Crofton Parish Council



Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held  17th October 2006.                             


Present;                                  Councillors, Chalkley (Chair), Bennett, Duffy K,

Duffy S Jacques, Ripley, Towns and Voros



In attendance;                        3 members of the public

                                                District Councillors Manifield and Isherwood.


Apologies for absence           District Councillor Cummings.

Councillors, Hewitt, Makin, Schofield and Wrigg.



10/686             Receive report from West Yorkshire Police           

Cllr Chalkley informed members that PC Colin Daley was unable to attend the meeting and provide a report, as he has been unwell recently, Cllr Chalkley had spoken to him about arrangements for Bonfire night.


10/687             Receive briefing from Wakefield MDC District Councillors

Cllr Manifield stated that there was to be a street surgery on the 26th October 2006, in the Thorntrees area, and mentioned the proposed new footway on High Street, which members were due to discuss later in the agenda under correspondence received. Cllr Isherwood informed members that a new Manager, June Rothwell, had been appointed to WMDC Neighbourhood and Environment, which was responsible for work in the Crofton area, he was due to meet her to discuss, in part, the problems that had not been resolved under the previous manager Los Deegan, this he would hope will lead to an improvement in the area. He also stated that the District Councillors had been approached and asked to re-site a bench on Bedford Close,  children were gathering there and causing a nuisance, it also had a plaque with the name Linda Smith, Cllr Isherwood enquired if anyone could provide information on this and if members would agree to it being removed, Cllr Bennett asked why the bench should be re-sited, the problem was the children not the bench, a point that Cllr Ripley agreed with, Cllr Towns then posed the question of how the problem could be resolved for the sake of the residents, Cllr Ripley suggested that since the Community Centre was now becoming established such problems may dissipate, Cllr Duffy(K) suggested it could be sited on the Sidings which was also a request from a resident several months ago, Cllr Bennett suggested that any disposal money from the Safe Scheme should be used to police the area and to see if this resolved the problem. Cllr Chalkley suggested it could be re-sited but was unsure where, it was agreed by members following a vote, to place the matter for discussion on the next Parish Council meeting agenda, under Parish matters.

Cllr Towns asked if the District Councillors would try resolve the problem of the steel pole that was outside its housing, this was the new fence at the end of Slack Lane /Pinfold Drive. 


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Cllr Ripley stated that a previous request for signs stating ‘No Bikes’ and waste bins at the new bus stops, had not occurred. The Clerk would contact Cllr Isherwood following the meeting to remind him these matters were outstanding.

District Councillors were asked for a ‘No Tipping’ sign at the entrance to the Oak Street allotments and a sign at Sandown Avenue stating it is a ‘Cul-de-Sac’, these requests were duly noted.


10/688 Public Participation session

A resident asked if the issue of the trees at Santingley Lane had been resolved see minute 10/687. Mr Hunter, representing All Saints Church, submitted and talked about the itemised list previously requested by the Parish Council see minute 10/702.

Another resident made known her concern over the condition of the cutting of grass on the grave spaces, she felt that they were not cut efficiently and were being damaged by the actions of the contractors, members agreed to meet and discuss these concerns at 10.30am on Saturday 28th October 2006.


10/689             Declarations of Interest

Cllr Bennett declared his interest with regard Planning and Highway matters


10/690             Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 19th September 2006, were signed as a correct record by the Chairman.


10/691             Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

Cllr Manifield confirmed the ownership of the trees were WDH, the Clerk was asked to contact Paul Harvey of WDH to ensure that they were trimmed. Jon Trickett’s political researcher had contacted the Clerk asking if members could attend at his Hemsworth surgery either Monday AM or Friday PM, in the ensuing months to discuss further the ongoing problems with some local public houses, members agreed Friday PM would be more suitable. Following a response from the Community Centre concerning the condition of the road leading to the Centre, it has been established that it is owned by Barratt Builders, and therefore their responsibility, the Clerk has been asked to contact the Centre Manager to inform them of our actions, which will be to write to the builders about the original complaint. Members agreed to make changes to the original plans for the Christmas Lights, in particular concerning where some of the lights were situated, Cllr Jacques having been involved initially, agreed to contact WMDC and instruct them accordingly. Cllr Chalkley confirmed he would make arrangements with the Vicar of All Saints Church with regard Rememberance Day. 


10/692             Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

Members discussed the quote received from Classic Windows it was agreed by a vote

to accept the quote and for the Clerk to make arrangements. Cllr Duffy(K) informed members that she was to open the building for the forthcoming Police meeting. The Clerk informed members that he had not received a response from the cleaner (or indeed the cleaner from the Pavilion who had also been written to see minute 09/680)  about reducing her hours, the clerk was asked to visit her in person to resolve the matter.

