to give assistance to the cleaner at the Sports Pavilion.


09/681             Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, one late agenda item submitted but given consent by members to be discussed, was a request from Gerry Dickinson for a member to comment on the content of the web site that Gerry

monitors, Cllr Chalkley agreed to do this, also there was a request for members who had not previously given information about themselves, to do so, the Clerk would distribute the relevant documents to enable this.

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09/682             Parish matters

A decision to accept the Risk Assesment was delayed as some Councillors were not in possession of their copies, the Clerk would re-distribute for Councillors to comment on at the next meeting. Cllr Hewitt commented on a potential drain problem as a result of new housing at the site of the former vicarage. Cllr Voros informed the Council that they had been offered a Christmas tree by a resident, but members declined the offer. Cllr Jacques asked the Clerk to ensure arrangements for the Christmas lights were satisfactory and Cllr Bennett asked the Clerk to contact T&D Contractors to remove old wreaths from the War Memorial and make the Smoke signal aware of the damp proof scam mentioned earlier.


09/683             Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 17th October 2006                              at 7pm in Crofton High School, High Street, Crofton.


09/684             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


09/685             Matters to be discussed in private

There were none




Signed                                                                                 Date                                                           Chairman Crofton Parish Council