Crofton Parish Council


Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held  25th July 2006.                             


Present;                                  Councillors, Bennett, Duffy K, Jacques, Chalkley,

                                                Hewitt, Ripley, Schofield.


In attendance;                        District Councillor Manifield

                                                6 members of the public


Apologies for absence           District Councillos Cummings, Isherwood.

Councillors Duffy S, Towns, Makin,

                                                Voros, Wrigg.


07/652             Receive report from West Yorkshire Police           

PC Colin Daley gave his report for the Safe Scheme covering the month of June 2006.

With regard to parking on Slack Lane, Cllr Jacques asked why warnings as opposed to tickets had been given, PC Daley stated that the Police would always exercise discretion according to the circumstances. Of the fixed penalty notices that were issued, Cllr Ripley asked if the money raised could be utilised for the benefit of the community, PC Daley could not comment on this but suggested it should be discussed with Inspector Bailes at a later date. Cllr Chalkley made PC Daley aware of the number of small motorised bikes, which can only be used on private land, being used on the public highway. Cllr Jacques commented on the good work being done by PC Eddie Davis of the Neighbourhood Policing team.


07/653             Receive briefing from Wakefield MDC District Councillors

Cllr Manifield stated that the District Councillors would be conducting a surgery in the Manorfields Avenue area, he asked members for suggestions as to what other areas they would like to target in the future. Cllr Chalkley asked if they could continue to have them in the Sheltered Housing areas. Cllr Hewitt drew his attention to the fact that the railings, at the school bus turning circle, were damaged. Cllr Hewitt had made them safe to some extent, but some more attention was still needed, Cllr Manifield stated he would contact the department responsible, either Highways or the Education department, to resolve the situation.


07/654                         Public Participation session

A resident stated that drug taking and drinking was occurring in the empty properties at 91 and 91A High Street, Cllr Manifield stated he would enquire as to ownership and pass the details onto PC Daley for action to be taken. He would also contact the anti social behaviour team to make them aware of the allegation. The same resident asked if trees could be trimmed or removed from 46 Santingley Lane, as they were causing an obstruction, it was not clear if this was a WDH property, the Clerk confirmed that there was no Tree Preservation Order in this area for Crofton, Cllr Manifield agreed to make further enquiries. Another resident mentioned the number of posts in the village that had no signs on them, and were becoming an eyesore. Cllr Chalkley offered to produce a list of all such posts and pass to the Clerk for action to be taken.

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07/655                         Declarations of Interest

Cllr Bennett declared his interest with regard Planning and Highway matters


07/656                         Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on 20th June 2006, were signed as a correct record by the Chairman.


07/657                         Discuss matters arising from previous minutes

With regard to the boundaries at Harrison Road it was hoped a meeting could be arranged with residents to establish land ownership.Walton Parish Council had no comment to make on the alteration to the beck, the Clerk was therefore asked to contact the WMDC Drainage Division at Newton Bar to ascertain their views.

T&D Contractors had contacted Cllrs Jacques and Schofield to do work in the cemetery, this was now done. The Clerk had received no response to requests made to Los Deegan from WMDC Environmental division, the Clerk would make one further request if there was no response he would make a formal complaint to his superior. The Clerk had received a response from Paul Platts to confirm action was to be taken for the requests made , however this had not occurred yet so the Clerk would endeavour to persue the matter.Cllr Isherwood was not present so the issue of litter bins missing from the new bus stops could not be discussed. The Clerk read to members the response he had received from the WMDC Licensing office, further to complaints received by members from local residents about the disregard for the licensing laws by the Weavers Green and The Slipper.

The lack of resources within the Licensing office would result in little action being taken, members were disappointed with this and asked the Clerk to write to the area Member of Parliament Jon Trickett and make him aware that the answer was not acceptable. The goal posts had been removed and re positioned for the safe benefit of users.


07/658             Community Facilities

Report Parish Centre

The Clerk informed members that he had drawn up a specification for work to be done at the Parish Centre, it had been distributed to five contractors for consideration, one of which had replied and had conducted a survey prior to the Parish Council meeting.

Report Village Association

Cllr Bennett commented on problems that had occurred with the alarm system. Members listened to a presentation given by Paul Maddox on behalf of Crofton Sports football club, which was supported by each member having a copy of the letter he had sent to the Parish Council. Cllr Bennett stated that he would arrange a Village Association meeting to discuss the matter further.

Report Allotments

Cllr Hewiit stated that the Allotments Committee had met on the 02nd July 2006. Of particular note was that Allotment holders had been voted onto the Allotments Committee. Cllr Duffy K, informed members that Wayne Shepherd who had recently been offered an allotment at Oak Street, had withdrawn his acceptance because of the condition, ie rubbish that had been dumped there. Cllr Hewitt informed members that it was difficult to get even a mini skip along the driveway to the allotments. It was

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agreed by members for the Council to incur the cost to engage the services of a JCB to help clear the debris of this and other allotments, and place in a skip, which would

be sited by the entrance. It was also suggested that an entrance gate be erected in the future, to minimise the problem of waste disposal.

Report Parish Cemetery

Cllr Schofield confirmed that T&D Contractors had met with him to clear up the fallen tree and to cut back the overhanging tree by the garages, following a complaint from a resident. Members agreed by vote, for roofing supplies to be purchased to repair damage which had occurred some time ago, and to replace some existing signage.


07/659             Discuss Traffic issues

Nothing to report.


07/660             Parish Leases

Nothing to report.


07/661             Cleansing/Environment

Cllr Jacques stated a clean up of the village following the end of school had not taken place, the Clerk made reference to minute 07/657. Cllr Schofield stated despite the initial clean and tidy of Church Hill, there still remained debris, the Clerk would make a further request to the environmental action team.


07/662             Planning Notifications

Members raised no objections.


07/663             Financial matters

The Clerk informed members of invoices to be paid. The attached monthly and quarterly accounts were submitted and approved. Members also approved the annual return for the external auditor, which the Chairman, Cllr Trevor Chalkley signed on their behalf.


07/664             Correspondence received

Members noted the content of the information received, in particular comments made regarding note 1. resulted in members asking the Clerk to contact WMDC Public Rights of Way to try resolve the problem.


07/665             Parish matters

Members listened to representatives from All Saints Church who were seeking funding, this was supported by each member having a copy of the letter they had sent to the Parish Council. Members asked the group to produce a specification of works to be done, which stated what funding was required for each category.


07/666             Date of next meeting

Resolved; that the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, 19th September 2006 at 7pm                             in Crofton High School, High Street, Crofton.


07/667             Members of the public and press were to leave before agenda no.18

It was agreed


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07/668             Matters to be discussed in private

It was agreed that £2000 be given to All Saints Church, subject to the production of an itemised list.





Signed                                                                          Date                                         Chairman Crofton Parish Council