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Report Village Association

Nothing to report

Report Allotments

Members were informed that there was an Allotments Committee meeting on Sunday 22nd October at 06.30pm.

Report Parish Cemetery

See residents comments minute 10/688.


10/693             Discuss Traffic issues

Cllr Ripley stated that the next meeting of the Road Safety Committee was the 12th December 2006, to be held at Normanton Town Hall at 7pm. He stated he would be unable to attend, however Cllr Chalkley would endeavour to do so.


10/694             Parish Leases

The Clerk informed members that he had received correspondence from WMDC Legal Dept asking if we had come to an agreement with the Highways Dept about the drop crossings that were originally omitted, so that we could complete the lease. The Clerk informed members he had replied to this by saying that the last correspondence received from the legal dept, was that they would attempt to resolve the matter, since Cllr Manifield had made previous reference to this matter, the Clerk asked if members were agreed that he should inform him of the information he had and to work together to resolve the matter, members agreed to this request.


10/695             Cleansing/Environment

Cllr Schofield, although absent, had asked if attention could be given to overgrown hedging at Slack Lane/Doncaster Road and Slack Lane/West Lane, the Clerk would ensure the new manager for WMDC, June Rothwell, was informed of this.


10/696             Planning Notifications

Cllr Jacques commented on the planning application submitted by 87 Ashdene Avenue concerning a two storey extension to the front, as no one had seen the plans to state whether this was possibly overdevelopment of the site, Cllr Jacques and Chalkley agreed to visit WMDC Planning dept; and should the plans indicate it was an overdevelopment or another reason why it did not conform to planning regulations, they would contact the Clerk for him to place an objection. Cllr Duffy(K) commented on a planning application for the change of use of Hill Top Farm, although there was notification outside the building she had not seen this on the weekly sheets that are issued from the Clerk. The Clerk would enquire and inform members accordingly.


10/697             Financial matters

The Clerk informed members of invoices to be paid, the attached monthly and quarterly accounts were submitted and approved.


10/698             Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular Note 2 see minute 10/702. Note 4 raised no objections, the Clerk was asked to contact the department and ask them to proceed. With regard Note 7, both Cllr Chalkley and Cllr


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Bennett stated that the teams involved and their officials, had been recently reminded of their responsibilities, the Clerk was asked to respond to the letter, to state this and for the Manager of the Priory Centre to contact the Sports Association if there was

any further problems experienced. On reading note 8, members agreed to give further consideration to the request, the Clerk was asked to respond and to inform the applicant of the planned improvement works to the Parish Centre, and that it would be appropriate to attend a meeting of the Parish Council sometime in the New Year to present a proposal. The Clerk informed members that following his meeting with Mr Salt, he had wrote to him informing him that the land in question was owned by WMDC Highways, it was agreed by members that the Clerk be responsive to any request from Mr Salt, and indeed any other resident, but only to those issues that were deemed to be Parish Council matters.


10/699             Parish matters

Councillors had received their web site biographies for sending to the smoke signal, members discussed the Risk Assessment and Complaints Procedure and subject to the Clerk making some adjustments, they were agreeable to accepting them.

The question of a vacancy on the Parish Council was raised, it was agreed that the smoke signal would be made aware of the vacancy and also Barbara Holden the correspondent for Crofton in the Wakefield Express, members would decide the next course of action, subject to any response from the above. Cllr Ripley made members aware that it had been brought to his attention, that staff from Crofton High School were parking in the short stay car park (former library site), the Clerk was asked to contact the Head to make him aware of this and ask them to refrain from this action. Cllr Ripley also mentioned that when building in the area is reassessed under the Local Development Framework, that it should be made known that any development would further exacerbate the queues experienced on Doncaster Road.

Cllr Schofield although absent, had asked Cllr Jacques to enquire about the wall that had been demolished on Church Hill (aka Stocks Hill), the Clerk would consult with the Highways authority to ascertain an answer.

Members agreed to discuss a letter, not on the original agenda, concerning the formal opening of the Youth Centre on the 25th October 2006, the Clerk was asked to confirm to Wakefield MDC, that some Councillors would be attending.


10/700             Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 21st November 2006, at 7pm in Crofton High School, High Street, Crofton.


10/701             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


10/702             Matters to be discussed in private

All Saints Church produced an itemised list in order for members to approve a grant of £2000.00. A grant of £250.00 was agreed by members to be paid to Crofton Cougars Rugby Club.


Signed                                                                          Date                                         Chairman Crofton Parish Council