Crofton Parish Council


                                                                   Minutes of the meeting held on

                                            Tuesday 17 December 2002 in The High School at 7.00 pm.



                 Present:                                    Councillors:                  S Bennett, L Coates, T Gomersall,

                                                                                                     D Crowcroft, J R Hewitt, G P Jackson,

                                                                                                     A Ripley, G Scargill, & J Voros


                                                                 Residents:                     Mr P Jaques & Mr G Schofield


                                                                 West Yorkshire Police:  PC Whitworth


                                                                 The Clerk:                    J F Shillitoe


                 Apologies:                                Councillors:                  I Beckett, P Beckett


                 The chairman, Cllr Ripley, presided over the meeting. 


02/193      Declaration of Interests in Items on the Agenda


                 No declarations made.


02/194      Public Participation Session


1.      Slack Lane – Traffic calming


                 Mr Scofield expressed concern that work to the road adjacent to Slack Lane School had been stood for four weeks; no progress had been made and no additional road markings forthcoming.


                 Cllr Ripley explained that the road marks would not be forthcoming until works were complete.


                 The clerk to contact Highways to ascertain why the delay.


2.      Parish Cemetery – Waste bins


                 Cllrs were informed that the waste bin was again overflowing.


The clerk to make a formal complaint regarding the lack of service whilst instruct cleansing services to empty the bin forthwith, also to ask T&D to add waste disposal to their list of responsibilities.


3.      Church Lane


Residents reported that no improvement in the condition of Church Lane was evident.


The clerk to contact Cath Holden, the highways enforcement officer.







02/195      West Yorkshire Police


                 PC Whitworth informed the meeting that operations at the Crofton Triangle had not yet commenced in the main due to the fall off in requirements for fill at Welbeck.


                 Groups of youths roaming the parish still continue to be a problem, safe scheme officers stop and search youths on a regular basis, confiscating drink from those underage.


                 The number of crimes reported during November (18) is down compared to last month (26). Of these, three were detected assaults and one making off without payment from the Redbeck.


                 PC Whitworth commented that Christmas time made easy pickings for burglars, lots of presents left under trees, he advised that everyone needed to be more vigilant. Burglars have even taken to arriving by Taxi, entering property and stealing goods while the taxi waits for them unaware of events taking place.


                 Mr Scofield reported that three serious incidents had taken place, which didn’t seem to appear on the police report.  Jackson’s experiencing trouble with a gang of youths, the swings at Hare Park being fired and a stolen vehicle abandoned and smashed in the village centre.


                 Discussion took place over the effectiveness of the new traffic calming measures in reducing speed. It was agreed that once works were complete, highways (Craig Turner) would be asked to complete a traffic survey.


                 The priorities for December/January to be:


                 Foot Patrol – As required, concentrating on the village centre, Post Office closing, windows rear of High School, Crofton Infants, Royal Oak etc.


                 Continue to discourage anti social behaviour by the minority. Coppers Lake


                 Monitor the area adjacent to the Pavilion on Hare Park Sidings


                 The chairman thanked the police contingent for their attendance.                       


02/196      Matters to be Discussed in Private


                 It was proposed, seconded and agreed that the public and the press be excluded during discussions involving staffing and the financial status of outside organisations.


02/197      Minutes


                 It was agreed that the minutes of the meetings held on 19 November were a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


02/198      Matters Arising 


                 1. Hedge – Pontefract Road                


                 The clerk reported that he hedge adjacent to the Priory Centre field had been dealt with to the satisfaction of WMDC.




02/199      Community Facilities - Convenors Report


                 1. Parish Centre


                 Nothing to report


                 2. Village Centre


                 Cllr Bennett reported that repairs had been carried out to the roof of the pavilion.  The padlock and chain for the Shay Lane gate had been stolen and several tyres dumped.


02/200      Allotments - Convenors Report


Cllr Voros reported that the perimeter hedge adjacent to Hare Park Lane allotments needs attention.


It was agreed that Mr Bacon be asked to attend to the matter.


02/201      Parish Cemetery - Convenors Report


                 Cllr Scargill reported that Mr Joyce had repaired the perimeter fence once more and on the clerks suggestion had assessed the possibility of creating a gate to ease contractors entry to the cemetery. Using the existing fence panels Mr Joyce could manufacture a pair of gates eight feet wide to be hinged from two new gateposts.


                 Cllrs thought this would be a practical solution to the problem, instructing the clerk to contact Mr Joyce accordingly.


02/202      Special Services - Convenors Report


                 Nothing to report this month.


02/203      Moorhouse Opencast Liaison Committee


                 Cllr Gomersall reported that work at the Moorhouse site was on schedule.


                 Further to Cllr Bennetts request, Cllr Gomersall had ascertained that air samples were being taken from a fairly extensive area stretching as far as Beech Avenue, the dust levels within all samples tested was below permitted levels.


                 The next meeting of the liaison group would be on Thursday 23rd January 2003, the funding group to meet again in February, when it is hoped the remaining funds will be allocated.


02/204      Old Library Site


                 The clerk reported that he had received correspondence from Wakefield MDC asking that should the planned regeneration of the Old Library Site take place who would be responsible for future maintenance and would there be any charge for parking on the site.


                 The clerk to respond stating that the Parish Council would maintain the site and that there would be no charge made for parking.




02/205      Planning


a.       Residential Improvement Works – Towers Lane


Cllrs reported that work on extending the property at the western end of Towers Lane had commenced, apparently prior to granting of planning permission.


The clerk to make enquiries.


b.      All other applications received during the period were found to be acceptable.


02/206      Financial Matters    


                 The following accounts were submitted and approved for payment.



                 Miss Reid                                                      50.90

                 Mrs Hardwick                                             264.68

                 Mazars                                                        293.75 (External Audit)

                 Mr F Joyce                                                   78.20 (Cemetery Fence)

                 Vale                                                              57.00 (Plaque)

                 Mr D Bacon                                             1,162.50 (Maintenance Work)                    

                 Mr G Terry                                              1,280.00 (Plaque plinths)


02/207      Correspondence


                 Wakefield MDC                                   - Minutes

- Libraries Newsletter

- Listening Days survey.

- Area panel, Action Plans


                 YLCA                                                  - White Rose Update

- Executive committee minutes

- Branch meetings timetable.

- Advance notice of 2003/04 fees.


02/208      Parish Matters


                 1. Hedge – Hare Park Lane


Mr Peter Baines to be asked to carry out necessary works to the hedge bordering his land at Hare Park Lane.


2.      Hanging Baskets.


The clerk reported that Mr Hamby had made contact regarding the provision of hanging baskets next year.






The costs remain unchanged from this year at £55 per pair for new metalwork, £50 per basket for filling and maintaining; the council already owns 31 pairs of baskets.


It was agreed that five additional pairs of baskets be procured making a total of thirty-six pairs to be filled.


Total cost £3,875.


The clerk to canvass local businesses for sponsorship/contributions.


3.      Wakefield MDC.


The clerk to write to the Chief Executive of WMDC, in light of the recent audit commission report categorising Wakefield as a poor council placing it within the bottom thirteen authorities in England.


4.      Christmas Decorations


The clerk to contact Wakefield MDC regarding the poor standard of the Christmas tree lights this year.


Also to seek an explanation as to why the neighbouring villages of Ackworth, Ryhill and Sharlston have not only a superior tree and lights but are also provided with street decorations. 


02/209      Date of next Meeting


                 Tuesday 21st January 2003.


02/210      Matters Discussed in Private














                 Chairman                                                                                                          21st January 2003