Crofton Parish Council


Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on

Tuesday 17th February 2004 in The High School at 7.00 pm.


Present:       Councillors:       Mrs K Duffy, Mrs G Towns, Mrs W Wrigg,

              S Bennett, T B Chalkley, S Duffy,

              J R Hewitt, G P Jackson, P Jacques,

              G Makin, A Ripley & J Voros


       Residents:       Mrs Baines, Mrs Salt, Mr G Schofield &

              Mr H Shaw


       All Saints:       Rev A Jordan, Mr. Thewlis & Mrs. Meek


Wakefield MDC       Lister Baynes, Cllr W Jerkins &

       Cllr A Manifold


West Yorkshire Police        PC P McMahon


The Clerk:       J F Shillitoe


Apologies:       Councillors:       D Marshall


The Chairman Cllr A Ripley presided over the meeting.


04/024                 Declaration of Acceptance of Office


Cllr Makin signed a formal declaration of acceptance of office of Parish Councillor, this was witnessed by the clerk.


The chairman welcomed Cllr Makin as a member of the Parish Council.


04/025                 Wakefield Youth Services


The chairman welcomed Lister Baynes and Cllr Wayne Jenkins to the meeting.


Mr Baynes outlined proposals for the new youth centre, taking clIrs through the latest drawings of the centre and explaining the facilities that would be available. He explained that a planning application would be made shortly and that it is hoped that development would commence in June 2004 with the centre operational early 2005.


Mrs Salt asked if the centre would be available for community use.


Mr Baynes explained that the youth services aim is to utilise the building for youths in the 13 to 19 age group but any unallocated time would be available to the community. The centre is to be run by the cultural services department and as such falls outside the Education Departments strict charging regime, it may therefore be possible to charge out the building at affordable rates. The more adult organisations that are seen to use the building the better increasing security and raising standards. The higher the standard the more respect is shown.




Cllr Bennett asked that the provision of a pedestrian link between the Youth Centre and the school be investigated in order to facilitate access to additional car parking.


When asked whether the school would have priority use of the centre during school time, Cllr Jerkins explained that the centre would not be available for use as additional teaching space but could be utilised for extra curricular activities, again priority given to groups of 13 to 19 yr olds.


Councillors asked how the centre would staffed.


Mr Baynes advised that the Youth Services have recently completed a review of how best to staff its centres. The conclusion being that full time officers would be employed to sufficient levels to ensure that centre would always have adequate cover.


Cllr Bennett asked that pressure be put on the architects to submit the planning applications early in order that the June start date can be achieved.


The chairman thanked Mr Baynes and Cllr Jerkins for attending and for all their work in getting the project off the ground.


04/026                 West Yorkshire Police


PC McMahon (Paul) presented the January Police report to the meeting.


Paul advised councillors that during January the safe scheme officers had again concentrated on road traffic and youth problems.


A team of officers spent time in the Parish pursuing off road motorcyclists, but unfortunately with little success. However, they also conducted speed checks, warning several motorists whose defence was that they were unaware that a 20 MPH zone covered the area.


Youths have again been removed on from the cemetery and parents spoken to.


The priorities for February to be:


Foot Patrol ‑ As required, concentrating on the village centre, Crofton Library (Friday 6.30 to 7.00 pm.), Crofton High School, Crofton Infants, Royal Oak along with any other areas (Priory Ridge) brought to the attention of the safe scheme officers.


Monitor the Parish Cemetery.


Discourage illegal use of motorcycles at Priory Ridge, Towers Close and adjacent land, High Street and Hare Park Sidings.


Assist with the removal of abandoned vehicle at Hare Park Sidings.


Monitor the area adjacent to the Pavilion on Hare Park Sidings.


04/027                 Public Participation Session


1. Crofton Parish Cemetery.


Residents of Sandown Avenue informed councillor that pedestrians were taking shortcuts to


Churchway and Ashdene via Sandown Ave and the cemetery, some are even cutting through residential gardens. If challenged the response is usually abusive.


This practise been aided through the lack of perimeter fencing towards the bottom of the graveyard and the vandalism of the existing fencing.


The representatives from All Saints expressed similar concerns, stating youths were cutting through the garden of an empty property on Ashdene Crescent over the perimeter wall then to Harrison Road. All Saints also have problems with youths climbing on to the Church roof


It was agreed that the clerk writes once again to Mr Myers, Headteacher of the High School in support of the Church.


PC McMahon undertook to make the cemetery a high priority for safe scheme officers, he also expressed the view that once the new Youth Centre was complete the situation would ease, it is unfortunate that the centre will not be available until early 2005


ClIrs agreed to hold a site meeting at 10.00 a.m on Saturday 21 February 2004 in the Cemetery to discuss the situation fully. Residents of Sandown Ave along with members of All Saints were invited to join them.


04/028                 Declaration of Interests in Items on the Agenda


No declarations were made.


04/029                 Minutes


It was agreed that the minutes of the meetings held on 20th January and 2nd February 2004 be signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


04/030                 Matters Arising


All matters arising have been covered under their relevant agenda item.


04/031                 Matters to be Discussed in Private


It was proposed, seconded and agreed that the public and the press be excluded during discussions involving staffing and the financial status of outside organisations.


04/032                 Community Facilities ‑ Convenors Report


1. Parish Centre


The clerk reported that following the meeting on 2 February he had contacted Paul Kelly and reminded him that repairs to the roof were still required.


CIlr Kath Duffy reported that she had been approached by the Carnival Committee requesting the loan of the folding tables. It was agreed that the tables be made available.







2. Village Centre


Cllr Bennett reported that the abandoned car was still a problem; Yorkshire Water had now served notice that the mystery water supply to the Cricket Field was to be disconnected and the association had still not received the grant of £1,000 from the Moorhouse Opencast.


It was agreed that Paul McMahon be asked to assist with the removal of the abandoned vehicle.


Cllr Ripley undertook to chase up the Moorhouse grant.


04/033                 Allotments ‑ Convenors Repor


The clerk advised that rents would be collected on Saturday 28th February 2004.


Cllr Bennett reported that planning officers had looked into reports concerning various activities at the Pontefract Road site, concluding that nothing untoward had taken place.


CIlr Ripley advised that he had received an application from a resident of Sharlston for an allotment and asked council to agree a line to take.


It was agreed that the applicant be placed on the waiting list and offered an allotment only when a vacant allotment can not be let to a parishioner and then at a non subsidized rent.


Cllr Chalkley reported that he had now completed a risk assessment of Hare Park Allotments, which in the main was acceptable; however, he had raised areas of concern that needed to be brought to the attention of the allotment tenants.


It was agreed that the clerk include a paragraph in the next letter sent to tenants.


Cllr Ripley added that the Headteacher of Shay Lane J & 1 School had raised concerns over the council minutes following a visit to the Hare Park site by pupils. The minutes were not clear as to who needed to carry out risk assessments.


ClIr Ripley asked that the minutes reflect that Shay Lane J & 1 School had carried out all the appropriate assessments and planning for their visit to Hare Park Allotments.


04/034                 Parish Cemetery ‑ Convenors Report


The clerk reported that Mr Joyce is to carry out the repairs to the perimeter fence week commencing 23 February 2004.


04/035                 Special Services ‑ Convenors Report


No matters to report this month.


04/036                 Cleansing


Discussion took place surrounding general cleanliness around the village, not only is the High

Street and Slack Lane a problem but areas such as Ashdene Drive, Coopers Lake, Cock Lane and Doncaster Road are in need of a good tidy.       




It was agreed that all these areas be reported to the Neighbourhood Action Team for attention during their forthcoming visit.


The rapid response team is used more frequently. (the clerk notified all present of the phone number).


The clerk writes to all the schools within the Parish asking that Head teachers reinforce the fact that the dropping of litter is antisocial behaviour.


A meeting to be arranged with the Chief Executive and Officers of the Cleansing Department to discuss the problem.


Councillors also agreed to meet in the Parish Centre on Saturday 28th February at 11.00 a.m to discuss ways that the Parish Council can encourage parishioners to be more aware.


04/037                 Village Signage


The clerk reported that Wakefield MDC Traffic Department had made contact, stating that the matter was receiving attention and a report would be forwarded shortly.


04/038                 Moorhouse Opencast Liaison Committee


Cllr Ripley reported that the extraction of all materials should be complete within four weeks.


04/039      Old Library Site


Cllr Bennett reported that the highways department are still negotiating with contactors over the completion of work at the site.


04/040                 Planning


1. Residential Development ‑ Hare Park View


The clerk reported that a New Developer had applied for permission to build 7 dwellings at Hare Park View. He had spoken with the planners who had informed him that there was no change to those plans already approved.


2. Other matters


All other applications received during the period were found to be acceptable.


04/041                 Financial Matters


The following accounts were submitted and approved for payment.


Ms Reid            53.20

              34.09 (Materials)

Mrs Hardwick           276.64­

J F Shillitoe              913.52

West Yorkshire Police       2,000.00

Yorkshire Electricity           194.98

Npower        39.20

Wakefield MDC            24.33 (Rainbows)

              143.13 (Scouts)

              125.00 (Extension of Hare Park Lease)

Yorkshire Water           20.00 (Centre)

              64.01 (Allotments)

YRCC         25.00 (Subs)


04/042                 Correspondence


                 Wakefield MDC                 ‑ Minutes

                                  ‑ Area Panel Agenda, 19 February 2004.

                                  ‑ Horizons

                 YRCC            ‑ Village of the Year Competition

                                  ‑ Community Halls Conference

                 YLCA            ‑ White Rose Update.

                                  ‑ Rural Trends Survey

                                  ‑ Quality Parish Councils ‑ Questionnaire

04/043                 Parish Matters


                 1. Street Lights


It was reported that the safety switches fitted to the new lamp standards appear to be too sensitive, the lights going out following the slightest knock or kick.


Cllr Bennett undertook to furnish the clerk with AMECs help desk phone number.


2. Passenger Shelter ‑ Rectory Crescent/High Street


The clerk reported that Metro had written asking if the Parish Council had any objections to the existing brick shelter being replaced by a modem one.


It was agreed that councillors canvass residents living in the vicinity over this issue.


3. TRANSCO ‑ Springhill Avenue


Cllr Bennett reported that TRANSCO have commenced work on renewing the gas main in Springhill Ave, but unfortunately he has not been able to ascertain any details of the area covered and the duration of the works.


Cllr Bennett agreed that he would forward contact details of the TRANSCO area office to the clerk.


04/044                 Date of next Meeting


Tuesday 20 April 2004.


04/045                 Matters Discussed in Private


None discussed



Chairman                   16th March 2004